I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1526: The Immortal Emperor's Letters

Bright identity? Can Jiang Chen be afraid of each other?

Although this is in the ancient city of doubt, many people are unwilling to reveal their identities, but for Jiang Chen at this moment, it doesn't matter to reveal their identity.

After all, he has made plans!

Besides, what about revealing your identity now? It’s a big deal. You can hide your identity before you go out. What a big deal!

"He is the young master of Wancheng Immortal Gate, Jiang Chen."

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyun spoke, and after a few coughs, he said the first sentence.

As soon as these words came out, a group of people were taken aback for a moment. They did not expect that the young man in front of them was actually the now "famous" Jiang Chen!

But what does this identity mean to them? !

The fairy gate of Wancheng has fallen, and even Wancheng has been suppressed in Kunlun Xianshan. A declining young master is really nothing!

"He is a disciple of the Ninth Mountain of Kunlun Immortal Mountain." Bai Xiaoyun continued.

"In this capacity? He is not qualified to stand here!"

"Get out of here! I thought it was a big deal, but I didn't expect a wild miscellaneous who lives by the thousand years and the covenant between the two realms!"

The young master of Xuan Si and Tianlang Mountain, Ku Yu, looked contemptuous, even if Jiang Chen was the successor of the Ninth Mountain, they were not afraid of anything!

"It seems...it's really true." Jiang Chen whispered, then glanced at Bai Xiaoyun, indicating that he could continue speaking.

Jiang Chen is now the pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion and the leader of Overseas Immortal Mountain. If he loses his face, Tianji Pavilion's face will naturally be lost!

Even the face of an overseas fairy mountain will be lost!

Bai Xiaoyun doesn't want to embarrass Tianji Pavilion!

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyun looked straight and revealed his true face, but did not say Jiang Chen’s identity. Instead, he first introduced himself: "I come from Tianji Pavilion. The former pavilion owner of Tianji Pavilion is my father. My name is Bai Xiaoyun. Cultivation is the realm of the true fairy king."

As soon as these words were said, the expressions of Xuan Si and Ku Yu of Tianlang Mountain changed, and they secretly said that Bai Xiaoyun's identity could stand here!

Even Bai Xiaoyun's identity is only above them, not below them!

"No! Bai Xiaoyun is with Jiang Chen... Could it be that..."


Many people thought quickly, and immediately reacted, and when they looked at the stall owner and Xuan Si and others at the same time, they were joking.

"He, Jiang Chen, is now the pavilion master of my Heavenly Secret Pavilion." Bai Xiaoyun paused and said, "Is this identity enough?"


"The pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion!? It's him!?"

"Jiang Chen!?"

At this moment, Mo said it was Xuan Si and the others, and even the people watching the excitement all around exclaimed!

Someone did guess that Jiang Chen is now related to the Tianji Pavilion, but they never thought that he turned out to be the pavilion owner of the Ji Pavilion today!

This is like a thunderstorm, and everyone's brains are dizzy!

Especially Xuan Si, with a blue face, knowing the relationship between the three great immortal kings and Jiang Chen!

Now, Jiang Chen has become the pavilion master of the Tianji Pavilion, so even the three great immortal kings will have a hard time dealing with Jiang Chen regardless of the thousand-year and two-realm covenant!

"Is these identities enough? If they are not enough...I have other identities." Jiang Chen looked at the stall owner jokingly, then at Xuan Si, raising his eyebrows and saying: "Xuan San is dead in my hands. As for you, Xuan Si Four... I don't mind sending you down to see him!"

"You can't do anything in Xiangu Suspect City!" Xuan Si panicked. He was not as strong as Xuan San. If Jiang Chen wanted to kill him, it would be easy!

"My Tianlang Mountain is located in the Eastern Region, but I don't know how capable the Tianji Pavilion is! I only know that everyone in the world knows the strength of my Tianlang Mountain!"

"You are arrogant, you think you have an identity, but my Young Master Tianlangshan doesn't believe it!"

At this moment, Kuyu had the confidence of not knowing where he came from, and even said this.

Moreover, he also told the stall owner that if Jiang Chen is here, then he will leave!

Only one person can stay here between him and Jiang Chen!

This makes the stall owner very embarrassed, hesitated for a while, not knowing what to say.

After all, although Tianji Pavilion is famous, it is too mysterious in the eyes of the world, and many people do not know the secrets of Tianji Pavilion.

But Tianlang Mountain is different!

Everyone in the world knows that Tianlang Mountain has a very strong foundation, and you can gain a foothold in the Eastern Region without relying on the three great immortal kings!

Even in the entire Eastern Region, if Tianlang Mountain speaks, the Eastern Region will be shaken!

"I don't dare to offend Tianlang Mountain, so let the two of them bite the dog." The stall owner secretly said, squinting his eyes, and said nothing.

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyun was irritated, and pointed to Jiang Chen, and said, "He still has another identity. I'm afraid it's not like you, Tianlang Mountain, the young master!"

"Oh? Let's just listen? I haven't seen the world before in Tianlang Mountain! Except for the three great immortal kings in this world, who else have I feared in Tianlang Mountain!?" Ku Yu raised his eyebrows.

"He... is the leader of the Immortal Mountain Overseas." Bai Xiaoyun whispered and didn't describe much. Just such a sentence made the surroundings silent!

Immortal mountains overseas rarely come to the inland, nor do they intervene in inland matters.

Few people in the world know the background of overseas fairy mountains, but they also know that overseas fairy mountains are very strong, and they are linked together!

Offending a mountain in the overseas fairy mountain is equivalent to offending the entire overseas fairy mountain.

However, the world has never heard of it, when did the overseas fairy mountain have a leader! ?

"Really?! The overseas fairy mountains are in the same spirit externally, but there are also internal disputes...I have never heard of a leader!"

"Overseas Fairy Mountain Alliance!?"

Some people whisper, and those who speak, their true identities are very high, otherwise they are not qualified to talk about it!

"Believe it or not, let you, if you don't believe it, you can go to the overseas fairy mountain to ask." Bai Xiaoyun said.

At this moment, Jiang Chen stepped out and came to the middle of the booth, smiling and asking: "Now, am I eligible to stand here?"

"Yes!" The stall owner wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, secretly saying that this time a big man has really come!

Although the cultivation base is not high, this identity is revealed, it is simply amazing!

"What about him? Is he qualified to stand here side by side with me?" Jiang Chen pointed to the ugly face, and jokingly said: "He also said before that only one person and I can stand here."

"You!" Ku Yu's expression was gloomy, but after thinking about it carefully, he also understood that he was indeed not qualified to challenge Jiang Chen with his identity as the Young Master!

And Ku Yu is also considered interesting, take a step back, and leave here.

However, Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "I am not interested in the things on the stall. If you want to see it, you can show it to you, and I will go."

After all, Jiang Chen smiled, stepped back and stood three meters away from the booth.

This makes everyone wonder, what the **** is Jiang Chen doing?

Revealed his identity, but did not look at the stall owner’s goods?

"Boy, this is what you said by yourself! You may not know what is on sale at this stall today! Don't regret it!" Ku Yu said coldly, before returning to the stall again, saying loudly: "Xiandi Letters, I’m left with it, I’m going to make it!"I have nine female apprentices, the latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/book/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/123519/I have nine female apprentices txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/ 123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read on mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (the first thousand five hundred and sixteenth chapter Emperor's Letters) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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