I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1611: Strange

The corpses everywhere made their hearts feel so cold.

But Jiang Chen and the three of them didn't care about this, and they walked directly over the corpse and started searching in the first floor. This move scared the people of these sects.

"What do you want to do, stop quickly, don’t know if there is a mechanism inside, you want to die, we don’t want to accompany you!" Zhang Lin pointed at Jiang Chen, he did not dare to speak loudly, for fear that the sound would touch the mechanism. Can yell in a low voice.

Especially the piles of corpses and the mechanism that had been triggered, made them fear to the climax.

"If you are afraid of death, go out."

Jiang Chen faintly responded to him, and continued to search inside.


Liu Jie also stood still not daring to move, and could only watch Jiang Chen looking back and forth on the wooden frames inside.

The three Jiang Chen didn't continue to talk to them. They had time to talk. It's better to see what treasures were inside. After all, the ones you brought out from here, you don't need to fight with other sects, you can directly receive them inside the storage ring.

It's just a pity that there is almost nothing useful on the wooden frame on the first floor.

"Why don't you go up and look, maybe there will be something good." Bai Xiaoyun stepped directly on the corpse, walked to the stairs, and poked his head up. Anyway, the internal mechanism was controlled by Jiang Chen, let alone walking. There is nothing wrong with just rolling in there.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded, and walked up the stairs with Bai Xiaoyun.

The three of them disappeared in front of them in the blink of an eye.

"What to do?" Liu Jie asked Zhang Lin, looking at the sect disciple standing behind him.

"What else can they do? They can move like this, and we can definitely do too!" Zhang Lim took a tentative step forward. After seeing that there was no trigger, he had some confidence in his heart, so he quickly stepped forward.

"Quick, take out everything here, we two sects are one and half!" Liu Jieshen exhaled and hurriedly greeted his disciple.

Go up the stairs.

Jiang Chen saw that the situation on the second floor was almost the same as below, with the round table in the middle and the wooden frames around.

It's just that the scroll inside is obviously better than the first layer, but it still can't get into my own eyes.

"Little Junior Brother, why don't you kill them directly, I think the things on the lower floor are worth a lot of money." Bai Xiaoyun said while looking at the scroll on the wooden frame.

There are basic and fairly good swordsmanship and fairy skills.

He directly took out the storage ring, and received it all in his head.

Although this thing is useless to the fairy king, the Tianji Pavilion still has the younger brothers and sisters. When the master was there before, the pavilion clinked poorly. Aside from the master’s tricks and fairy skills, there was no scroll at all. Comprehend.

These things have just filled some of the gaps in the Tianji Pavilion. If you recruit disciples in the future, there will be things to teach.

"Come in together. They are dead. Let's go out alive. Didn't it make the people outside doubt it." Jiang Chen shook his head. He had already figured out this situation when he entered the Treasure Pavilion.

Instead of working on them, it is better to take the opportunity to go to the top floor of the Treasure Pavilion and take out the contents.

Even if the people outside would evade the mechanism and enter the pavilion, no one would have thought that the best treasure in the treasure chest would fall into their own hands.

"Why are you still stunned, let's go!" Bai Xiaoyun waved his hand and rushed to the top of the stairs.

But when he rushed to the top of the stairs, he didn't follow it up, but hit the air wall.

"Big Brother?" Jiang Chen asked as he watched Bai Xiaoyun stop in place.

"There is an enchantment here, so I can’t break in." Bai Xiaoyun shook his head and stepped back two steps and said helplessly, "The six-story Treasure Pavilion has an enchantment on the third floor, and there are so many institutions in it. If you can’t control it, almost no one can get inside.”

"Enchantment?" Jiang Chen walked over quickly and reached out to touch the air.

As Bai Xiaoyun said, Jiang Chen touched the barrier and blocked him outside the stairs.

"In the technique of organs, it is not stated that there are enchantments in the treasure chest." Jiang Chen recalled carefully.

"That may be the immortal emperor's stay, and what conditions are met to qualify for entry, but it may also be set up to prevent someone from taking away their sect's treasures, but anyway, the topmost thing is definitely better than we thought. It’s even better, but I’m afraid it’s not that easy to get." Bai Xiaoyun rubbed his chin and analyzed.

"Yes." Jiang Chen was also disappointed.

"It seems that the mechanism in this treasure house is really strange. We came in without triggering!" After searching the first floor, Liu Jie and Zhang Lin took their disciples to the second floor, ready to continue.

But when they came up, they were dumbfounded.

There is indeed a wooden frame on this second floor, but there is nothing on it.

Liu Jiegang was ready to question, but after feeling the terrifying aura from Bai Xiaoyun's body, he closed his mouth quickly.

How dare they say what the fairy king took.

"Are you not afraid of organs?" Bai Xiaoyun asked with a light smile looking at them.

"Dang, of course not afraid!" Liu Jieqiang pretended to be calm and said.

"Let’s go, big brother, let’s go out." Jiang Chen didn’t bother with this enchantment. He had time to wait here, so he might as well go back to the light enchantment and ask the giant ape, maybe it will Know the situation here.

"Yeah." Bai Xiaoyun nodded.

Seeing the three of Jiang Chen leaving, Liu Jie and Zhang Lin looked at each other, and no one dared to continue walking up there.

They dared to follow Jiang Chen without triggering the mechanism, so the reason they were afraid that Jiang Chen would not be able to reach the third level was that the mechanism inside had already been activated. As long as they stepped onto it, it might be a dead end.


The door of Treasure Pavilion was pushed open.

Seeing Jiang Chen come out safe and sound, the heart of the elder instantly fell back into his stomach.

"How is it possible?!" Sun Sheng seemed to be a little disbelief. Why should the people of Eastern Region go in and it would be fine. All the people in his sect died instantly when they entered. Is it really like Su Qian said, this treasure pavilion? It’s okay if only people from the Eastern Region enter it?

But Jiang Chen made it clear that he was a member of the Immortal Mountain Overseas, and he was not a disciple of any sect in the Eastern Region.

"How about it, haven't you encountered any danger?" Taking a glance at Jiang Chen, the elder hurriedly asked.

"No, the mechanism inside was not triggered, luck is too good." Jiang Chen shook his head. He would not tell anyone else except Bai Xiaoyun and Bai Fengyu, two people who he completely trusted, about the mechanism.

"It's really weird, the secret of this treasure pavilion is a bit unpredictable." The elder stared at the treasure pavilion for a while.

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