I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1491: Let me see

The sound was thunderous, and it was like the sound of an ancient war drum, shocking the sky!

In an instant, there was a violent wind, lightning and thunder, like the end of the world.

After a few breaths, a black-clothed man strode from the ancestral land, wherever he passed, the void cracked and the magic withered!

He didn't speak at first, and went straight to Murong Changtian not far away. After both sides looked at it for a few times, this person said, "You shouldn't come back!"

"My surname is Murong, and I was also born in my ancestral land. This place is my home, why can't I come back!?" Murong Changtian raised his eyebrows, killing intent in his eyes!

The person in front of him, named Murong Hao, was one of the ancestors of the Murong family.

And Murong Hao was one of the chief culprits of Murong Changtian's wreckage at the time!

"Your line is defeated. If you fail, you must accept it. At the beginning, I waited to keep you alive and let you enjoy your old age. It is already tolerant of you!" Murong Hao said coldly: "Now, you have to come back. Is this going to die here?!"

"Killing a member of my family and sealing my cultivation base is tolerant!? You know, sometimes it's harder to live than to die!"

"The nine immortal kings of my line, thousands of clansmen under my family, were all killed by you! This is also your tolerance!?"

"If this is tolerance, then after today, the Murong clan will be left alone! This is my tolerance to you!"

Murong Changtian stared at him, his body jumped with celestial power, and a scroll appeared behind him!

Above the scroll, there are densely packed summoning runes, and between the flashing runes, it seems that there are thousands of troops gathering!

Upon seeing this, Murong Hao's expression froze, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

He knows that Murong Changtian's unique skill is the summoning rune!

"You alone are not enough." Murong Hao said, "After all, this is the ancestral land of the Murong clan. There is not only one of me in the clan, but also five!"

"I'm waiting for the six titles of immortal kings to sit down, and you can do it alone!?"

Hearing this, Murong Changtian suddenly laughed wildly!

The six titles of immortal kings, this sub-information is indeed enough to shock the Quartet, and even the three immortal kings may have to surrender.

But here, in front of Murong Changtian, what about the six titled immortal kings! ?

Since today is here, it is absolutely certain!

"Today, the six of you apologize for yourself, I can spare your people! If not...how did you massacre my line in the first place, how I will pay back to you today!" Murong Changtian has no fear, the scroll behind it In, Elder Rune!


A roar sounded, the scroll was bright, the runes were lingering, and there were more gusts of wind roaring!

Behind Murong Changtian, there seemed to be an invisible door opened, and a series of terrifying celestial powers emerged from behind it!

"I thought I would never be here. I didn't expect... Patriarch, you will return."

At this moment, a bloodless teenager appeared suddenly!

There is a blood hole in the center of his eyebrows, and black blood is dripping out, and his body is even more lifeless, but the immortal power is very terrifying!

With his appearance, Murong Hao's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "Aren't you... dead?!"

"I am dead. I was besieged by you at the beginning and penetrated my soul...it is indeed dead." The young man laughed: "But you must not forget the true meaning of my clan's summoning rune!"

"This is his tombstone! I personally set it up for him! This is my third offspring! Do you still remember!?" Murong Changtian said coldly, "The original enmity must be reported by them personally!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen was also shocked. He couldn't believe that the summoning rune could summon the people who died in the first place, and still preserved his consciousness!

This is much stronger than the general summoning technique!

"Just the two of you?" Although Murong Hao was shocked, he still didn't have much fear.

Even if the young man summoned is very strong, so what! ?

In the ancestral land of the Murong clan, including him, there are a total of six titled immortal kings!

The six titles of immortal kings are in charge, who can turn against the sky! ?

"Murong Changtian, just try it out if you have any abilities! You will die today!" Murong Hao raised his eyebrows: "Even if you summon all the immortal kings who died in battle back then, it's useless!"

"After all, it is a dead person, and the strength is not as good as when he was alive. What's the use!?"

Hearing this, the summoned young man smiled contemptuously, and suddenly pointed out that a flash of cold light resembled the frost of the twelfth lunar month, and when the lightning was released, it hit Murong Hao!

Murong Hao's reaction was naturally quick, and he shot out with a punch, but the entire fist was shattered by the cold light!

Moreover, that cold glow continued unabated, and finally penetrated Murong Hao's chest, blood spurting out!

This injury is nothing for a titled Immortal King.

However, Murong Hao at this moment was terrified in his heart!

A dead man who was summoned had retained his peak combat power in his lifetime! ?

At this moment, Murong Hao realized that something was wrong!

"Come on!"

Murong Hao roared, and the ancestral land of the Murong clan suddenly burst into the sky!

In an instant, the other five titled immortal kings descended, standing side by side with Murong Hao, staring at Murong Changtian and the young man as if they were facing an enemy.

"Murong Changtian, things have passed for so long, so what if you come to avenge now? People of your clan are dead!" said one of the immortal kings: "Now, we are willing to accept you, you can be the Hui!"

"Now? Hahahaha... What a joke! When I was a mortal, you could let me Hui!? You would rather let me die on this barren plain than set foot on my ancestral land!"

"Now, you let me be a Hui nationality, are you afraid?"

Murong Changtian laughed wildly, and the rune on the scroll behind him rose again, and within a few breaths, another titled Immortal King was summoned!

Like the previous one, this person is also the title of the immortal king who died in battle, and he is also in the same line as Murong Changtian!

"Murong Changtian, don't go too far! I really thought I would be afraid of you when I waited for the six!"

"Although the summoning runes are extraordinary, they are all dead after all. How can the dead contend with the living!? Murong Changtian, I advise you to stop!"

Several other titled immortal kings opened their mouths one after another. Although there was fear, they would not show weakness!

"Don't worry, I will summon them out today, just let them come and see how I avenged them! To kill the six of you, why do I need help from others, I am enough!" Murong Changtian was very confident and said In the meantime, he summoned all the titles of the immortal kings of the same vein who died in the battle!

At this moment, behind Murong Changtian, the nine immortal kings stood tall!

But Murong Changtian waved his hand and said, "Take care of my little brother, as for these six people...Let me come!" I have the latest chapter address of nine female apprentices: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/ I have nine female apprentice txt download addresses: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/123519.htmlI have Nine female apprentices mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/For the convenience of reading next time, You can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1491 and see me), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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