In the enchantment of the Fire Phoenix Clan.

A man with a long scar on his chest sits on a high chair that looks like a phoenix.

The black eye mask on his face proves that his left eye has been blinded, and there is a very deep scar at the corner of his mouth. It can be imagined that if the injury were more serious at that time, his entire face might be torn apart.

This person is Huo Xuan's brother, and also the father of Huo Feng, the former great elder of the Huo Huo Phoenix clan, and now the patriarch of the Huo Huo Phoenix clan.

Fire Yuanba.

Directly in front of him, a dozen people stood on both sides.

The left and right are the leader of the Huo Liao Plain, the guarding tribe of the Yuhuo Phoenix tribe.

And now replacing the Fire Yuanba position and becoming the new chief elder of the family, the fire enemy.

These two people are his confidantes, as early as ten thousand years ago, they have gradually changed from being subordinate to the family, subordinating to the Huo Xuan, and gradually transformed into subordinating the Huo Yuanba.

Finally, five hundred years ago, they united to attack Huo Xuan, causing Huo Xuan to be seriously injured twice.

Although the others were somewhat dissatisfied, they were all due to the guarding tribe in the hands of Huo Yuanba and Huo Liaoyuan.

"Where is Huo Fu?"

Huo Yuanba scanned the people below and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, she also took a disciple named Jiang Chen in Kunlun Immortal Mountain, but she was stopped by me at the gate of the family barrier and was driven away!" Huofeng stood up and said triumphantly.

This sentence is not only for reporting the situation, but also for other people in the family, letting them all know that now even Huo Fu has no chance to enter the family, and the era of Huo Xuan has been completely announced.

Many people shook their heads after hearing this.

They still support Huo Xuan in their hearts.

After all, in the hundreds of thousands of years when Huo Xuan was the patriarch, the entire Huo Xuan Phoenix clan was happy and harmonious, and Huo Xuan would help every tribe without reservation.

But now Huo Yuanba is in the top position.

All those who didn't support him were solved overtly and secretly. The rest of this group was unwilling in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say anything.

"Asshole thing, who told you to kick him out?!"

Who would have thought that Huo Yuanba not only didn't appreciate it, but instead became furious, raised his head and slapped him, directly hitting Huofeng with a strong wind.

Huofeng spit out a mouthful of blood, half kneeling on the ground.

"Huo Fu is the eldest lady of our Fire Phoenix Clan, and even your cousin. Not only is it unwelcome to return to the family, you dare to send her out!"

"Huofeng, I'll let you go out and search, when will you find her, and when will you come back!"

Huo Yuanba got angry, and the scar on his chest squirmed like a living thing. Coupled with his appearance, it was even more deterrent, and no one dared to speak.

"Got it, father!"

Huofeng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and agreed in a deep voice.

"Five hundred years have passed, I will emphasize the same sentence with you every day!" Huo Yuanba sat upright and shouted loudly, "If anyone can find Huo Xuan's hiding place, I will immediately respect his tribe. Regarded as the first tribe of the Fire Phoenix Clan, the leader of the tribe will also become the second elder of the family!"

"Yes, the patriarch..."

Everyone agreed.

After everyone in front of him had left, Huo Yuanba beckoned and called Huofeng in front of him.

"Do you know why I hit you just now?" Huo Yuanba asked, looking at his son.

"Huo Fu should not be driven out." Huo Feng was trembling with fright, even though he was a son, he didn't dare to disobey his father's orders, because there were two older brothers above him. The big event was executed secretly.

Even the soul body was imprisoned in the family's water prison, and had not seen the sun for hundreds of years.

"Wrong, I beat you because you didn't know what I was thinking!" Huo Yuanba shook his head and said, "Although we have the Fire Phoenix Clan now, we don't have the most refined race in our body. Pure blood, and now, Huo Fu is the only clan member besides Huo Xuan."

"Father meant to take out her blood?" Huo Feng gradually understood.

"Whether you take it out or let her be your wife, you have to transfer the power of the blood to us, so that we can sit here just right."

Huo Yuanba touched the blindfold and whispered.

"Let her be my wife!" Upon hearing this, Huo Feng's eyes heated up.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, when Huo Fu had not left the family, he had been coveting it, but it was a pity that because of his cousin, there was no chance. Now that his father has let go, he doesn't care about ethics. As long as you can get this woman, you can.

"Go out and find her. Remember, I must get the power of her bloodline. I can't find it. I don't want to see you again." Huo Yuanba waved his hand and said, "Also, ask me about everything in advance. , If you do this stupid thing again, I think you can go with your two brothers!"

"I know, I know, father!"

Huofeng was frightened and shivered.

After handing over, he quickly retreated and left.


In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

In the evening, two people suddenly appeared in the village.

The two didn't stop, and they rushed to the thatched house where the Huo Xuan was hidden.

"Little Lord!"

The familiar voice sounded.

"Elder Lin, what are you..." Jiang Chen hurriedly opened the door, and it was Lin Baicao standing at the door.

"Huo Fu is ours, and the Fire Phoenix Clan is her family, so I don't have to hide it." Lin Baicao smiled kindly and continued, "On the way here, I have already dealt with the situation with Brother Huoquan. Make it clear."

"Little friend Jiang Chen, you turned out to be the young master of the Thousand Chance Sect and the inheritor of the Immortal Emperor. You were really offended before!" Huo Quan bent over and said respectfully.

"Uncle Quan, don't say these things, let's come in quickly!" Jiang Chen glanced outside and hurriedly pulled the two of them into the room.

"Brother Lin, Patriarch Huo Xuan is lying in it, let's go and have a look!" Huo Quan couldn't wait to say as soon as he entered the door.

"Don't worry, since he has taken my pill, it means he has no worries about his life. I haven't even drank any saliva after driving for so long!" Lin Baicao shook his head and smiled.

"I'm going to fetch water." Huo Fu came out from inside, nodded to Lin Baicao, picked up a wooden bucket from the wall, and walked outside.

"This girl, she called me Old Man Lin when we met before, and I was surprised to be so polite!" Lin Baicao couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Huo Fu's figure.

"Elder Lin, I couldn't help but I had to invite you over." Jiang Chen clasped his fists and saluted him.

"Young Master, let's not stick to these etiquettes." Lin Baicao hurriedly went to help.

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