I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1754: Letter from Southland

Huofu understands.

With a light stroke of his slender finger, Siyuan's fire blazed again.

Hit and Sun Lian were shocked, and the hot temperature instantly enveloped them. They didn't even have a chance to scream and beg for mercy, and they were completely swallowed by the flames.

The flame burned for a while, and when the breath of the two completely disappeared in the enchantment, it gradually extinguished.

"What are you going to do next?" Su Qian looked at Jiang Chen and said, "After you leave, I will send someone to investigate the news about the corpse Yinya, but it is a pity that there is nothing about this sect in the Eastern Region. Even if they have been completely closed, they can’t get close at all without being discovered.”

"Then what about the other branch sect news?" Jiang Chen held his forehead.

It hurts to think of Seaman's innocent smile that day.

"Neither." Su Qian shook his head and said, "You have destroyed two branch sects one after another. I think the other branch sects should be hidden. No news has been received for the time being."

"That is to say, it was broken." Jiang Chen looked at the outside of the hall and said in a low voice.

Until now, before other branch sects were investigated, it was impossible to get more information from Sect Master Black Gate, and it was impossible to rescue Seaman.

There are only two paths ahead.

Wait for the news, and then find a way to rescue Seaman.

The second way is to wait for Bai Xuanling to return from the Unknown Realm and use his power to deal with the Black Gate Sect Master.

Of course, if these methods are useless, then Jiang Chen will go directly to the Eastern Region and go to Heimen personally to find out. With his own strength, it is impossible to do something, but Sect Master Heimen wants to kill It's not so easy for myself.

The big deal will come back to Quanzun Sect and do it again.

Jiang Chen still missed the life in Beigu City.

"Come out with me, I have something to tell you." Seeing Jiang Chen motionless, eyes looking outside, Bai Xiaoyun's inspiration flashed, and took Jiang Chen's arm and walked outside.

"What's wrong, big brother, if you have something to say in front of Elder Su Qianda." Jiang Chen was a little puzzled, but he still followed.

"I ask you something, how does Sect Master Heimen compare to our master's cultivation level?" Bai Xiaoyun shook his head, glanced at no one around, and asked in a low voice.

"It should be inferior, but it won't be too different." Jiang Chen said directly without even thinking about it.

"You are now the pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion, and Master's most proud disciple. If you let him take action, he should help." Bai Xiaoyun also kept thinking about how to rescue Seaman.

"Do you think Master will help?" Jiang Chen just thought about this, but when Bai Xuanling faced a master whose cultivation level was almost the same as his, would he risk injury and fight against Sect Master Black Sect? .

"I know what you are worried about."

"But don’t forget, your brother with Seventy-two Lotuses is now the disciple that Immortal King Xuanjun takes care of the most. If you can persuade him, let him go to Immortal King Xuanjun and ask for help, so Master and Xuanjun If we all work together to solve the Black Gate Sect Master, it will not be very simple."

Taking a look at Jiang Chen's eyes, Bai Xiaoyun knew what he was thinking.

"Read the long song?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

There were too many things during this period, and Jiang Chen had forgotten him.

"Master and Immortal King Xuanjun should work together, there should be no problem." Jiang Chen pondered and said, "But let's wait and see. If Immortal King Xuanjun is asked to help, it is equivalent to owing him a favor, and I'm soaring. After arriving in the immortal world, I have had grievances with him several times."

"Let Nian Changge talk about it. If Immortal King Xuanjun helps or not, I am afraid that this kid is going to fall out of favor in front of him." Jiang Chen touched his chin and said softly.

"Yes, it's because I didn't think about it well." Bai Xiaoyun took two deep breaths.

"The best thing right now is to respond to all changes with the same. The girl Ximan is in the hands of Sect Master Black Gate, and there should be no danger. After all, he is planning such a big thing, and Ximan is the top priority. "Jiang Chen looked up at the sky and said.

Back in the hall.

Jiang Chen discovered that Huo Fu had a conversation with Su Qian.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to rescue Ximan?" Huo Fu suddenly stood up and asked when Jiang Chen came in.

"Aren't you nonsense?" Jiang Chen gave her a blank look.

"When I just chatted with Miss Huo Fu, I thought of a way." Su Qianhe laughed and said, "She is the eldest lady of the Phoenix Clan. If you get the support of the Phoenix Clan, relying on the strength behind you, Maybe it can force the Black Gate Sect Master to bow his head to you."

"It's probably useless." Jiang Chen didn't hold much hope.

After all, behind him, there are already nine mountain masters of Kunlun Immortal Mountain, and one of the three great immortal kings like Bai Xuanling, but what's the use?

It is impossible for the nine mountain masters to fight against a strong sect in the Outland for themselves, while Bai Xuanling allows himself to grow slowly, thinking about how to find his mother in an unknown realm, completely ignoring that he is now also dangerous.

As for Zhou Kunlun, Jiang Chen has completely lost faith in him.

Sometimes he even felt that if this group of people united to rectify him, they said so well when they first arrived in the fairy world, but now, all of them have broken their promises.

"Actually, this is not the main reason." Huo Fu bit his lip and said, "People in the family have already sensed that I came out of the immortal emperor's tomb. Let me go back as soon as possible. It just so happens that you also need help now, I think Let you accompany me, maybe you can still get support from the family, this is a good thing, you... go or not?"

"What about you? Doesn't your family call you?" Jiang Chen turned his head to look at Jiang Yuan who was aside.

"When I came out of the immortal emperor's tomb, I had already contacted the family and told them that I would go back if I had time." Jiang Yuan scratched his head and smiled honestly.

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded.

"That Huo Fu girl... Do you Yu Huo Feng Clan... still have a young and beautiful phoenix like you?" Bai Xiaoyun cleared his throat, tentatively moved closer to the Huo Fu, and asked in a low voice.

"Don't think you are a fairy king, I dare not beat you!" Huo Fu Liu raised his eyebrows and raised his head directly towards Bai Xiaoyun.

Perceiving something wrong, Bai Xiaoyun immediately avoided.

"Okay, then I'll go with you." Jiang Chen thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.

Huo Fu had been helping herself when she was in the tomb of the Immortal Emperor. After she came out, she has been following behind her, acting as her bodyguard. Now she asks herself to help. If she refuses, it will chill her heart.

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