I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1488: The road to return

Home is always a word that is difficult to explain clearly.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers can be homes, a plant can be a home, and the whole world can be a home.

But some people don't care about the country, the world, only the square inch of the land.

That was the first beginning and the last belonging.

Falling leaves back to their roots, after all, can't escape this truth.

The village chief's line had left the ancestral land for unknown reasons, and all the people in his line had died, leaving him alone.

Nowadays, the cultivation base is not there, the clansmen are not born, half of his foot is in the loess, he just wants to return to the ancestral land.

"The village chief, you are going...I am afraid it will be a life of nine deaths." Jiang Chen persuaded, "Why be so persistent?"

"Do you have no home? Don't you want to go home?" the old village chief asked rhetorically.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen went silent, then shook his head and said: "Then I will take you home."

Next, Jiang Chen picked up the old village head again and walked towards his ancestral land.

Along the way, Jiang Chen learned the name of the old village chief, whose surname was Murong, and his name was Changtian.

And his family is the Murong family.

According to the old village chief, the Murong family is very strong in this world, and the overall strength can be ranked in the top three.

At the most glorious time, when the line of the old village chief was still there, the strength of the Murong family could peak to number one!

Jiang Chen also couldn't figure out why Murong's family wanted to kill the old village chief.

If all the people in the line of the old village chief were still alive, with so many titles of the fairy king, wouldn't the Murong family sit firmly on the throne in the overseas fairy burial?

"The power is just like that, it makes people unpredictable and obsessed." The old village chief sighed.

"The village chief, what is the situation in this world?" Jiang Chen curiously asked: "To the outside world, this place is a group of tombs, so it is called an overseas celestial burial."

"But in my eyes, this is not a tomb group, but a small world on its own."

Many people actually have this doubt about Jiang Chen.

However, no one can explain it clearly.

Even the old village chief shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

He only knew that if the people in the overseas immortal burial left here, they would not live long and would die sooner or later.

Therefore, the creatures in the overseas immortal burials, no matter how high their cultivation base, will not leave here.

After all, not many people in this world are not afraid of death.

"In the past, there was a person who walked out of the immortal burial overseas, then came back, and then went out again, without knowing his life or death." The old village chief said, "That person...maybe still alive."

"Oh? Does the village chief know his name?" Jiang Chen asked.

"That was a young man from the Bai clan, but now it has been hundreds of thousands of years, probably dead." The old village chief said.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen's expression changed, and suddenly he thought of the fairy king in white!

One of the three great immortal kings, although Jiang Chen does not know his name, he knows his surname is Bai!

In addition, there are rumors in the world that the White Immortal King is the only one who enters the overseas celestial burial and obtains the treasure to leave!

Thinking about it this way, it is hard to say that the person whom the old village chief said is the fairy king in white! ?

"If that's the case... Then there must be many secrets hidden in the White Immortal King!" Jiang Chen secretly said.

Walking all the way, three days later, Jiang Chen came to the edge of the plain with the old village head on his back.

There is a vast expanse ahead, and in the deepest part of the plain, you can vaguely see a group of buildings!

There is the ancestral land of the Murong clan!

"You put me down, I'll take the next road by myself." The old village chief said, his voice very weak.

He is really old. After he hasn't cultivated, the spirit in his body has been fading.

Now, he did not step into the loess with one foot, but hovered on the edge of the loess with both feet!

Jiang Chen couldn't bear to nourish the old village chief with his own essence and blood, and then said sternly: "The village chief, if you teach me the summoning runes, you can also be regarded as my master in name. I will continue to accompany you on the next road."

"You...are dangerous." The old village chief sighed, really didn't want Jiang Chen to accompany him.

However, the old village chief also understands his own situation, and now he is estimated to be unable to reach the ancestral land.

He wanted to see the home where he was born before he died.

That place that he will never forget in his life!

In this way, Jiang Chen continued to carry the old village head, and the two moved forward slowly.

It wasn't until a dozen miles away that a burly man appeared in front of him, blocking Jiang Chen's path.

"The patriarch has an order, read that you are old, and the past is long, and you are allowed to return to the ancestral land." This burly man's face is not very good, especially when he looks at the old village chief, the contempt and ridicule in his eyes I didn't hide it in the slightest.

However, when the old village chief heard this, the whole person became excited.

He didn't have the strength to walk off Jiang Chen's back, so he could only nod his head in thanks.

Jiang Chen looked a little bit sad in his heart, was dull, and carried the old village head on his back and was about to move on.

"Foreigners are not allowed to enter! Let him walk into the ancestral land by himself!" The burly man said solemnly, "How can you use the hands of others on the road to return! If you can't get to the ancestral land, then you will die in this wilderness!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen's face suddenly became cold!

After all, everyone can see the situation of the old village chief, and let him walk back to his ancestral land. It is estimated that he will die if he can't walk three miles away!

The Murong clan clearly didn't want the old village chief to return!

"Oh... after all, I don't want me to return." The old village chief also sighed, struggling to walk off Jiang Chen's back, panting, and said: "But I still want to give it a try. I hope the patriarch will not lie to me. "

"As long as you can walk back to the ancestral land, you can return to the ancestral land!" said the burly man.

But when this is said, everyone actually understands that the old village chief is going to confess to this wilderness and plain.

"I will not carry him, I will accompany her." Jiang Chen whispered: "If he is dead, I'm afraid no one will collect his body. I want to find a good place for him."

"It's up to you." The burly man doesn't mind, after all, as long as the old village chief does not return to the ancestral land, everything is easy to say.

Next, the old village chief leaned on a cane, and a ray of light appeared in his muddy eyes.

That is the last hope.

He staggered and walked slowly, Jiang Chen followed, but did not help.

He knew that this was the last hope in the heart of the old village chief, and also the last perseverance!

People are about to die, their actions are also strong!

Time passed slowly, and one day later, the old village chief couldn't walk anymore.

He sat down, sweating all over, blood spilling from his mouth and nose, and the lamp was already dry.

He turned his head and looked at the way he came, and couldn't help but smile and said, "One day, I haven't walked a mile..."

"The village chief, don't go back, I'll take you out of here, I can help you live!" Jiang Chen really couldn't bear it, looked at the burly man and asked: "If I take him away, will the Murong clan know how Block?"I have nine female apprentices, the latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/123519. htmlI have nine female apprentices to read the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/I have nine female apprentices txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read on mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1488: The Road to Return). Next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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