I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1618: Ignite

Supporting Jiang Chen is not only the protection of the old tree, but also a belief in his heart.

"I just entered the immortal world and I didn't even see my mother's face. If you can't even digest this energy, then how do you face other difficulties in the immortal world?"

It was precisely because of this thought that Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and endured the pain and discomfort on his body, and gradually absorbed all the pure energy.

And his cultivation base has also been rapidly improved in a very short period of time.


In the originally quiet underground area, Bai Xiaoyun was sitting cross-legged to rest. When he felt Jiang Chen's cultivation level rise, he opened his eyes suddenly.

Even the little ape and Huo Fu outside walked in quickly.

"Completely digested?" Bai Fengyu opened a pair of bloodshot eyes and stared at Jiang Chen closely.

"It looks like it should be, but before he fully wakes up, I dare not say what the consequences are." Bai Xiaoyun walked to Jiang Chen and observed the situation.

Under the gaze of the four people, Jiang Chen slowly woke up inside the tree branch.

And at this moment, Jiang Chen's cultivation level rose sharply, and an invisible wave spread out.

"Good fellow, directly promoted from True Immortal Third to Tianxian Second!" Feeling Jiang Chen's momentum, Bai Xiaoyun couldn't help but speak.

"How does this kid's strength improve so quickly?" The little ape is also very curious.

"Think about how huge he absorbed the pure energy. At that time, I felt that it was a momentum fluctuation that was close to that of Xianzun. I didn't expect it to be only from the body of a kid who only had a true immortal triple cultivation base."

"But I am a little curious. With his strength, even with the protection of the old tree, how can he completely absorb such pure energy? Is there any secret in his body?" Huo Fu sat aside, constantly scanning Jiang Chen .

Under their gaze, Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes.

After squeezing a fist, feeling the energy in his body and meridians, Jiang Chen's mouth opened with a grin.

"Tianxian Duo, not bad."

When he opened his eyes, the branch slowly withdrew from him and disappeared into the ground.

"Senior, thank you for your help." Jiang Chen arched his hand at the old man who sat up from his side, and said in a deep voice.

"Xie can't talk about it, the old man is a little curious, how dare you swallow such a powerful energy with the triple cultivation base of the true immortal, if it weren't for me to protect your body and meridians, with your own strength, it would have been He exploded and died." The old tree looked at Jiang Chen, shook his head and said.

"In order to comprehend the art of dipping light." Jiang Chen did not shy away from it.

"Oh?" The old man was a little surprised.

"My cultivation base is too low to fully comprehend the translucent light technique." Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

"You are so risky, what if there is an accident?!" Bai Fengyu stepped forward and punched Jiang Chen in the chest.

"It's okay, I have a sense of measure in my heart." Seeing the bloodshot eyes in Bai Fengyu's eyes, Jiang Chen felt guilty.

"What about the light-attracting technique, have you learned it?" Seeing that Jiang Chen was fine, Bai Xiaoyun was relieved.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded his head heavily.

After two steps back, he squatted down suddenly and pressed his palms to the ground.

Under the action of the light-inducing technique, all the surrounding light energy quickly gathered here, and when Jiang Chen stood up, the light energy appeared on his palm.

His mind moved slightly, and a white and flawless long sword was held in his hand.

This long sword is one of the last three types of fairy techniques written by the Light Diversion Technique. Within more than 20 days, Jiang Chen not only absorbed all the pure energy, but also thoroughly understood the Diversion Technique.

When Jiang Chen sucked in all the light, the entire area instantly became extremely dark, and he couldn't even tell who was standing in front of him.

"Yes, you should be able to reach the third floor of the Treasure Pavilion now." When Jiang Chen stopped and the surrounding area regained some light, Xiao Ape gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up.

"I'm afraid it's a little dysfunctional." As soon as Jiang Chen wanted to speak, Bai Xiaoyun frowned slightly.

"Is the immortal emperor's tomb closed?" Jiang Chen was shocked, thinking that he had been practicing for too long, and Bai Xiaoyun and Bai Fengyu were all trapped inside with him.

"That's not enough. There are still three days before the immortal emperor's tomb is closed. It's just that the sects of the Eastern Region and the Southern and Northern Territories have completely torn their skins, and they even want to do it directly to drive all the sects of the Eastern Region out. "Bai Xiaoyun went out several times during Jiang Chen's retreat and knew the situation outside.

"They occupy the Treasure Treasure Pavilion and can't enter. Do they dare to completely tear their skin with the sect of the Eastern Region?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

"Yes, the sects here are not the top sects in the North and South Two Territories, and Qianhe Sect has already withdrawn. They don't have to worry about anything. They have already paid a lot of the lives of their disciples in order to enter the Treasure Pavilion. I heard that even the barrier of the third layer has not been broken, and this group of people is already angry." Bai Xiaoyun nodded and continued.

"Go, let's go out and have a look." Thinking that there were only three days left, Jiang Chen didn't plan to delay any more time.

It's just that he had just finished saying this, before his feet moved forward, he was pulled by his arms.

"What is the little brother going out in such a hurry? If you want to get the contents of the treasure chest, we can protect you from it." Huo Fu took Jiang Chen's arm and said softly.

Only when she did this, Bai Fengyu clenched his fists.

"Ahem, are you?" Jiang Chen coughed slightly when she saw such a coquettish woman.

"I am the guardian spirit beast of the fire enchantment, you just call me Huo Fu sister." Huo Fu covered his mouth and smiled softly.

"That Huo Fu sister, if you take me to the treasure pavilion, wouldn't it break the immortal emperor's rules." Jiang Chen was embarrassed, although this is indeed a good way, but if it is really done, wouldn't it be the difference between the north and the south? Domain, even the sect in the Eastern Region was offended again.

"It's okay, and I think you have mastered the technique of igniting light so easily. You should be able to easily learn my igniting technique, right?" Huo Fu pulled out a scented book from his chest and passed it. In front of Jiang Chen.

When she was smoking dong, Jiang Chen clearly saw the picture inside the clothes...

"Ahem, I entered the barrier of light, and now I take away the things in the barrier of fire, it seems not very good?" Jiang Chen's face instantly flushed, and he didn't know what to do.

"Here you are, just take it!" Huo Fu's pretty face was cold, and he directly pressed the fire technique to Jiang Chen's chest.

"Okay, I accept, I accept." Jiang Chen didn't dare to offend, so he nodded and agreed.

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