I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1439: Raw soil

Immortal Realm, what kind of place is that, why do Human Emperor Demon Emperor and Moon God want to go back?

Is that place really that good?

"Everything is my fault. If I die here, it would be a relief." The Moon God whispered softly, with a smile on his face.

She didn't want Jiang Chen to worry, and she didn't want others to see her inner suffering.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, and gently stroked Moon God's hair. After a few breaths, he slowly got up, his eyes were far ahead, his expression gradually became solemn, and he said, "The road is ahead, and there will be a way."

After all, Jiang Chen asked Liu Ming and others to take care of the Moon God, and then left the place by himself.

The ancestral world is very large, mountains and rivers are always there, and the sun, moon and stars are immortal.

Jiang Chen wandered in the ancestral realm, traveled all over the mountains and rivers, stepped across the waters, and slowly perfected his superior Taoism.

"My Dao is the Dao of the people of the world. All beings have it, and I have..." Jiang Chen whispered, feeling the Dao in his heart.

Time passed slowly, the years changed, and this flickering is a year passed...

This year, the three major worlds are very quiet and peaceful.

The original seat and the dark man have not appeared, and the human emperor and the demon emperor have not come out of the Yin Three Realms.

As for the Three Realms of Yang, it is even more prosperous.

With the "enthusiasm" of the nine great ancient spirits helping Xiao, the current strength of the Three Realms of Yang, there is a vague feeling of suppressing the Three Realms of Yin.

In the Three Realms of Yang, the world is singing the praises of the nine ancient spirits, and the heaven and the earth are willing to add strength, which makes the nine ancient spirits even more extraordinary!

However, for the nine ancient spirits, although the life of the Three Realms of Yang is comfortable, they still want to become immortals every time they ask their original minds.

It's just that they are worried that now the immortal world will destroy the three big worlds, for fear that someone will fly up and bring darkness into the immortal world.

Therefore, if they fly into immortals, can the immortal world accommodate them?

If they can't tolerate it, then they will soar up and they will undoubtedly die!

"I am waiting for the Three Realms of Yang to become immortal. If I can't become immortal, it's better to die!" one of the ancient spirits said in a deep voice, "Although the life is good now, but... if you don't visit the immortal world in this life, , I am not reconciled to death!"

"Cultivation is for becoming immortal, and now the road to becoming immortal is right in front of me, but I don't dare to ascend while waiting... It's really good luck."


The nine ancient spirits kept sighing, and looked up at the endless sky, as if they could see the mountains, rivers, sun and moon of the immortal world.

"After the final battle, as long as I am still alive, I will ascend! Even if I die in the fairy world, I will recognize it!"

"Yes! After the final war, if you live, you will ascend!"


In the end, the nine ancient spirits negotiated properly and began to retreat one after another.

Everyone knows that as long as there is the original seat, the dark man, and the two emperors of human and evil, there will be a decisive battle in these three big worlds.

This battle is about the survival of the three major worlds!

The nine ancient spirits are very strong, but they dare not care about it. Now they are in retreat and want to break through again!

"By the way... have you been to the fairy world?"

At this moment, in the ancestral realm, the lantern bearer and the invincible were sitting together, looking at the sun, the moon, the mountains and the river.

The lantern-bearer asked curiously, he always felt that the invincible was not easy!

"Went, and then I came back." Invincible smiled: "That's not a good place."

"Sure enough... With your strength, it is enough to break through the heavenly gate and fly into a fairy... I said you can't have been to the immortal world." The lantern-bearer frowned, and then asked: "Is the immortal world really so bad? ?"

"It's all the same, the world is not beautiful." Invincible said: "It's just that I think, in comparison, I still like it here."

"It's the same everywhere I go." The lantern-bearer said, "Of course, if he returns and wants to fly to the fairy world, I can go with him."

"You originated from the ancient world, and darkness broke out in the ancient world at first, and the immortal world can't tolerate you." Invincible said: "If you go, you will die."

The lantern-bearer heard the words, but laughed without saying a word.

Can't the immortal world tolerate him?


However, if he really gets to that point, even if the road is broken, he will have to take a trip!

Nothing else, just for the man!

"Hey, kid! Discuss something with you."

At the same time, in a jungle of Ancestral Realm, the original seat suddenly appeared and found Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's expression changed drastically, his body strength exploded, he was already ready to fight.

"Why are you panicking? If I really want to make a move, I will come here alone?" Hara said in an annoyed manner.

"What are we discussing? What can we discuss?" Jiang Chen said with a cold face, and there was really nothing to say with Harazu.

However, the next sentence of Harazu made Jiang Chen's heart beat violently!

"I can help you solve the power of darkness in the Moon God, but... the premise is that you have to do me a favor and help me find the Bianhua Clan." Hara said.

"What!? You have a way?" Jiang Chen stared, naturally not believing it.

"As long as I swallow the Moon God's cultivation base, the power of darkness in her body will naturally be gone, but if that happens, the Moon God will be reduced to a mortal." Hara said, "But for her, This is a good thing, after all, she is still sober now and wants to return to the light."

"You... don't play tricks!" Jiang Chen stared at the original seat.

He was worried that if he swallowed the Moon God cultivation base while in the original seat, Jiang Chen would not want to see the consequences!

"Don't worry." Hara said, "Then let's talk about the Higan Flower Clan now, I want to find them!"

"Why?" Jiang Chen asked.

The Bianhua family has disappeared for a long time, and since they first took refuge in the Three Realms of Yang, this family has disappeared.

Perhaps they were hiding in the Three Realms of Yang, or... they were still in the ancestral land of the Flower Clan on the other side.

"Do you really don't know?" Harazu was taken aback for a moment, and said, "The other side flower family is immortal. What do you think is this? Is it really because of their body? Or is it because of their ancestral land?"

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Yuan Zuo shook his head and said, "No, no, no, it's not right. The reason why the Bianhua clan is immortal is because there is a grain of soil in their ancestral land."

"Earth? Just one grain?" Jiang Chen looked dumbfounded. What's the use of this grain of soil?

Is it possible that just such a grain of soil can make the otheran flower family immortal?

"The coffin that Moon God found at the beginning was buried under the soil." Yuan Zuo said with deep meaning: "The soil was scattered all over the world, but most of it was wiped out by the fairy world, but there was one more. The grain of soil stayed, nowhere to go..."

"Do you think... that piece of soil, is it the same grain of soil in the Bianhua clan? If it is... then the Bianhua clan is naturally eroded by darkness, and I... naturally want them! Find them! That piece of original soil!"I have nine female apprentices, the latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot. com/book/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot. com/read/123519/I have nine female apprentices txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /down/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read on mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/ read/123519/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (the first One thousand four hundred and thirty-nine chapters of the original soil) reading records, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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