I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1616: Twenty-two days

The moment the ball was torn apart by Jiang Chen's celestial power, the pure energy contained in it burst out instantly, and the resulting fluctuations not only impacted and injured Jiang Chen, but even spread out.

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyun, who was sitting outside the hall and resting, suddenly felt something was wrong.

In the enchantment, apart from Jiang Chen and the guardian beast giant ape who were cultivating, there were only him and Bai Fengyu, how could such a strong wave strike.

But soon, Bai Xiaoyun reacted and hurriedly ran towards the hall.

"Little Ape, Jiang Chen may have encountered a problem, where is he retreating?!" Just as he entered the hall, Bai Xiaoyun saw the giant ape with an anxious expression and was about to leave behind the hall, so he asked quickly.

"Under the passage, could it be said that he broke through?" The expression on Xiao Ape's face eased a little when he saw Bai Xiaoyun, but he still looked very nervous, "No, even if he breaks through, he will only reach the golden fairy. This volatility is at least Xianzun."

"Go and see what's going on first!" Knowing the specific location of Jiang Chen, Bai Xiaoyun ignored him and left and ran towards the other side.

At this time, the entrance of the channel has been shocked by the fluctuations.

"Leave it to me!" A thick voice came from behind.

The little ape just now has changed back to the form of a giant ape, he said to Bai Xiaoyun, and he went all the way to the entrance of the cave and began to clean up.

It could have been opened directly, but he was afraid that it would hurt Jiang Chen below.

About five minutes after the passage opened, Bai Xiaoyun immediately jumped in.

When he reached the bottom, he saw Jiang Chen sitting cross-legged in the corner, his brows were frowning, his clothes had burst open, and even his skin was slowly overflowing with blood from the pores.

"How could this be?" Bai Xiaoyun suddenly panicked.

"There is a very pure energy in his body that has not been digested. I don't know why, but his current body strength can't support it at all. If you don't think of a solution quickly, I'm afraid he will explode and die soon." The ape's figure shrank quickly, and after becoming a juvenile, he walked quickly to Jiang Chen and looked up and said.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and touched Jiang Chen.

After touching Jiang Chen's skin, he shrank back abruptly.

The temperature of Jiang Chen's body is now at the same level as the hottest ore.

"I'm coming!" Bai Xiaoyun moved the fairy power in his body, and was about to take out the pure power in Jiang Chen directly.

At this time, Jiang Chen is desperately controlling the situation in his body. Although he has previous experience, after all, his current cultivation is only true immortal triple. The pure power that is not controlled by the meridians in his body is already right. He caused a lot of damage.

Bai Xiaoyun walked up to Jiang Chen with worried eyes, and was about to reach out and press on his back to take out the energy, but at this critical moment, he suddenly closed his hand.

He suddenly realized that if he helped Jiang Chen at this time, then Jiang Chen's body originally condensed the immortal power to deal with the pure energy, it is very likely that he will lose his target, attack himself uncontrollably, and it is very likely to become confused Status.

"How is he, Master?" After a while, Bai Fengyu also ran down.

"It's not very good. He doesn't know what he swallowed. There is a very violent pure energy in his body. With his current cultivation base, there is no way to completely digest it. Forcibly it will cause damage to him, but if he doesn't take it, I am afraid it is. It's going to explode."

Bai Xiaoyun said helplessly, and at the same time a holy healing technique was thrown onto Jiang Chen's body.

"I have a way." The silent little ape suddenly said.

"Hurry up." Bai Xiaoyun asked anxiously.

"It is the treeman in the fairy forest who guards the barrier of wood. If you invite him here, you can save Jiang Chen's life, so that his body and cultivation level will not be damaged." The little ape looked at Jiang Chen with a look in his eyes. Said worriedly.

"The barrier of the wood, can you come here?" Bai Xiaoyun frowned, knowing that the barrier can only be entered with the light attribute celestial power in the body.

"That's for you." After the little monkey dropped this sentence, he ran quickly towards the passage.

After a while, the little ape hurried out of the passage, and behind him was an old man in a gray-green robe, but the skin of the old man was as dry as a tree, and there were ravines.

"This is the immortal tree man who guards the enchantment of the wood. Just like me, just call him the old tree." The little ape took him and walked to Jiang Chen.

"Elder Shu, please help my younger brother. He is now devouring a stream of pure energy. With his current strength, he can't digest it at all. We don't dare to act rashly, for fear that it will cause him to become confused." Bai Xiaoyun Said excitedly.

"Okay, leave it to me."

"But the old man can explain in advance that I can only protect his safety. As for whether he can digest it or not, then I can't manage it." The old man stood in front of Jiang Chen. After saying this, he stretched out his hand and pressed it. On the ground.

Immediately, the dry palms turned into gray-green tree stumps at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few seconds, they grew out of Jiang Chen. Several branches stalked upwards around Jiang Chen, quickly including Jiang Chen in it. .


With the words of the old tree, Bai Xiaoyun relaxed.

Under the protection of the old tree, Jiang Chen's breath became more stable from violent, and the pores on his body did not continue to overflow with blood.

Jiang Chen can naturally perceive the changes in the outside world, but he is now concentrating on digesting all the pure energy. With the protection of the old tree, the meridians that were on the edge of expansion have gradually calmed down.

With this opportunity, Jiang Chen urged the power of immortality, gradually transforming the pure energy in his body into his own power.

"The breath has stabilized." Feeling the fluctuation of the fairy power from Jiang Chen's body, the little ape walked up to Bai Xiaoyun and sat on one side, and said.

"I really don't know what this kid is doing." Bai Xiaoyun also patted his chest.

"I don't know. When he went to the enchantment, he said that he wanted to enlighten the light technique." The little monkey sighed and said. "Who would have thought that this kid would become like this after he came in. After he finished, he asked if he swallowed something that shouldn't be swallowed."

"With this pure energy, if he can absorb all of it, his cultivation will rise a big step." Bai Xiaoyun said lightly while looking at Jiang Chen who was wrapped in branches.

"Then see if his luck is good, although he is now sheltered by the old tree, but with his current strength, if he wants to completely absorb it, I am afraid it is not so simple. The tomb of the immortal emperor will be sealed in 22 days. , If you can’t fully absorb it within 22 days, you will have to wait here for five hundred years before you can go out.” The little monkey also looked at Jiang Chen.

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