I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1530: Operation Tianlang Mountain

This group of black mist enchantment is the result of his more than ten years of research. At the time of Dacheng, his strength has also climbed to the cultivation base just a step away from the fairy king.

In the past six months, he has fought with many quasi-immortal kings. Once the enchantment is overwhelmed, don’t care what kind of quasi-immortal king is, regardless of what kind of immortality and technique, even the disciple of the real fairy king sitting down. They can only helpless and let him kill.

But now facing a mere fairy, he thinks that as long as the enchantment is displayed, this person will definitely die in his own hands, but what he cannot understand now is why even the quasi fairy king can trap the black mist knot Realm, but now a fairy king easily finds the flaw.

And all this is just what happened within three minutes.

"Very surprised?" Wan Cheng looked at the man in black who was caught in his hands.

"What kind of strength are you, why can the mere fairy be able to see through my barrier, and even find my hiding place in the black mist?!" The black-clothed man stared, even if he wanted to break his head. Can't figure out what is going on.

"Hey, you all know that I am the strength of Xianjun, so why bother to ask?" Wan Cheng squeezed his neck with one hand, touched his pocket with the other hand, and touched Wanli Yunpeng's real feather He said indifferently, "Today I will let you go, remember that if you meet me again, take out all the good things and don't force me to do it."

After saying this, Wan Cheng turned around and walked outside of Xiangu Suspicious City.

The black-clothed man who was paralyzed on the ground and was seriously injured, Xuan Si who had been beheaded not far away, many people attracted by the fight were shocked when they saw this scene.

The fight between the quasi-immortal king and the fairy king should be without suspense. Don’t be sure that there is still a lot of distance between the quasi-immortal king and the fairy king, but after all, the gap between the quasi-immortal king and the fairy king is like a chasm.

But now they saw with their own eyes that a quasi-immortal king was seriously injured by the fairy in a very short period of time. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it.

But what they didn't know was that there were two reasons why Wancheng was able to get rid of this person.

One thing is that although this person is a quasi-immortal king, his strength is very vain. It looks like he was built with a panacea and treasures of heaven and earth, and he is not as steady and steady as him.

The second is that Wancheng is very familiar with this secret technique.

Hold the fine needle to perceive the opponent's position in reverse.

This trick is really old-fashioned.

"This person can solve the man in black with the strength of the fairy monarch, which is enough to prove that he has good strength, but he must be physically exhausted now and can no longer use the immortal technique. Let's do it now. If we can kill him, immortal The Emperor's Letters and Wanli Yunpeng's True Feather are ours!"

Ku Yu was still hiding behind the slope. He was not as impulsive as Xuan Si, but when he watched Wan Cheng walk outside, he turned his head and whispered the command of his follower.

"Yes, young master!" All of them nodded in agreement.

"Action!" Ku Yu's eyes gradually turned red. If he could get the immortal emperor's handbook, he would be the future master of Langshan that day.

After drying up, many people in Xiangu Suspect City also chased it out.

They looked at the back of Wan Cheng leaving, and their hearts were restless.

Not to mention that real feather, although it is worth 800 million, it is not worth their life to risk, but the immortal emperor's handbook is invaluable.

If the fairy king gets it, he will be promoted to become the fairy king.

And if the immortal king gets it, you can try it against the immortal emperor.

No matter how bad, if you get the immortal emperor's code, you can go to find an immortal king. With the immortal emperor's code in your hand, you can definitely get the other party's attention and become a closed disciple of a certain immortal king.

So this handbook is almost a necessity for everyone.

Although they know that their respective strengths are very poor, they are not the opponent of that fairy monarch, but they have to follow up and have a look, what if there is a chance?

"Shall we go?" Bai Xiaoyun stretched out and asked.

"Let's go, follow them." Jiang Chen nodded, got up and followed behind the group of people, but kept his eyes on the old man who was about to disappear from the end of his sight.

With Father Xianjun's cultivation base, facing these people is indeed a bit difficult, Jiang Chen should have left here directly with Father, and Bai Xiaoyun came forward and snatched the Immortal Emperor Codex and True Feather in his hand.

I can think of being cheated by my father, and now he is still carrying a huge debt of 2.3 billion yuan in Ganges Bank. Jiang Chen is going to give him a punishment. Rescued.

"I said that this little fairy ancient city has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. That's fine for the fairy king and the quasi-immortal king. That day, Langshan's young master was obviously accompanied by several immortal kings. It might not be easy to get the immortal emperor's handbook. ."

Bai Xiaoyun put his hands in his pockets, followed Jiang Chen, and said as he walked.

"That's right."

"But the Xiandi Codex and Zhenyu can sell at least 3.3 billion yuan, so that the money owed by the Ganges Bank can be paid off." Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "If the big brother doesn't want to make a move, Please lend me 2.3 billion to repay the debt, and I will definitely repay it to you in the future."

"Farewell, I am such a poor person, let alone 2.3 billion, I can't even get 100 million!" Bai Xiaoyun waved his hand again and again.

2.3 billion, even if you sell him, it's not worth the price.

Wan Cheng's footsteps gradually accelerated. In the ancient city of doubt, he actually felt the existence of several immortal kings. If they were eyeing this, I am afraid that Xiao Ming will really explain here.

However, no matter how fast Wancheng is, how can the speed of the immortal kings of Tianlang Mountain be so fast.

The three of them were in front of Wancheng almost in the blink of an eye. Although they were not the real immortal kings, they were indeed quasi-immortal kings. With the combined strength of the three, even the true immortal kings could Go head-to-head.

"Tianlang Mountain?" Wan Cheng stopped, knowing that he couldn't escape under the siege of the three quasi-immortal kings. He simply stood still and didn't move.

"It's quite interesting. We are surprised that you can solve the quasi-immortal king with your cultivation base. Now hand in the immortal emperor's handwritten notes. I allow you to leave here with Zhenyu." The one standing in the front is The exhaustion of Tianlang Mountain, he pointed at Wan Cheng and said.

"I bought the Immortal Emperor's Letters with 2.3 billion Immortal Jade, and even if your Tianlang Mountain is strong, you have to give us the Ganges Bank a face, right?" Wan Cheng stared at him, ready to fight at any time. ready.

"Less the Ganges Bank to suppress people!" Exhausted shouted in a low voice. I have the latest chapter address of nine female apprentices: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/I have nine female apprentices txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read on mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 530 Tianlang Mountain Operation), and open the bookshelf next time You can see! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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