I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1541: Income

She did not help because of Jiang Chen, but because Wancheng made such a choice.

"Since the mountain lord has let go, after Jiang Chen's retreat is over, I will send the promissory note, but I still want to remind you that if the money is given out, it is very likely that the money will not be collected. ."

"Moreover, even if Jiang Chen pays the 300 million immortal jade, it will be a few years away."

Seeing that the Lord Yishan had already made a decision, the disciple still persuaded that he was a little worried, who made Jiang Chen so famous.

"Follow what I told you to do, I have my own discretion." Yishanzhu waved his hand, and after saying this, he closed his eyes and continued to practice.

The disciple stood in front of her for a while before leaving.

Two days passed.

The door of Bai Xiaoyun's secret room was suddenly opened.

"White Immortal King." Seeing him coming out of it, a few immortal kings from overseas immortal mountains hurried forward.

"Well, have you always been here?" Bai Xiaoyun held the Immortal Emperor's handbook and glanced at them. His eyes were sharper than before the retreat, and it seemed that he had benefited from the handbook.

"The leader asked us to watch here. We have been here. In the past two days, many people from Kunlun Fairy Mountain have come over to make fun, but we have kept them quiet and can't disturb you in retreat."

"White Immortal King, how did you come out in such a short time of cultivation?"

Several immortal kings surrounded Bai Xiaoyun and asked in a frantic manner.

"The time of retreat is not long or short." Bai Xiaoyun smiled faintly, and immediately raised the immortal emperor's handbook, "Do you know what it is?"


"Gong law?"

Everyone asked.

"This is the immortal emperor's handbook. I got it some time ago when I went to Immortal Suspicious City with your leader. It contains some notes left by a certain immortal emperor. This time I retreat, I am comprehending the mystery. "Looking at the puzzled eyes of this group of people, Bai Xiaoyun explained.

"What?! Immortal Emperor Codex?"

"The White Immortal King, the Immortal Emperor Codex is not an ordinary thing!"

When Bai Xiaoyun knew what it was, the eyes of these immortal kings became fierce, and they all knew what it meant.

The immortal emperor handbook is one of the opportunities for promotion to become the immortal emperor.

According to the legend, if you can understand the codex, you can get the method to advance to the immortal emperor. Throughout the ages, there have been cases of being promoted to the immortal emperor because of seeing the immortal emperor's codec.

This is infinitely attractive to them.

Almost everyone's eyes were fixed on what Bai Xiaoyun was holding in his hand.

But they knew that this handwriting only belonged to Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun, and if they showed what they wanted, they might become Jiang Chen's thorny eye.

"Do you want it?" Seeing their tangled look, Bai Xiaoyun stretched out his hand and shook in front of them.

"No, I don't want to."

"I'm afraid we are not qualified to watch." Several immortal kings all shook their heads.

"Just say what you are saying. Now Jiang Chen is the pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion and the leader of your Overseas Immortal Mountain Alliance. From a certain perspective, we are our own."

"I have already transcribed this letter. According to the results of my discussions with Jiang Chen, whether it is Tianji Pavilion or Overseas Immortal Mountain, as long as you follow Jiang Chen wholeheartedly, you will have the opportunity to read it. As for whether you can get it, it depends on you. Performance."

Bai Xiaoyun put away the immortal emperor's handbook and whispered to them.


"White Immortal King, are you serious?"

Several fairy kings never expected to hear such words.

To be able to see what the immortal emperor's handwriting represents represents the opportunity to touch the highest level, which to them is simply a pie falling from the sky.

"Haha, I'm the big brother of Tianji Pavilion and Jiang Chen's men. How could I lie to you." Bai Xiaoyun smiled and waved his hands. After you get acquainted, you will naturally send the Immortal Emperor Codex to you for review."

"After all, he is now the leader of the Overseas Fairy Mountain Alliance. To enhance your strength is to enhance his own strength."

"We understand!"

"Please also White Immortal King say a few more words for us in front of the lord!"

Several immortal kings all bowed their hands to Bai Xiaoyun, and they were all excited, thinking about getting the immortal emperor's handbook quickly so that they could understand the contents.

"Is there any situation on Jiang Chen?" Bai Xiaoyun glanced sideways at the secret room next to him.

"No, it's always been quiet, nothing has been reported." Several immortal kings all shook their heads together.

But when they finished speaking, the secret room where Jiang Chen was located was suddenly pushed open.

Jiang Chen walked out of it slowly.

"Are you upgrading your cultivation base?" Bai Xiaoyun asked a little surprised when he felt that Jiang Chen's body was a little stronger.

"Well, it's just a promotion from the first real immortal to the third real immortal. I sensed that you have already exited, so I withdrew." Jiang Chen nodded.

"By the way, I have already told them that if they behave well, give them the rubbings of the Immortal Emperor's Codex for review, is there no problem?" Bai Xiaoyun handed the Codex to Jiang Chen and said.

Jiang Chen didn't change his expression.

As early as in the secret room, he had already heard the conversation outside.

Seeing all these immortal kings staring at him with fiery eyes, Jiang Chen pretended to hesitate for a while before nodding.

Seeing Jiang Chen nodding his head, these immortal kings completely let go of their hearts.

"Pavilion Master, rest assured, we will definitely be loyal to you in the future!" Several immortal kings fell to the ground on one knee and said with a fist to Jiang Chen.

"It doesn't need to be this way, we are together, the overseas fairy mountain not only needs me, but also everyone." Jiang Chen hurriedly helped them up.

This scene was also seen by those disciples not far away.

When these Kunlun Immortal Mountain disciples saw an immortal king kneeling to Jiang Chen, they all opened their mouths wide, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

When Jiang Chen left before, he almost deceived all the treasures of Kunlun Xianshan, and everyone shouted and beaten like a mouse crossing the street.

But how long has it been since this kid came back again, there were so many fairy kings around him, and even these fairy kings treated him respectfully, looking like they were little brothers.

"What's the matter, this kid deceived the fairy king too?"

"Who knows, Jiang Chen can fool us, maybe he can also fool these fairy kings."

"I can't see it, the immortal king is not a fool. It must be the chance Jiang Chen got after leaving Kunlun Immortal Mountain that made these immortal kings respect him so much!"

Many disciples of Kunlun Xianshan are talking about it, but for them, this is not a good thing.

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