"Okay, I will try my best." Ku Wanjun didn't expect the Black Gate Sect Master to say so.

He knows his cultivation very well. If he can still fight against ordinary immortal kings, he can face the great elders of Qianhezong. There is really no chance of winning.

It's just that Sect Master Heimen has spoken to this point. If he doesn't agree, doesn't it indirectly mean that joining them with Tianlang Mountain this time will not have any effect.

Ku Wanjun is still waiting for the money from the Sub-Tianji Pavilion!

"Also, go to the tomb of the immortal emperor tomorrow and bring all the three immortal kings in your sect." Sect Master Heimen continued.

"Which three?" Ku Wanjun was puzzled.

"The three people who were injured in Xiangu Suspect City, take them." Sect Master Black Door said.

"But they are only the cultivation base of the quasi-immortal king. There are still several true immortal kings in Tianlang Mountain. This time we are going to face the Qianhe Sect. I don't think exhausting them will have much effect." Ku Wan Jun Yi was taken aback and explained.

"Are you questioning my decision?" Sect Master Black Gate's voice suddenly rose a few degrees.

"No, no!" Ku Wanjun denied immediately.

"Let you take it with you. The three of them will naturally work. As for the other immortal kings in your sect, you can take it with you. If you don't want to take it, let them rest!" See Kuwan After Jun agreed, Sect Master Black's tone eased a little.

"I remembered." Ku Wanjun nodded.

"Tomorrow I will appear on the tomb of the Immortal Emperor, remember that you are not allowed to have any conflict with Jiang Chen without my order!" After saying this, Sect Master Heimen slowly disappeared as before.

The moment he left, Ku Wanjun frowned.

He really didn't understand that with exhausting the strength of the three, even though it could be seen, but facing Qianhezong, he could hardly help, why the Black Gate Sect Master insisted on letting them follow.

It's just that Ku Wanjun was puzzled, but he didn't dare to show it, for fear that he would be discovered by the Black Door Sect Master who appeared at any time and see through his mind.

In the evening, the Immortal King and Yishan Lord from Overseas Immortal Mountain arrived here.

After knowing the identities of these people, the elder Qianhezong immediately arranged a guest room for rest. If he had doubts about Jiang Chen's identity because he was too young before, then the elder now completely believes in Jiang Chen. identity of.

It seems that no one can make the immortal kings of the immortal mountain from abroad rush here and get rid of the leader of the immortal mountain.

"What's your kid preparing to make? Could it be that the Northern Territory can't tolerate you, and now I'm running to the Eastern Territory!" As soon as we met, the mountain lord grabbed Jiang Chen by the ear and questioned.


Jiang Chen grinned with pain.

"Let's talk about it, what's going on in the tomb of the immortal emperor, why are you mixing in again?" As there were no other people around, Yishanzhu did not show mercy.

"No, I just came to participate in the auction, and then learned the news, so I wanted to come and have a look." Jiang Chen hurriedly explained, this woman who even Wancheng is afraid of, he dare not provoke him, "I want to do this too. It is to contribute to our Kunlun Fairy Mountain. If we get any treasure, it will definitely improve our Kunlun Fairy Mountain's overall strength!"

"Come on!"

"You, a disciple who has been driven out by the Ninth Mountain a long time ago, don't want to hollow out our Kunlun Fairy Mountain in your mind. It is no longer easy. Do you still expect you to bring the baby back?"

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the first mountain master couldn't help but sneered.

"Hey, how can I have the idea of ​​hollowing out Kunlun Fairy Mountain?" Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled embarrassedly.

"Not yet, look at the Ninth Mountain by you. Don’t think I don’t know. On the day you come back, if it weren’t for the protection of the fairy king, the group of people on the Ninth Mountain will probably take your skin off. !" The first mountain master let go and said lightly.

"I got it by proper means!" Jiang Chen insisted.

"Come on, I'm not Xuanyue, I'm not interested in listening to your story about the Ninth Mountain."

"What the **** is going on in the tomb of the immortal emperor, as far as I know, this Qianhe Sect should be a relatively strong sect in the Eastern Region. You have them as a company, so why call all the immortal kings of the overseas immortal mountain? come."

"Could it be your kid who caused some trouble again, right?"

At this point, the first mountain lord Liu raised his eyebrows.

She discovered that Jiang Chen, like Wan Cheng, was a complete troublemaker. With a little carelessness, the two of them could poke a hole in the sky.

"No!" Jiang Chen didn't dare to say it, he could only wave his hand to deny it again and again.

"Then believe you for the time being." The first mountain lord changed the conversation and said, "But don't think it's okay. If I know you get into trouble this time, you will be honestly in Kunlun Fairy Mountain in the future. Stay, don't go around and cause me trouble!"

"Then you might as well catch my dad back. I'm causing trouble because of him." Jiang Chen muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?" The first mountain lord raised his voice.

"I didn't say anything." Jiang Chen didn't dare to repeat.

"Okay, go and rest. Tomorrow I will go with you to see that immortal emperor's tomb. If there is something good, I will bring it back to our Kunlun Fairy Mountain!" Seeing that the sky has completely darkened, the first mountain lord He waved his hand to Jiang Chen.

"Yeah." After Jiang Chen arched his hand to her, he hurriedly opened the door of the room and ran out.

"Huh, what a terrible woman." Standing at the door, Jiang Chen patted his chest and said with lingering fear, but as soon as he looked up, he saw the immortal kings of Immortal Mountain overseas standing at the door.

"What are you doing here?" After glancing at them, Jiang Chen quickly returned to normal and asked lightly.

"Leader, you are so anxious to call us over, we all thought something big happened, so we wanted to ask what happened." Several immortal kings said in unison.

"Nothing, just let you go to a place with me tomorrow." Jiang Chen replied.

"Then we can rest assured!" Several fairy kings were relieved.

"Go and rest, and act with me tomorrow morning." Jiang Chen threw a word to them, and walked back to his guest room.

The next day.

At the beginning of the day, many sects gathered around the tomb of the Immortal Emperor.

Most of these sects belonged to the Eastern Region, and of course there were other powers, but they stood farther away. The people in the sects were all vigilantly observing the surroundings, for fear that someone would drive them out.

"Qianhezong doesn't know when it will arrive. The tomb is right in front of us. I can't as well go in and take a look. If there is something good, we can get it first!"

"That's right, this is the tomb of the immortal emperor of our Eastern Region. They Qianhe Sect only discovered it. Now it seems that the immortal emperor belongs to their Qianhe Sect. If they are not allowed, we can't go in!"

When the tomb of the immortal emperor was right in front of them, some people couldn't help it.

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