I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1580: Giant monkey


A horror sounded.

The figure that Bai Xiaoyun rushed out slammed into a behemoth, and instantly flew out, slammed to the top of the passage, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out of his mouth.

"Big brother!" Jiang Chen didn't care whether he was safe or dangerous, so he rushed out.

"Master, you have to be careful!" Bai Fengyu's speed is far not as fast as Jiang Chen. Before she could finish her words, Jiang Chen had already swept outside, and Bai Fengyu's bright eyes were full of worry.

"Little Junior Brother, be careful!" Bai Xiaoyun slammed to the ground and hurriedly stopped.

After rushing to the outside of the passage, Jiang Chen saw what had just severely injured Bai Xiaoyun.

It was a giant ape nearly three people tall.

The whole body is full of pitch black bristles, muscular, strong limbs, a pair of fists looks full of power, it seems that as long as a punch is thrown, it can directly be beaten into ruins.

At this time, the giant ape was staring at Jiang Chen, his eyes fierce.

"Master..." In the passage, Bai Fengyu subconsciously stopped. She looked at such a behemoth and covered her mouth, shocked that she couldn't even speak.

"Fengyu, you must hide inside and never come out." Jiang Chen frowned and ordered in a low voice.

"Yeah." Bai Fengyu knew that the outside situation was beyond his control. Going out now would not help much, but would drag Jiang Chen.

"Big brother, you can still..." Jiang Chen just wanted to care about Bai Xiaoyun.

But before he finished speaking, the giant ape immediately howled and rushed towards him.

"Little Junior Brother, be careful..." Bai Xiaoyun supported the ground with one hand, and unsuspectingly received a blow from the giant ape. He now feels that the whole person is almost gone, but fortunately he has the Holy Healing technique to slowly recover his injuries. , Otherwise there will be no chance to speak.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen couldn't say anything more.

The Great Ape's offensive was very fast and fierce. The fist that was bigger than a human being mixed with gusts of wind slammed towards Jiang Chen fiercely.

Jiang Chen's gaze was locked on his fist. When the giant ape showed its offensive style completely, Jiang Chen jumped up and stepped on the giant ape's arm with one foot. Almost instantly, his hand condensed He thrust the short knife full of dark energy into the eyes of the great ape.

As long as he blinds his eyes, it can reduce his strength by more than 50%.

Jiang Chen held the dagger tightly, and there appeared such a powerful giant ape here. If it weren't for the trap set by the immortal emperor deliberately, it would mean that there would definitely be good things, and this kind of beast protection was needed.

"Huh!" Another strong wind passed.

Jiang Chen's short knife was about to bayonet the giant ape's eyes, but the giant ape took the lead in reacting, and the other hand grabbed Jiang Chen at an extremely fast speed.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen had to withdraw to the offensive, urging the Xianli in his body to leave quickly.

As soon as his figure evacuated, the giant ape's other hand had already grasped the previous position, within a second.

Jiang Chen reacted a little more slowly, and he would be held in his hand directly.

Feeling the strength of the giant ape, Jiang Chen is enveloped in the power of immortality, ready to go head-to-head with it, don’t look at it for just one round, in terms of strength and response, at least it is equivalent to the immortal king’s Repair to.

"Don't use immortal power. This is a fairy-like ape in the immortal world. The books in the pavilion record that these fairy beasts can absorb the offensive of immortal power. Your immortal art has no effect on him. If you want to solve it, you can only rely on physical strength. !"

After feeling the celestial power fluctuations from Jiang Chen's body, Bai Xiaoyun hurriedly shouted loudly.

"This can't use immortal power, how can I beat this thing with my own physical skills!" Jiang Chen suddenly felt helpless, and with physical skills, he went to fight a fairy beast with the same strength as the immortal king. Not seeking a dead end.

"Then there is no way." Bai Xiaoyun regrets a bit, if he is not so impulsive, and will not be attacked by the giant ape, then he and Jiang Chen will have a chance to solve this thing together.

"Or let's go back." Jiang Chen has no confidence in defeating this thing, and even if he can win, he will pay a price. Rather than exploring this area where there is no treasure, he would rather go to other places in the tomb.


Seems to understand Jiang Chen's words.

Before the voice fell, the giant ape slammed into the passage with a punch.

Suddenly, the passage was smashed by him abruptly, and Bai Fengyu who was standing inside quickly ran out, and he picked up Bai Xiaoyun lying on the ground and hid in a safe place.

"Thank you." Bai Xiaoyun was startled in a cold sweat.

"..." Looking at the destroyed passage, Jiang Chen's expression was completely pulled down.

In this situation, it's impossible to get out. You can't get through the broken channel and leave in front of the giant ape.

The giant ape seemed to see through Jiang Chen's heart again, roaring loudly, and punching his chest hard with his fists.

"Shit, the tenth wise man will never die here." Looking at the arrogant great ape, Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Little Junior Brother first hold on for a while, I'll recover right away!" Bai Xiaoyun knew the pressure Jiang Chen was facing. He sat cross-legged on the ground, and the sacred healing technique was constantly treating the injuries. Fortunately, it was just a normal injury and did not hurt the meridians. And internal organs can be recovered in a short time.

"Then I'll drag it first." In the face of such a great ape who is equal to the fairy king, Jiang Chen can't really afford any confidence, not to mention this thing will not abide by the two-realm covenant and the thousand-year covenant. It's a fight to death.

But now there is no better way except to drag.

Looking at the provocative giant ape, Jiang Chen rushed directly at it, and the giant ape also reacted immediately. He lifted his foot and stomped it down. When the sole of his foot was about to step on his head, Jiang Chen stopped abruptly. , Holding the short knife in his hand, directly raised it, preparing to pierce the sole of his foot.

Even if you can't kill the great ape and hurt him, it's good.


Seeing that the dagger had pierced the hair, the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth had already split, but at once, instead of piercing it directly, it seemed as if it had been stuck on a stone.

The great ape howled and kicked forward.

"What is it?" Jiang Chen evaded quickly, and at the same time he whispered inwardly, "This special mother's great ape can't be injured by the immortal power, and can't even be pierced with a short knife. Can it be domesticated?"

After avoiding sideways, Jiang Chen did not give up, but continued to choose to do it.

Since the soles of the feet cannot be pierced, there are always weaknesses in the back, legs, and shoulders.

There is no way that the whole body will not be injured at all. If it is so, the name of the ape is invincible in the immortal world, how can it be imprisoned here.

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