I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1480: You are my sister

The Tianji Pavilion list is the most authoritative list recognized by the fairy world!

Tianji Pavilion is also famous for this!

After so many years, there has never been a problem with the list, after all, this is related to the face of Tianji Pavilion!

As for the list, the fairy king in white is also very important, and the rankings in the week are all arranged by the fairy king in white himself.

Now, when Jiang Chen spoke, Bai Xiaolan knelt down completely.

"How do you recite the mistake of you..." Bai Xiaolan almost fainted, but when he thought of using his gender as a guarantee before, the whole person was not good.

If you speak out, there is no reason to take back the splashed water!

Coupled with Miss Bai's character, she is not a person who is not trustworthy!

But Bai Xiaolan didn't dare to memorize such a big matter!

"Give me the key to the famous building, and then give me the ranking silk book my father gave you, and I will help you to change it back!" Bai Xiaolan sighed, "Now, it can only be done like this."

"Then thank you Sister San!" Jiang Chen was very excited and thanked Bai Xiaolan very much.

Bai Xiaolan rolled his eyes, knowing that Jiang Chen had made such a big mistake, she wouldn't remember it if she killed him!

After that, Bai Xiaolan hurried away with the key and the ranking silk book, and hurried to change the ranking.

Jiang Chen took a sigh of relief, as long as the ranking is changed back, then everything is easy to say.

However, after a stick of incense, Bai Xiaolan came back...

I saw that her head was covered with sweat, and her clothes were soaked in sweat!

After entering Jiang Chen's room, he threw the key and silk book to Jiang Chen, and sat down on the ground, yelling: "Too tired! Is this human work!"

"Sister San has worked hard, I'll make you tea..." Jiang Chen was happy, thinking that the matter was finally settled.

However, he didn't see Bai Xiaolan's weird look...

"Little Junior Brother, Third Senior Sister, it's definitely no problem! What's more, with the third Senior Sister's realm and mental power, if you modify the list, it is not easy to catch, you can rest assured." Bai Xiaolan said seriously, and did not forget it. Jiang Chen showed off his cultivation in front of this real fairy.

Jiang Chen laughed, and he was very happy. The secret road really met a good person!

"You practice first, I'm a little tired, and go back to rest." Bai Xiaolan sat here for a while and then left.

Jiang Chen didn't think much, and continued to practice.

It wasn't until two days later that the White Immortal King came to the door and sent another silk book, saying: "Recently, there have been many outstanding people in the Northern Territory, and the ranking of the character list is constantly changing. Please update it now.

"Okay." Jiang Chen didn't refuse, thinking in his heart that after two updates, his mental power had also improved a lot.

Now that the ranking of the herringbone list is updated in a small area, isn't that enough?

In this way, Jiang Chen stepped into the famous building with infinite confidence.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen updated the ranking on the herringbone list according to the ranking on the silk book. Although he was very tired, he did not make a mistake this time, and he persisted anyway.

However, just as Jiang Chen turned around and was about to leave, from the corner of his eye, he saw the name of the local ranking list...

Jiang Chen had been here before, so he was somewhat impressed by the names on the local ranking list.

At this moment, Jiang Chen turned around, and after a closer look, the whole person was dumbfounded.

Apart from other names, the names of those few people familiar with Jiang Chen have all changed!

Especially the last few names... all disappeared...

"Let me take it? This... shouldn't it be done?" Jiang Chen remembered hard.

At the beginning, when updating the local word ranking list, only the last place was erased. As for the other rankings, they have not changed!

"Bai Xiaolan!"

After a few breaths, Jiang Chen realized that the key to this famous building was in his hand. Since he entered the Tianji Pavilion, only Bai Xiaolan had entered!

At this moment, Jiang Chen was a little dizzy, and his whole body was dangling unsteadily.

I thought that Bai Xiaolan could help him change the ranking back, but I never thought that this little girl was even more unreliable!

Just forget it, and brag about yourself in front of him.

This...too much!

"The earth-character ranking list is wrong...then what about this human-character ranking..."

At this moment, Jiang Chen's heart was very cold, and he hurriedly took out the silk book before, walked to the front of the character list, compared them one by one, and then his eyes went dark, and he almost didn't faint!

After Bai Xiaolan's change like this, the character list is even more wrong!

I was wrong in the top ten before, but now it's better, all wrong!

"My dear sister! You are not helping me, you are harming me!" Jiang Chen was crying, and it must have been a long time since the trouble was so big!

Once known by the White Immortal King, there is something he can bear!

"I have to find a way to slip away, and Jige can't stay here this day!" Jiang Chen made up his mind to slip away as soon as possible!

At the same time, the Northern Territory of the Immortal Realm was a complete sensation!

Someone watched their name disappear from the list, thinking that their strength was greatly reduced. They challenged those who ranked higher than him on the same day, and they all won...

Some people watched their ranking skyrocketing, and their confidence skyrocketed. They also challenged those who ranked higher than him before, but they were...being beaten up...

At this moment, anyone can guess that this is not a question of personal strength, but a problem with the list of Tianji Pavilion!

However, not many people in this world know where the Heavenly Secret Pavilion is, and even if they do, they won't ask.

After all, in the eyes of the world, the Tianji Pavilion is a sacred place, and most people cannot set foot there!

"Xuanjun Immortal King, look at this..."

At this moment, in an ancient but magnificent hall, a few immortals stood together, bowed their heads.

In front of them, Immortal King Xuan Jun stood proudly, but his brows were also frowned at the moment.

He didn't know that the pavilion owner of the Tianji Pavilion was one of the so-called three immortal kings, but he knew that the pavilion owner of the Tianji Pavilion was not easy to provoke...

"It's just a list of districts. I think it must be because Tianji Pavilion was negligent for a while. It will be fine after a while." Immortal King Xuanjun said: "Tianji Pavilion has been established for so many years, and it has never made a mistake. It is understandable that once in a while, it is understandable. of."

"Do you really need to ask? If the ranking is wrong, it will affect the fighting spirit and mood of young people. The kid in my family has fallen from the top ten because of his ranking. These few days have been unintentional cultivation, and all day is decadent. ......" One of the immortals smiled bitterly: "I also hope that Immortal King Xuanjun will ask."

"The fairy king, this matter is really nothing to us, but for the proud young generation, rankings are more important than their own lives... This list has not been corrected, so nonsense. Go down... I'm afraid it will really hurt the confidence of the younger generation."


Several immortals spoke one after another.

Immortal King Xuan Jun is in a dilemma. If he goes, he must be asking, but in the eyes of the other party, he is undoubtedly questioning!

Inquiry and questioning are two different things!

"It is rumored that Tianji Pavilion's main cultivation is Tongtian, maybe it is comparable to me, if I ask... once the fight..." Immortal King Xuan Jun can come to this point, his thinking is still very careful and cautious!

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