"Only the first floor was touched. As soon as our people entered, they triggered the organs inside. Fortunately, they were prepared and all escaped, otherwise they would have the same results as those people." Sun Sheng's side , A person who looked like a confidant disciple, reported in a low voice.

"The things left by the immortal emperor are really beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"But the harder it is to enter and the more facilities there are, it proves that there are absolutely unusual treasures in it. If we get it, we will be the biggest winner this time." Sun Sheng looked at the treasure pavilion in front of him and clenched his fists.

Now he has fallen into a serious injury in order to get the contents inside. If the treasure is still taken away by other sects, then the injury he is currently suffering will be in vain.

But just when he was about to send another person to the Treasure Treasure Pavilion, he found that the sects of the Eastern Region were gradually approaching here.

"Elder Sun, what's going on? Yesterday we drove out our Eastern sect, but now a long time has passed and you haven't searched for treasure in the treasure pavilion. If you don't want to go in, you don't have to stay here. Now, where did you come from, where should you go back?" The Sect Master of the Eastern Region sect that was walking in the front saw that these sects that did not belong to the Eastern Region were still here, and suddenly sneered.

"What do you mean, after fighting against your Eastern Territory Qianhe Zongda elder yesterday, this place is no longer within the scope of your Eastern Territory, so quickly leave here!" Sun Sheng was a little annoyed.

"Could it be that you couldn't deal with the organs inside?" The Sect Master didn't look at the injured Sun Sheng at all. When he spoke, his eyes were already on the treasure chest.

"Can you deal with it, it has nothing to do with you!" Sun Sheng seemed to be stabbed in his nerves, his face instantly became a little horrible.

"How can it be okay? According to the usual experience, the immortal emperor's tomb will disappear after only a month or so. If you are incapable, don't waste time here. Leave the opportunity to us in the Eastern Region. If it's time for you If we didn’t get the treasures inside and blocked us, who would bear the loss?!"

The Sect Master still had a smile on his face, and the injured Sun Sheng was obviously not enough to provoke the beams of the Yin and Yang Sect, and he could no longer stand the treasure chest in front of him.

"We will bear it!"

The two fairy kings who had fought with the great elder before stood up.

"Okay, you come to bear it, then please go to the treasure chest to bring the treasure out. If you can take it out, we will never say a word, and I will guarantee that you will definitely be able to take it away, but If you can't bring it out, do you have to give up your position?!"

Suddenly, an old voice came out.

Everyone hurriedly looked. Among the sects of the Eastern Region, several guardians of Qianhe Zong supported the Great Elder to stand at the forefront.

"We go in, it's just a matter of time. Why do you let us in now? Let's go in now. Besides, Elder Su Qianda, you were already defeated yesterday, and now you come out to say these things. Isn't it a bit unreasonable? !"

Sun Sheng did not intend to just give up.

"I have stepped back once, do you really think that we can't do anything with you in the Eastern Region?!" The elder snorted coldly.

"If your sect of the Eastern Region really wants to go in, you can send your disciples to get the treasure. If you can get it, then we have nothing to say. If you can't get it, please follow the previous rules of the game and leave. !" Seeing the grand elder looking like he didn't want to spare them, Sun Sheng quickly appeared in his heart.

The small sects of last night were almost completely destroyed inside.

The sect disciples he immediately sent in were almost killed.

Just let the sect of the Eastern Region go in and die, so that not only can they block their mouths, but also take the opportunity to learn about the situation of other institutions in the treasure pavilion.

"You bring people in, remember to be careful. I don't know how many organs set up by the immortal emperor in the treasure chest. Once triggered, they are likely to be buried in it." The elder said to a guardian beside him.

In any case, he didn't solve the three immortal kings yesterday, so he had to agree to Sun Sheng's proposal.

"Understand, I will be very careful."

The protector nodded, stretched out his hand to say hello, and several disciples of Qianhezong followed suit.

The sects of the Eastern Territory and the sects of the Northern and Southern Territories are standing on both sides of the Treasure Pavilion. All eyes are on the guardian and the disciples he led. Compared with the great elder’s worry, Sun Sheng and others are A look of lively expression.

Yesterday, the Sect Master of the Little Sect who had just entered the Immortal King Realm was worthy of escaping from it. Then this Qianhe Sect had only the strength of the Immortal Guardian and those disciples, as long as they entered the Treasure Pavilion, it was definitely a dead end.

"do not let me down."

The Great Elder stared at them closely, clasped his hands together, and said.

"Can you control the mechanism so that they don't trigger?" Although Bai Xiaoyun was not from the Eastern Region, he was unwilling to see the shameless expressions of these people in the Northern Region, so he tilted his head and asked Xiang Jiang Chen in a low voice.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head.

On the surface, Bai Xiaoyun answered that way, but Jiang Chen didn't tell the truth.

He has been familiar with the tricks of organs, and controlling the organs in the Treasure Pavilion shouldn't be a problem.

But Jiang Chen also wanted to get the things in the Treasure Pavilion, not to mention that this was a battle between the Eastern Region and the Northern Region, and it had nothing to do with him. How good.

Under everyone's attention, the law protector led a dozen disciples into the treasure chest.

"Wait, they will all die in at most five minutes." Sun Sheng suddenly laughed disdainfully, and there was no sound of restraint. It could be said that it was for the elder.

Just as his voice fell, some noise suddenly came from the treasure chest.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly. He who didn't want to help, his hands hidden in his sleeves, according to the records of the mechanism art, secretly made a few marks.

"Tsk, it seems that my expectations are a little too high, but in a minute, it can't be supported!" Hearing these noises, Sun Sheng laughed.

On the Eastern Region side, all a dozen sects were sweating.

"Great Elder, Su Mo only has the strength of the Immortal Venerable. Yesterday, even the Immortal King was almost killed when he entered. This..." A slightly stronger guardian frowned and couldn't help but speak.

"Don't talk nonsense." Before he could finish speaking, the elder interrupted.

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