I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1558: Take away

The letter is written in four big characters that are flowing and flowing.

Ganges Bank.

"You two, please wait outside. I will go in and pay the money and I will go back with you." Standing at the door and watching for a while, Jiang Chen took out a little money from his pocket and handed it to them, "Go and eat some." Have a drink, walk with me for a day, tired."

After watching them leave, Jiang Chen waved to Bai Xiaoyun and walked into the Ganges Bank together.

Inside the bank, there was a loud voice.

Many people were applying for loans. They took out housekeeping treasures to pawn, and some got promissory notes and left happily.

Standing at the door, Jiang Chen felt that his ears were going to be deafened.

"You two, do you want to take a loan or sell something?" After a while, someone from a rich bank focused on Jiang Chen. He squeezed from the crowd and asked with a smile.

"Come to pay back the money." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Oh? You look a little strange, it seems that this is the first time to our bank?" Looking at Jiang Chen, the person felt a little strange.

"You have someone named Zhang Jiu here, I want to see him." Jiang Chen didn't bother to talk to these people.

"No problem, wait a minute, guest officer, I'll call Zhang Jiu and let him come out to see you!" The man nodded repeatedly and immediately disappeared into the crowd.

After waiting a few minutes, Zhang Jiu came out.

"Let's go, I have enough money to block it." Jiang Chen directly took out the promissory note.

"Please inside, please inside!" Zhang Jiu's eyes widened when he heard this.

He can at least get a commission of five thousand celestial jade from the business of more than two billion yuan.

Don't look at it compared to the general ledger, but you must know that they work here, and they can earn two thousand immortal jade in a year of hard work. These five thousand are enough to be worth his three-year salary.

Following Zhang Jiu, passing through the crowd, arrived in a separate room.

This room looked a little rudimentary, but there were a lot of fresh fruits. Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaofei sat face to face.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to get the bill out!" Zhang Jiu went out again, poured two cups of tea and brought in, and hurriedly turned around, for fear that Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaofei would be snatched away by other friends.

After a while, Zhang Jiu struggling to enter with a wooden box.

"This is all the arrears. After I left you Kunlun Xianshan last time, he came to borrow money several times. Wait a while. I will add up the money and calculate it. As for the interest, I will charge you less. That's it." Zhang Jiu put the box on the table.

"Okay." Seeing the piles of IOUs inside, Jiang Chen suddenly felt his head big.

What he knew was that Wancheng had lent another 300 million celestial jade from the Ganges Bank to buy snow lotus at the Eastern Auction. Maybe he didn't even know it.

When he thought of this, Jiang Chen felt a little numb in his scalp.

Maybe even the more than 3 billion immortal jade in his hand is not enough to pay the debt to my father.

Sitting on the bench, Zhang Jiu kept taking out the IOUs inside, adding them together carefully with an abacus, while still mumbling.

"It's really your blessing to have such an old man..." Hearing the amount of fairy jade that Zhang Jiu said, even Bai Xiaoyun felt that he was about to faint.

"No way..." Jiang Chen helplessly spread his hands.

After half an hour, Zhang Jiu wiped the sweat off his head.

"Your father owed a total of 2.3 billion celestial jade last time, but in the past few days he borrowed 300 million and 600 million from our Ganges Bank twice. If the interest is added before and after, the total is 3.4 billion sen. jade."

"Look, how do you pay back the money."

Looking at the accumulated amount of the bill in his hand, Zhang Jiu was happy.

Where can I only earn five thousand? It is clear that ten thousand immortal jade is beckoning to him.

"Three hundred and four billion?!" Jiang Chen was a little surprised, even his mouth opened wide.

"Yeah, if you don't believe me, you can come and see." Zhang Jiu nodded and took all the bills to Jiang Chen. "You have read all the previous ones, and I will show you the latest ones. These names can It was signed by the same person."

"Take it away!" Jiang Chen felt his eyes start to bloom.

At the same time, I was also fortunate. Fortunately, I rejected the kindness of the elder Qianhezong and came out to pay the money in advance. Otherwise, after the affairs of the tomb of the immortal emperor are over, if I forget it, I am afraid that the old man will be from the Ganges Bank. Lend more money.

It didn't take long before all the wealth that I had saved was emptied.

"Then how do you pay it back in installments, or take out all of it?" Zhang Jiu looked at Jiang Chen with fiery eyes.

As long as he can get ten thousand celestial jade today, he will immediately go out and have fun.

"Let's give it together." Jiang Chen took a deep breath and took out all the promissory notes he earned from selling Zhenyu and the Immortal Emperor's handbook.

True feather one billion.

The immortal emperor's handwriting is 2.3 billion.

This adds up to a difference of 100 million!

"Big Brother?" Jiang Chen fixed his gaze on Bai Xiaoyun.

"Why, I don't have a penny!" Bai Xiaoyun was shivered by Jiang Chen's eyes, and hurriedly covered all his pockets and shook his head vigorously.

"I didn't give you 400 million promissory notes before, you can take them out first, I still have a 100 million shortfall here." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

This is still based on the fact that Qianhe Zong received the Immortal Emperor's Codex, and did not deduct the handling fee, nor did he deduct the immortal jade that gave Jiang Chen the principal at the beginning, otherwise, even if these two things were sold, it would not be enough Dad’s debt.

"Then when will you return it to me?" Bai Xiaoyun took out the promissory note somewhat reluctantly.

"I..." Jiang Chen's eyes went dark and almost fainted.

This promissory note is clearly placed with you temporarily, how to listen to the meaning of this, it is like the money borrowed by yourself.

"Okay, enough, you guys wait here for a while, I'll go through the formalities, and I'll be back in ten minutes!" With three promissory notes, Zhang Jiu happily said, and quickly ran outside.

"Your father is really pitted. The 3.4 billion immortal jade is given away if you say it. You don't know if you stay in the sect, how long it can provide us for the Tianji Pavilion to maintain and cultivate How many fairy kings have appeared." Bai Xiaoyun shook his head.

Even if it wasn't his money, Jiang Chen felt painful.

"No way, who made me have such an old man."

Jiang Chen didn't know how many times he had said this. In just a few days, he lent another 900 million celestial jade from the Ganges Bank.

He was cool outside, but in the end he let his own son act as a bully to pay off the debt.

"I think you might as well sever the father-son relationship with him directly. In order to pay him off the debt, we have offended so many forces, the black door, don't know what the details are." Bai Xiaoyun said casually.

Everyone, due to the recent explosions, it is indeed a little bit watery, and the development of the plot is indeed a bit procrastinated, just wait for the plot to pass tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! Thank you for your understanding.

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