I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1482: I'm a little bit virtual

The fairy king in white is very calm, not angry or happy, making people unable to see what he is thinking.

Everyone followed behind, and then came to the compound of Tianji Pavilion.

The courtyard of Tianji Pavilion is really big. It contains mountains, rivers, and even pavilions. It is a square that is much larger than the average sect.

At this moment, a group of disciples from Tianji Pavilion are standing together, and a group of people from Immortal Mountain overseas are standing side by side, seeming to be vying for each other.

In the east of the square, in front of the largest building, the fairy king in white stood there quietly, without speaking.

"Pavilion Master, I am waiting for this time to come here, not just to learn and enlighten, but to discuss something."

After a few breaths, King Luo of the Asura Dojo couldn’t help it. His scarlet eyes opened and closed, and he bluntly said: “The overseas immortal treasure is about to open. I’ll wait for the order to come and talk to the Tianji Pavilion Dao. By the way, I hope the pavilion master will help us play it , The good or bad for this trip to overseas Xianzang."

"Overseas Xianzang is about to open?"

"Calculating the time, it's almost..."


Bai Xiaoyun and others murmured a few times, and naturally they knew something about overseas immortals.

Even, these people have been in before!

But there were no accidents. Although all the people who went in came out alive, they all got nothing!

Of course, from ancient times to the present, there is a person who has entered the overseas immortal Tibetan and gained something, and this person is the white fairy king!

Therefore, whenever the Overseas Immortal Treasure is opened, Overseas Immortal Mountain will come to ask the White Immortal King.

You know, in the eyes of the world, the strongest thing about the White Immortal King is not the combat power, but the magic of the great light!

"According to the rules." The fairy king in white whispered softly: "Tianji Pavilion never does anything for anyone. There must be rules for everything."

"The rules are naturally understood by me, so this time I came to discuss, I wanted to choose someone to enter the overseas immortal Tibetan with us." said Jian Zhe, a sluggish face, without a trace of expression.

Anyone who knows the sword idiot knows that this guy was a fool before he did it. Once he did it, it was a deadly and endless existence!

"Senior, according to the previous rules, we will choose the strongest one among the young people to accompany us into the overseas immortal Tibet." Sun Moon Sacred Saint You Meng also spoke one after another, but her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. : "It's just... Has Tianji Pavilion confiscated any new disciples recently?"

As soon as these words came out, a group of people in Tianji Pavilion couldn't help but roll their eyes. What You Meng said secretly, is it too shameless for the white-clothed fairy king?

He is a fairy king, how can he accept disciples in short intervals?

Besides, you You Meng didn't know us, and your eyes were not blind. Didn't you see that there is now a real fairy child?

This can be thought of with my mind, this is the new disciple!

Everyone knows that You Meng is not stupid. Since she said that, she was naturally ironicing that Tianji Pavilion's new disciple's cultivation base was too low and too weak!

"This is my closed disciple." The White Immortal King whispered softly, without any explanation.

However, just with this sentence, You Meng and others' views on Jiang Chen have been greatly changed!

A closed disciple of the Immortal King, this is undoubtedly the eye-catching!

If there is no excellent talent and aptitude, how can an immortal king be put away as the heir of the inheritance! ?

"This is the little girl's ignorance." You Meng whispered, looked at Jiang Chen a few more times, and asked: "Then who else is beside him this time?"

"Naturally it is this young lady!" Bai Xiaolan's tone is not good, she is the eldest, how can you allow You Meng to be arrogant here!

When the words fell, Bai Xiaolan stepped out and stood in front of You Meng, taunting: "As a saint of the Sun Moon Sacred Sect, you have just arrived at the Golden Fairy? Isn't it inappropriate?"

"The monk doesn't just look at the realm. Sometimes people with a low realm are not necessarily weak." You Meng said calmly.

As soon as he said this, Bai Xiaolan was also happy. He smiled and pointed to Jiang Chen next to him, and said, "The same is true for my junior brother. If his realm is low, it doesn't mean that he is weak. If you don't believe me, you can fight against my junior brother. Strike a trick."

"He..." You Mengxiu frowned, and she didn't want to fight Jiang Chen in her heart.

As a saint of the Sun Moon Sacred Sect, she cultivated as a golden immortal, with exceptional talent and strong combat power, and she is also known as the strongest arrogant of the Sun Moon Sacred Sect in nearly three thousand years!

With this kind of identity and fame, how could she be willing to fight against someone whose realm is lower than her?

There is nothing to show off if you win. If you lose, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing? !

Of course, You Meng doesn't think she will lose...

"Little Junior Brother, according to the rules, overseas immortals can only be entered by people from overseas immortal mountains. But my Tianji Pavilion also lives here, so I also have the opportunity to enter." Bai Xiaoyun explained: "But the condition for entry is to cooperate with overseas immortal mountains. The people in the country have a discussion to prove their strength."

Hearing the words, Jiang Chen blinked his eyes, took a step back, and said, "I am not strong enough, so I won't go."




At this moment, it was You Meng and others, even Bai Xiaoyun and others were dumbfounded.

Even the fairy king in white was stunned, but soon he was relieved.

After all, he knows Wancheng's character, and his son is the same. This is normal...

"This is not a trivial matter, don't be fooling around." The White Immortal King said: "Talk to them."

"Me? I can't! I definitely can't!"

"By the way, I made a mistake in my practice a few days ago, and I can't do it now!"

"Also, I have been a little weak recently, my hands and feet are weak..."


Jiang Chen said in a series of words, he said whatever reason he thought of, regardless of whether others believed it or not!

He is now thinking about leaving the Heavenly Secret Pavilion with all his heart, how can he spend it here!

"I have corrected the list." The White Immortal King suddenly uttered a word, which made Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaolan tremble in shock.

Immediately, Jiang Chen turned around stiffly, not daring to look directly at the fairy king in white, and asked weakly, "What then?"

"If you can enter the overseas immortal Tibet, I will not pursue this matter." A smile appeared on the corner of the white-clothed fairy king's mouth, and said: "If you can't enter...you think about the consequences."

"No... I just made a few mistakes, and the other three were made by Senior Sister!" Jiang Chen explained, but when he saw Bai Xiaolan who was laughing aside, he knew what was going on.

It's impossible for the White Immortal King to know about the list so quickly. Mostly Bai Xiaolan went to make a small report, and by the way, all the responsibility was placed on Jiang Chen!

Looking at Bai Xiaolan's expression at this moment, Jiang Chen was even more confident that this "innocent and innocent" little Nizi sold him!

"If I can't enter the overseas immortal Tibet, what kind of punishment will I be punished?" Jiang Chen asked, still holding a glimmer of hope in his heart.

If the punishment is not severe, the punishment is a big deal, and you won't go to that strange overseas immortal Tibet! I have nine female apprentices and the latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/123519.html I have nine female apprentices to read the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/I have nine female apprentices txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read on mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (1482 The chapter is a bit imaginary recently) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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