I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1523: Astronomical

Jiang Chen is very messy, doesn't his father know his situation?

In case it was discovered by the three great immortals, this would be a big deal!

Even, will be killed on the spot!

At that time, even if there is Kunlun Fairy Mountain, Wancheng will not be able to hide it!

"Oh... this is indeed a friend of mine..." Jiang Chen said hurriedly. How dare to say anything else, he paid the money on the spot!

However, what Jiang Chen didn't expect was that after the Ganges banker took the money, he took out another IOU and said, "This... is also owed by that person."

"Huh?" Jiang Chen was stunned, and secretly said what his father did, why he owed so much! ?

However, for fear that Wancheng's matter would be exposed, Jiang Chen did not dare to say more, and paid the money again.

This little money is nothing to Jiang Chen.

After all, he made a fortune when he set up the stage of life and death, and when he left Kunlun Xianshan, he made another fortune.

Today, Jiang Chen's wealth is huge!

However, what Jiang Chen didn't expect again was that this guy took out another IOU and said embarrassingly: "Look at this..."

Jiang Chen was speechless immediately, his face turned dark, and asked: "How much does he owe? How many IOUs do you have, you can take them out all at once!"

Upon hearing this, the people at the Ganges Bank frowned and asked: "How...how are you mentally endurable?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen was stunned, and suddenly had a bad feeling!

"That's it... Your friend owes a lot of money in my Ganges Bank... I'm afraid you can't bear it..." the man said weakly, watching the fairy king beside Jiang Chen, and didn't dare to speak loudly.

However, repaying debts is justified, and he was also ordered to collect the money.

"Don't worry, how much money he owes, I will give it together today!" Jiang Chen said irritably, secretly saying that he is now a rich man, and he is still short of this amount of money?

But the next moment, when this person took out all the IOUs, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that he still underestimated his father!

"There are a total of 346 IOUs. If counted by immortal stones, the total is 1.7 billion, plus interest...2.3 billion..." said the person at the Ganges Bank.

At this moment, Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, his eyes went black, and he almost fainted!

2.3 billion! ?

This astronomical number of Nima!

Even if Jiang Chen had money, he couldn't spend so much!

"There is a saying that is well said, there is a debtor whoever asks you to borrow, you should ask whoever takes it!" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

What a joke! ?

I knew my father owed so much, Jiang Chen said nothing would help him!

After all, Jiang Chen can't afford it either!

Besides, Jiang Chen's current cultivation base is low, and he needs to practice multiple exercises at the same time. A lot of cultivation resources are needed, and a lot of money is needed!

He paid all the money to Wancheng to repay his debts, what would he do by himself! ?

"This... can you take a step to speak?" The people at Ganges Bank blinked, with deep meaning.

Jiang Chen shook his heart, nodded, and then went to the distance with this person.

"You may not know my Ganges Bank, but you can find out. My Ganges Bank not only has money, but also has an intelligence network... all over the fairy world." This person said.

"So what?" Jiang Chen asked, very puzzled.

Your Ganges Bank is powerful, so what?

Lao Tzu is still the master of Tianji Pavilion now!

"The person who owes money...We also know his identity, and we don't want to make public." The person whispered: "That's...your father Wancheng..."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen's heart was greatly moved, and he secretly said a terrible cry!

If this matter spreads out, let alone Wancheng, even Kunlun Fairy Mountain will suffer!

"Our Ganges Bank is a money business. As long as you can pay back the money, we won't say a word about your father... If otherwise... we have lost money, we will naturally have to retaliate... "The man said.

At this moment, Jiang Chen didn't even think about it. He immediately nodded and said: "Give me some time to prepare. I will send the money to the Ganges Bank at that time!"

"That's very good." The person said: "My name is Zhang Jiu. You can come to the Ganges Bank in the Northern Territory and just hug my name."

After all, Zhang Jiu didn't ask much, didn't say much, he didn't even need Jiang Chen to sign the contract, so he just left.

Jiang Chen walked back with a black face, glanced at Bai Xiaoyun, and asked, "Is Tianji Pavilion rich?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xiaoyun didn't mention how ugly it was!

"No money...it can be said to be penniless..." Bai Xiaoyun said: "The master wants to raise so many immortal kings, and the money in the Tianji Pavilion has been spent... Now it is all dependent on self-reliance..."


Jiang Chen was speechless right away. What can I do with this secretly, where can I get so much money? !

If the money is not paid back, the things of Wancheng will be exposed!

"Only..." Jiang Chen sighed and glanced at the person blocking the gate of Kunlun Xianshan, his face was cold, and angrily said: "Get it all! If you want money, let me die! Come and get it if you have the ability!"

When these words came out, the people around did not dare to say more, after all, there was an immortal king by Jiang Chen's side.

Moreover, this place is outside the Kunlun Fairy Mountain Gate. If Jiang Chen has an accident here, Kunlun Fairy Mountain can sit back and watch! ?

Immediately, everyone retreated with a look of grief and anger!

Jiang Chen led Bai Xiaoyun and others into Kunlun Fairy Mountain, and then went directly to the Ninth Mountain.

Xuan Yue appeared in front of Jiang Chen as soon as he arrived at the top of the Ninth Mountain, as if he had known that Jiang Chen was back.

"Do you dare to come back?" Xuan Yue said with a black face, "When you left, you ransacked Jiushan, but now you come back, are you afraid of being beaten to death?"

"I don't miss you anymore. Come and see you..." Jiang Chen said with a smile, then rubbed his hands and asked weakly, "Can you... borrow some money?"


Xuan Yue was dumbfounded, staring at Jiang Chen blankly, secretly saying that this guy still had the face to say it! ?

The looting of Kunlun Fairy Mountain hasn't happened yet, and now I want to borrow money again! ?

"You...is there a problem with your mind?" Xuan Yue said angrily.

"It's really urgent." Jiang Chen sighed, and after thinking about it for a while, said: "Forget it, I'd better go to the first mountain lord."

After all, he ignored Xuan Yue and hurried to the first mountain.

"Um...My father had an accident outside, and he owed a sum of money and needs to be paid back." Jiang Chen said straight after meeting.

What is the relationship between the First Mountain Lord and Wancheng! ?

That will naturally help Wancheng.

But when Jiang Chen said the number of the day, the first mountain owner was silent for a while, then pointed to the door of the first mountain, and said: "Go by yourself!"


Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, but still asked: "My father is your man, you really don't help him? If you don't help him, his affairs may be exposed!"

"Let him die outside." The first mountain lord said grimly: "I can't worry about it all day long!"

Immediately, the first mountain lord hit out with a palm, pushing Jiang Chen out of the first mountain.

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