I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1629: disappear

Jiang Chen felt a little more relaxed after leaving the room.

In the Qianhezong hall, the Great Elder was sitting and drinking tea with Bai Xiaoyun and the others. When Jiang Chen came in, everyone stopped talking and looked at Jiang Chen together.

"Jiang Chen, come out with me." Seeing Jiang Chen, the first mountain master hurriedly came out of the hall, dragged Jiang Chen and walked aside.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen was startled, thinking that the elder had said something about him and wanted to trouble him.

"Your father has disappeared from Qianhezong." The first mountain lord's face was very bad.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

"I just searched all the guest rooms in the Zongmen, and the people in Qianhe Zong also searched. Just now a disciple came to report and said that your father left here yesterday." The first mountain lord held his forehead with a headache. Said, "Why don't you just take him back to Kunlun Xianshan, so I don't have to cause any trouble for you."

"Can you find him?" Jiang Chen laughed helplessly.

"No." The First Mountain Lord shook his head.

"That's not it. Dad wants to disappear. I am afraid that few people in the fairy world can find him." Jiang Chen supported the wall. He was not worried about Wan Cheng's safety. Without himself by his side, Dad could deal with any trouble. It's just that Jiang Chen was afraid that he would go to another bank to borrow money and hollowed out himself.

"By the way, Jiang Chen, I still have one very important thing to ask you. You must honestly tell me the truth." The first mountain lord's expression suddenly became serious.

"I'm sure to tell the truth." Seeing her expression, Jiang Chen didn't dare to slip his head.

"In it just now, I heard the elders of Qianhe Zongda and Bai Xiaoyun talk about some of the things that happened to you in the Eastern Region recently. It is not the first time that Sect Master Black has done something to you. Do you have any ideas? The way to lead him out, find the right opportunity to do it." The first mountain lord lowered his voice and said to Jiang Chen.

"It's difficult. This person is very strong. I'm afraid he is not under the three immortal kings, and his moves are extremely vicious and cunning." Jiang Chen shook his head, has three or four fights, and already has a general understanding of the Black Gate Sect Master. .

Unless you defeat him from the front, you won't have a good chance.

"Don't worry, I won't sit back and watch. We have many intelligence personnel scattered in the fairy world in Kunlun Xianshan. When I return, I will order the news to go to the outer domain to inquire about the news of this black gate, and in the northern region. I will also lay people in, if this person dares to show up to make trouble for you, Kunlun Xianshan will definitely kill him."

The First Mountain Lord looked at Jiang Chen and said with a complicated expression.

"Well, I'm already a disciple kicked out by Kunlun Xianshan, can you still help me?" Jiang Chen couldn't believe it.

"Why are you doubting me, the first mountain lord's right to speak?" First mountain lord Liu raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not, of course not." Jiang Chen quickly changed his words.

"Don't worry, since you are allowed to come back, then I assume that you are still a disciple in Xianshan, besides, there are real masters who have not made any moves. I think he will help me because of my face." The first mountain master said in a tone. Eased a bit.

In Jiang Chen's mind, Zhou Kunlun was excluded first.

This person would only help him unless someone violated the two-realm covenant and the thousand-year covenant. Although he didn't know why Sect Master Heimen still dared to do it to himself, Jiang Chen probably knew that Zhou Kunlun might have his reason.

"The tenth mountain lord?" After excluding him, Jiang Chen had only one candidate in his heart.

"Forget it, it's useless to say these things to you now. The tomb of the Immortal Emperor has been closed. Are you going to stay in the Eastern Region or go back to Kunlun Fairy Mountain with me?" Waved, swallowed all the words back into the stomach.

"I want to stay in the Eastern Region again, some things have not been resolved yet." Jiang Chen replied directly without thinking.

"Well, you continue to stay in the Eastern Region. I will return to the Northern Region later. I, the mountain lord, still cannot leave Kunlun Immortal Mountain for too long. Otherwise, things about the first mountain will probably be accumulated and waited for me to deal with. "The first mountain lord did not go to stop Jiang Chen.

"Those immortal kings from Immortal Mountain overseas, you can also take them home." Jiang Chen continued.

"They are not your subordinates, let them follow you, they can also protect you." The first mountain master said.

"They have to follow me cheeky. Now I have three immortal kings to protect me. I don't need them, and there are so many immortal kings behind my ass. Some things are not easy to deal with." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly. He can't wait to drive all these people back now.

"You kid, you don't know enough to have the protection of the fairy king. With them, I am afraid that you can walk sideways in 80% of the fairy world." The first mountain master patted Jiang Chen's head.

"Then where is the other 20%?" Jiang Chen felt a little strange and dodged subconsciously.

"I don't know either." The First Mountain Lord replied.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded. He vaguely felt that 20% of the place in the immortal world should be the unknown area that Bai Xiaoyun went to, and his mother might also be living in it, but One thing Jiang Chen understood was that with his current strength, let alone finding his mother, he might not even be able to enter an unknown area.

"Okay, I'll tell you so much. You must pay attention to your safety in the Eastern Region. If you remember, you will bring news back to Kunlun Xianshan." The first mountain lord did not continue to talk to Jiang Chen, but turned to the outside of the sect. Go. .

Jiang Chen returned to the hall after watching her leave.

In the main hall, the great elder was summing up the treasures obtained by Qianhezong and the casualties of his disciples in the tomb of the immortal emperor. When he saw Jiang Chen coming in, he temporarily let the little elder leave.

"Little friend Jiang Chen, I just talked to the White Immortal King. In addition to what we know, there are three sect masters in the Eastern Region who have disappeared." The great elder looked at Jiang Chen, from his expression. It can be seen that he is very concerned about this matter.

"Which three sects?" Jiang Chen glanced at Bai Xiaoyun, and even if he knew that he would not speak, Bai Xiaoyun shouldn't tell the situation inside the tomb, so he asked directly.

"The Ku Wanjun of Tianlang Mountain, Qiu Wanli of the Wan Beast Sect, and Zhou Yuansheng of the Qinglin Sect. I saw these three enter the tomb with my own eyes, but the disciples in the Zong Sect found out that none of these three Back to their respective sects, and even now these three sects have become a mess of porridge." The great elder touched his gray beard, seemingly wondering what this was because of.

"I know." Jiang Chen shrugged.

There is nothing that can't be said about these things, and the great elder even knows the Black Gate Sect Master.

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