I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1545: auction


Exhausted nodded, and immediately pointed to a few trusted disciples.

After receiving the order, several disciples immediately went down the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, another week passed.

Jiang Chen left the customs again, and he consolidated his cultivation base on the True Immortal Triple Level. Although he had not improved much, he was considered an improvement.

And Bai Xiaoyun, who was originally the cultivation base of the Immortal King, has penetrated some of the contents of the Immortal Emperor's handbook, making his cultivation a little more diligent.

"I just received a message from the Eastern Territory that several sects had united to find trouble in Tianlang Mountain, but after I went there, I found that the three fairy kings in Tianlang Mountain were not injured at all!" After that, Bai Xiaoyun found Jiang Chen.

"Not injured?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

When he was in Xiangu Suspect City, he saw Bai Xiaoyun doing it with his own eyes.

"Yeah, I am also a little surprised. All three of them were injured by me. Not to mention whether the cultivation level can be recovered, at least they have to stay in bed for about half a year, but now it has only been less than ten days. As if not affected at all." Bai Xiaoyun touched his hair.

"It may be that there is a panacea in Langshan Mountain." He was surprised, but Jiang Chen didn't go to study it carefully.

"Maybe." Bai Xiaoyun nodded.

"By the way, big brother, why are you paying attention to the situation of the Eastern Region?" Jiang Chen asked, looking at Zhenyu who was casually placed on the table by himself.

"There will be a relatively large-scale auction in the Eastern Region in a few days, so I paid special attention to it. I didn't expect to find out about this situation." Bai Xiaoyun said truthfully.

"Auction?" Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen suddenly became interested.

"Well, you have just become the pavilion master of our Heavenly Secret Pavilion, you have to find a way to get some funds, otherwise, I am afraid that the disciples in the sect will starve to death."

"Don't forget, there are so many fairy kings waiting for your support."

Bai Xiaoyun patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder, as if to hand over the heavy responsibility to him.


Jiang Chen slapped his forehead.

He didn't really want to be the pavilion master of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion at the beginning, but so many brothers insisted that he had no choice but to agree.

It now seems that instead of providing any convenience to himself, this pavilion master has also incurred a lot of responsibilities. Now, the burden of the entire sect is all weighed on him.

If the pavilion master himself does not work hard, the brothers in that pavilion will probably starve to death.

"So, it is necessary to participate in this auction. Not only can I sell the Immortal Emperor Codex and Zhenyu, but maybe I can also find some other treasures." Bai Xiaoyun said with fiery eyes.

Before going to Xiangu Suspect City, he never thought that there would be one billion immortal jade in the pavilion. If he encounters people like Tianlang Mountain again, let alone one billion, I'm afraid two billion, thirty. Billion can be easily obtained.

"Do you want to grab?" Hearing Bai Xiaoyun's words, Jiang Chen understood what he meant.

"Of course it depends on the situation. If you have a chance, you must do it. Don't look at the billions of celestial jade left after the Ganges Bank is paid off, but this one billion won't last long." Bai Xiaoyun embraced. Jiang Chen said on the shoulder.

"Big brother, you can figure it out." Jiang Chen felt helpless.

Who would let himself be the pavilion master of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion now? Without this level of identity, a billion celestial jade would be enough for a long time, but now he would have to bear the daily expenses of a large family.

"Okay, then go and see this Eastern Region auction." Bai Xiaoyun said directly without hesitation.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen agreed.

In the blink of an eye, another four days passed.

The day before the Eastern Region Auction, Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun left Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

This time, none of the Immortal Kings of Immortal Mountain overseas took them. After the two left, they rushed directly to the Eastern Region.

There is a long distance between the Northern Territory and the Eastern Territory.

Even at the speed of the two, when they arrived, it was already dark safely.

They randomly found an inn not far from the auction, and Jiang Chen and the other two went out to see the situation nearby.

"Where is the auction held?" Jiang Chen's knowledge of the Eastern Region auction was limited to what he heard from Bai Xiaoyun, and he didn't know anything else.

"I'm not very clear, it seems that it's not far ahead." Bai Xiaoyun turned around on the spot, then touched his head and said.

"Big brother, it seems that you are not very reliable." Jiang Chen was a little ashamed.

"I just heard the news, but since I'm here, I won't even find the auction anywhere, but if you plan to sell the immortal emperor's handwritten notes, you'd better meet tonight. Once the organizer, after all, the auction will begin tomorrow." Bai Xiaoyun smiled.

"Well, I'll go take a look." Jiang Chen nodded.

Now the Immortal Emperor's Codex had no use in his hand, and two rubbings were enough.

After separating from Bai Xiaoyun, Jiang Chen walked forward.

I can see that many people around me are in the same direction as me, and at the end of my line of sight, I can see a tall building.

Jiang Chen guessed that this is the place where the auction will be held.

After walking in.

Jiang Chen saw that this was a wooden pavilion. Entering through the gate, he could see the auction platform built in the middle. If he looked up, he could see that the whole pavilion was hollow. There are floors in the marginal area.

"It's not time for the auction to begin, let's go out." Before they could finish looking at the inside of the pavilion, someone stepped forward, and after looking at the strange face, they pushed Jiang Chen and prepared to push Jiang Chen out. .

"I'm here to sell things." Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

"Just you?" The man obviously looked down on people. He looked at Jiang Chen up and down. Seeing that Jiang Chen's clothes were not expensive, and there was no nameplate of the family sect on him, he couldn't help but sneered, "Little brother, here is The biggest auction in the Eastern Region, what can you have, please leave here!"

"That's how you treat the seller?" Jiang Chen was naturally a little unhappy when he entered the door, but seeing that there were a lot of people next to him, and adhering to the principle of not inviting trouble and not causing trouble, Jiang Chen did not directly Hands on.

"Hey, I said if your kid is mentally problematic. This is the biggest auction in the Eastern Region. I think you don’t have any good things like this. If you really want to sell, go out and buy a street stall and have a look. Is anyone interested in your stuff!" The man was also a little annoyed when he saw Jiang Chen refused to leave.

Many people around who were going to go in stopped to watch the excitement.

Those who can become sellers of this kind of auction are undoubtedly some powerful forces in the Eastern Territory, or the mighty ones hiding in one side. No matter how bad they are, it is also a small family and a small force that pulls out the housekeeping stuff.

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