"I'm going to kill Jiang Chen!"

Luo Quan suddenly understood, then got up and rushed outside.

He realized that if Jiang Chen didn't severely wound him, he wouldn't need to take that pill, and the man's function would not be lost.

"You stop for me!" Luo Fu suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Father, why are you..." Luo Quangang was about to question, but he turned his head and saw Jiang Chen walk in from outside, followed by several powerful masters.

He didn't even think about it, he thought it was when he was in a coma, his father went outside and asked the expert for help, and he directly robbed Jiang Chen back.

"Thank you father for helping!" Luo Quan arched his hands at Luo Fu.

"Help?" Luo Fu didn't understand.

"Jiang Chen, you have made me unable to be a man in the future, so let you taste this too today!" Without explanation, Luo Quan picked up the long sword on the side and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Luo Fu hurriedly turned his head and looked. It didn't matter what he saw. When he saw Jiang Chen standing on the opposite side, he sat on the ground, his eyes lost, and he didn't even know what to say.

Luo Quan carried the long sword in his hand and pierced straight towards Jiang Chen.

However, when he was about to pierce Jiang Chen's chest, he was suddenly hit by a huge elastic force, and his whole body instantly flew upside down, slammed into the wall ten meters away, and was forcibly embedded in it.

Seeing this, several disciples quickly stepped forward, and pulled him off the wall.

"Rofu, is this your attitude?"

Jiang Chen asked coldly.

"The young master, the child took a medicinal pill with side effects, which caused the loss of ability in that area, so his mood fluctuated a little, and I hope you don't mind!" Luo Fu knelt on the ground, arched his hands, and said tremblingly.

"So that's it." Jiang Chen laughed unabashedly.

The laughter sounded particularly harsh to Luo Quan, he couldn't take care of that much anymore, he directly mobilized all the fairy power in his body, prepared to fight for his life with his life, and fought directly with Jiang Chen.


Luo Fu got up and slapped it directly.

"Hallmaster Luo, solve it yourself."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and left with Bai Xiaoyun and others. He has no interest in Luo Quan right now. A man who has lost that ability is no different from a woman. Jiang Chen would not go to a woman.

The moment he turned around, a scream suddenly came from behind him.

Half an hour later, Luo Fu brought his newly injured son to Jiang Chen.

"kneel on the ground!"

Luo Fu kicked his son's thigh joint, causing him to kneel directly in front of Jiang Chen.

Luo Quan knelt on his knees, and said to Jiang Chen tremblingly, "Young Master, Luo Quan is the one who is obsessed with ghosts for a while. This is the only way to deal with you. I hope that Young Master can see the love in the past and let me go. The temple will definitely follow the young master's orders in the future."

"Young Master, before the Wancheng Immortal Gate was destroyed, there is a reason why our Tianluo Temple did not help, and I hope that Young Master can call us more!" After the son finished speaking, Luo Fu knelt on one knee and faced the river. Chen Shen said.

"Can it be done?" Jiang Chen asked, narrowing his eyes.

When Wancheng Immortal Gate existed, he had some impressions of this Tianluo Temple.

Although I don't usually appear in the sect, but in general, he is relatively loyal to his father, and can be done in time for the things ordered, but when the sect is destroyed, it may be too courageous to make a move.

Now he is back to the fairy world.

The Black Gate Sect Master, the three great immortal kings, will avenge themselves next to each other.

It's just that the only thing Jiang Chen struggles with right now is Bai Xuanling.

Although he also participated in the attack on Wancheng Immortal Gate and suppressed Wancheng, he was still good to himself after all, and Jiang Chen would feel a little uncomfortable in his heart if he did it.

"Of course it can, young master, don't doubt our loyalty!" Luo Fu nodded vigorously.

"Well, I will believe you once, but if something similar happens again, there is no need for your Tianluo Temple to exist." Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said slowly, "Don't question what I said, I Have the ability to make you disappear into the fairy world."


How dare Luo Fu say nothing.

Just the one fairy king and the two fairy kings standing behind Jiang Chen would be enough to frustrate him.

What's more, this is only what he saw, who knows how many fairy kings or fairy kings exist behind Jiang Chen.

"Get up."

Jiang Chen raised his head.

"Go back to me, don't let me see you during this time!" Just when he stood up, Luo Fu kicked Luo all over his body and yelled.

Luo Quan didn't dare to speak, so he had to leave in despair.

"Young Master, why don't you stay in our Tianluo Temple for a while, just to let the disciples in the temple know you." When his son left, Luo Fu was full of smiles and smiled towards Jiang Chen.

"You don't need to live, I have a situation that I want to ask you." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Young Master, just ask, knowing that I will definitely say it!" Luo Fu arched his hands.

"Besides your Tianluo Temple, what other sects didn't help?" Jiang Chen lifted Erlang's legs and looked at the crowds of Tianluo Temple's disciples around him. He did not cover it, and continued to ask.

"I do not know."

"Young Master, when the sect was in trouble, we wanted to help the first time, but later we found out that the three great immortal kings had acted, so we withdrew back. We haven’t contacted the outside world for nearly 500 years. ."

Luo Fu shook his head. Although it was not the first time he said it, he still felt a guilty conscience when he said these things, and he was afraid that Jiang Chen would suddenly repent and deal with them.

"Really?" Jiang Chen blinked.

"I didn't even say half a lie, the young master must believe me!" Upon hearing this, Luo Fu fell to his knees again, and he did not dare to lie just to the strong men behind Jiang Chen. .

"Get up." Jiang Chen also knew that he didn't need to lie to himself on these things.

"Young Master, I want to ask." Luo Fu smiled and stood up again and asked, "Young Master, do you want to re-establish the Wancheng Immortal Gate this time? I think you should carefully consider the comparison. Well, if the three big immortal kings make another move, now Wancheng Immortal King is suppressed, we can't resist it."

"When it's time to build, I will build it. This is not something you should worry about." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Yes, what the young master said is." Luo Fu nodded quickly.

"From now on, the task of your Tianluo Temple is to take good care of Qingjuegu and not let this sect fall into any danger. If Sect Master Wang Min or his disciples are in danger, immediately send the news to Kunlun Fairy Mountain. , Understand?" Jiang Chen pondered for a while and said.

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