I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1543: Will shoot

Handing in the immortal emperor's handwritten notes, Jiang Chen stood there and waited.

"Sure enough, the immortal emperor stayed."

The owner of the first mountain hastily flipped through a few pages and then returned it to Jiang Chen.

"Yi Shanzhu, are you not interested in it?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised. He originally thought that the first mountain lord would look at it for two days after he got it, but he didn't expect to return it to himself so soon.

"I'm interested, but I don't have so much time to study. The affairs of the first mountain alone are enough for me." The first mountain master shook his head and said.

"I asked the master to transcribe a rubbing copy. If you want, you can excerpt a copy." Thinking that the first mountain lord had just taken out 300 million immortal jade to help himself, Jiang Chen continued, he didn't want to owe him. The favor of this woman, the old man was already sorry enough.

"Well, if you have time, write me a copy, and I will send someone to pick it up." The first mountain lord's eyes lit up a little.

"No problem." Bai Xiaoyun also agreed.

"Jiang Chen, I want to use your current cultivation base. This immortal emperor's code is not of much use to you. You must remember that you can't just publicize this thing casually. Everyone is innocent and guilty. The truth, you should understand?" Looking at the young man in front of him, the first mountain lord still couldn't help but warn.

"Of course I know, but the immortal emperor's handbook had been passed out as early as in Xiangu Suspicious City. Even if I wanted to keep it secret, I couldn't keep it." Jiang Chen smiled helplessly.

"Didn't you say that you want to sell this code. Before selling it, I think you should live in Kunlun Xianshan first, so that even if there are jealous people who want to fight for it, they don't dare to enter without permission."

"When the time comes for the news that you sell it, I don't think these people will do anything to you again."

The first mountain lord pondered for a while and told Jiang Chen what he had in his heart.

"I'm preparing to do this. I plan to sell it if it can penetrate the best within a month, and if it doesn't, I will sell it. Anyway, I have rubbings in my hand. This immortal emperor's code will remain in my hands and it will be of no use. "Jiang Chen nodded, and also said what was in his heart.

"Okay, since you have enough immortal jade, then I can rest assured, but if you see Wancheng again, please tell him well, don't let him be too arrogant outside, everything will be in your name Going to the pit and being kidnapped, the three immortal kings are not that easy to fool, if they show up, no one can save his life!"

The first mountain master leaned in front of Jiang Chen and exhorted in a low voice.

"Okay, goodbye senior." Jiang Chen arched his hands at her.

After a few more greetings, Jiang Chen and the other two left from the first mountain. On the way back, Bai Xiaoyun was a little curious to ask the first mountain lord what he said to Jiang Chen in the end.

Jiang Chen didn't say it clearly, just to persuade himself to pay attention to safety and the like.

Back at the Ninth Mountain, Jiang Chen and Xuanyue met before returning to the room to continue their retreat. Now that their strength has just increased to the True Immortal Triple Level, it still takes time to consolidate and allow the body and meridians to become accustomed to the enhanced cultivation.

Otherwise, if the foundation is unstable, even if it reaches the realm of the immortal king, it will be very vain, and the strength it exerts is far from the real immortal king.

In the blink of an eye, the whole night passed.

At the same time in Tianlang Mountain, Ku Wanjun also made a decision.

Ku Wanjun rushed to the room where Dryer had recuperated and was also the room where Sect Master Black Gate had appeared.

"Sect Master Black, today is the third day, I don't know if you are in our sect, I have already made a decision."

As soon as he entered the door, he immediately closed all doors and windows and sent out the disciples who were standing nearby. This was when he asked in a low voice.

"Sect Master Withered, the pill I gave you earlier is okay, right?" After a while, a cloud of black mist floated up in the same place, and Sect Master Black soon appeared from the black mist.

He sat on the chair. Although he couldn't see the expression, he could tell from his movements that he didn't seem to treat Ku Wanjun as a normal person, but was very arrogant.

"It's a real medicine. After taking it exhaustedly, it only took less than half an hour to recover all the injuries on his body." Ku Wanjun replied with a smile, not daring to neglect.

Although the person in front of you is a bit strange, doesn’t look like a decent person, or comes from a place like Outland, but there is no doubt that the other party’s background is definitely much stronger than him. Cooperating with this kind of sect, they are good. Langshan can earn a lot of benefits.

However, in Ku Wanjun's heart, he also faintly felt something wrong.

The idea of ​​just wanting to avenge the three immortal kings and his son in the sect had already swallowed his mind.

A few days ago, everyone in the sect was opposed, only he insisted on wanting to do it himself. Now that he finally had a helper, he would never let go of this opportunity.

"Since it has proved my sincerity, does Sect Master Withered want to cooperate with me?" Sect Master Black Gate laughed under the cover of the black mask.

"Of course, Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun defeated our reputation in the Eastern and Northern Territories of Tianlang Mountain, and wounded the three immortal kings in our sect. If this hatred is not reported, we will not be able to be in the East in the future. Domain has a foothold!"

Ku Wanjun clenched his fist and agreed directly.

"Hahaha, I did not misunderstand you. With your help, regardless of Tianji Pavilion or Overseas Immortal Mountain, I can't stop me from taking revenge on my apprentice. As for those who promised you in advance, I won't repudiate you. !" Seeing Ku Wanjun's promise, Sect Master Heimen laughed even more happily.

"Sect Master Black Gate, although we are currently cooperating, I still have a question to ask clearly." Ku Wanjun asked.

"Say." Sect Master Heimen shook his sleeve.

"I think with your Black Clan's strength, there should be no problem in tidying up the Heavenly Secret Pavilion and the Immortal Kings of Overseas Immortal Mountain, but the former pavilion master is the White Immortal King, he is Jiang Chen’s master. What should I do?"

In the past three days, he has been thinking about this issue. After all, the White Immortal King is one of the three immortal kings, and his strength is unfathomable, and he can do it by crushing them with his own power.

"You don't need to think about this. Do you think that the white fairy king will be against us because of Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun?" Heimen Sect Master seemed confident.

"I don't know." Ku Wanjun shook his head.

"Don't worry, as long as you obey my orders, the White-clothed Immortal King doesn't need to worry at all, I can guarantee that he won't make a move!" Black Gate Sect Master waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Well, I listen to you."

"Brother Black, then tell me, what should we do in the first step?"

Seeing that the other party was so confident, Ku Wanjun didn't continue to struggle, he was thinking about how to earn back the face of Tianlang Mountain.

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