I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1574: Tattered

And all of this money will be used for the expenses of the Tianji Pavilion.

Looking at these treasures, Bai Xiaoyun's mouth was about to smile, as if thinking about how happy the juniors and sisters would be when all the money was returned to the sect.

"Brother, if you bring these things with you, it might be a little inconvenient. We can't get the other treasures in the tomb of the emperor." Looking at these books, Jiang Chen couldn't help but said with his forehead.

The other Eastern sects came here to find the treasure left by the immortal emperor.

But how he looked at Bai Xiaoyun, he seemed to have come to buy goods, as if he had died in poverty in his previous life, if he hadn't stopped him, even the tattered table would have to be lifted away.

But thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

It seems that Bai Xiaoyun has already imagined in his mind the scene of selling this table.

"The wooden table used by the immortal emperor contains the wisdom left by the immortal emperor. If it is used for children, it is not a dream to be promoted to the immortal king in the future!"

"Hahaha!" Jiang Chen laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Bai Xiaoyun asked with his head tilted when Jiang Chen was so weird.

"It's nothing, I mean it's too inconvenient for us to bring these things. If we meet other better treasures, I'm afraid we can't compete with those sects in the Eastern Region." Jiang Chen waved his hand, he didn't dare to talk to Bai Xiaoyun. What was thinking in my mind.

"It's okay, those overseas fairy kings who were called by you outside, give them these things first and let them hold them. You are their leader. They can't steal the things, and it won't affect our subsequent actions. "Bai Xiaoyun laughed quietly.

"Good guy!"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but gave a thumbs up.

In front of Bai Xiaoyun, the immortal kings of the various sects of the dignified overseas fairy mountain turned out to be porters.

"Little Junior Brother, wait here for a while, and I will deliver the things and come back in a while." Bai Xiaoyun did what he said, hugged all the books in his arms, jumped and jumped to the top.


The door of the room was pushed open.

The few Tianlang Mountain Tianxian disciples standing outside all took two steps back, for fear that they would be spotted, but when they saw Bai Xiaoyun walking out from inside holding a pile of things, their eyes widened.

The dignified fairy king, how could it look like it was tattered.

No matter how you look at those things in your arms, they are all waste products!

This group of people just thought in their hearts, but didn't dare to speak out. They could only hide in the shadows. Ku Wanjun asked them to stare at Jiang Chen, but didn't let them take the initiative, not to mention that they weren't the opponent of the fairy king at all.

Bai Xiaoyun's speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he handed the things to the group of people in Xianshan Overseas. Without hesitation, he immediately returned from the outside.

As for the group of immortal kings, because of Jiang Chen's affection, each person could only hold a few books.

"Little Junior Brother, I'm back!" Bai Xiaoyun swept back in the same wind, but when he saw other books on the shelf, other thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind, "Little Junior Brother, I think those immortal kings are very powerful. , It’s better to move all these things out. Although they are not good things, they are packaged and sold. It is estimated that there will be about 100 million."

"..." Jiang Chen was a little helpless and didn't know what to say.

"I'm just talking about it. We have searched everything in this room. Let's go to other places. Maybe there is a basement in every room." Bai Xiaoyun won't be delayed for these things. Time, after all, in the tomb of the immortal emperor, I don't know how many treasures are waiting to be discovered by myself.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen winked at Bai Fengyu.

This mechanism technique is to be sold in the end, and the Nine Dragon Soul Array can be completely left by himself. Jiang Chen believes that with this formation, trapping the Immortal King shouldn't be a problem.

Outside the room.

Ku Wanjun also arrived here.

"What did you find?" Ku Wanjun asked quickly, looking at the few Tianxian disciples in front of him.

"Sect Master, the three Jiang Chen have never come out since they entered this room. The Immortal King beside him also moved a lot of things outside, and it looks like it's tattered." One of the disciples quickly saw All the circumstances are said.

"The fairy king? Removal?" Ku Wanjun was a little surprised.

"That's it." Several disciples nodded together.

"I see if you have a problem with your brain, dignified fairy king, come here to move the rags?" Ku Wanjun was furious, and directly hit the disciple's head with his hand, and whispered angrily, "Do you think of the fairy king as Do you treat it like a fool?"

"Sect Master, what should we do now?" The disciple clutched his head. Those moldy and dusty things were obviously tattered.

"Stay here, don't let Jiang Chen disappear from our eyes, as long as you can stare at him here, after returning to the sect, I will provide you with an opportunity to be promoted to the gods, but if you lose it, from then on Don't go back to the sect!" Ku Wanjun said lightly.


Several disciples were frightened and dared not say anything else.

Abandoning these words, Ku Wanjun left. Not only did he come here to attack Jiang Chen, but also to get some good things from the immortal emperor's tomb, so as to enhance the overall strength of Tianlang Mountain.

Now in the Eastern Region, apart from their Tianlang Mountain, Qianhe Zong should be the strongest. The overall strength of Qianhe Zong is stronger than them, and according to rumors, the great elders in the sect are not weaker than three. The cultivation base of the Great Immortal King.

This can be confirmed from the moment when the elder Qianhezong confronted with Xuan Jun.

Therefore, he is now eager to improve the strength of the sect, so that he will be more confident when fighting against Qianhezong in the future.

Just after Ku Wanjun left for a while, Jiang Chen and the three people came out of the room, and the disciples immediately stepped back and hid.

It's just that they think they are hiding well, but Jiang Chen can clearly perceive their location.

"Tsk, it seems that besides us, the situation of the other sects is not very good." Looking at the situation outside, Bai Xiaoyun couldn't help but sigh.

Half an hour before entering the room, only one family had a problem.

Now coming out, the entire tomb is in a mess, with triggering organs everywhere, hidden weapons shot out, and those in the sect lying on the ground.

"It seems that this mechanism technique still has some ability. It is estimated that at least it is Xianzun, so that he can leave safely from here." Looking at the situation in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

"After all, it is the trick of the emperor. If even this group of people can't stop it, wouldn't it be shameful. As for you, it is not easy to learn the five achievements." Bai Xiaoyun also said.

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