I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1760: adventure

The next day.

Before Jiang Chen went out, he heard the noise outside.

Get up and look out the window.

I saw hundreds of guards wearing scarlet armor coming out of the mountains and entering the village. The leader was not someone else, it was Huofeng who stopped him and Huofu at the entrance of the flame barrier yesterday.

"Huofeng, what are you doing here?"

In the middle of the village entrance, Huo Quan leaned on a cane, staring at the person in front of him with muddy eyes, and asked in a low voice.

"Elder Huoquan, Nian has made a lot of contributions to the family before you. I specifically asked you to build a village near the barrier and live in it. You should have been grateful for it, and you can't do ungrateful things. !"

Huofeng even looked down on Huo Fu, let alone an old man who had withdrawn from the family a long time ago. He held a small grass in his mouth and smiled with a corner of his mouth.

"That was also the kindness that the patriarch Huo Xuan gave me when he was there. Since he disappeared, you have been there every year. You have come hundreds of times. Have you ever seen the patriarch with me?" Huo Quan did his part. , When he made merits in the Yuhuo Phoenix clan, this person was still in the stomach of Huo Yuanba.

"Old stuff, I don’t want to talk nonsense to you today. You quickly hand over Huo Fu and Huo Xuan and recite your contribution to the family. I don’t need to hold you accountable. Otherwise, I can immediately You are razed to the ground."

Huo Feng lost his patience. He knew that if he couldn't find Huo Fu, he wouldn't have a chance to return to the family.

"Take it easy."

The right of fire escaped from the entrance of the village.

"Search me. If anyone can find Huo Fu and Huo Xuan, give 200 million immortal jade and ten years, he can leave the family at any time and go to play anywhere in the fairy world!"

Huofeng spit out the innermost grass and waved his hand.

With rewards, the guards under his men suddenly went crazy and ran towards the village.

"Elder Huoquan, I hope you can hide them more tightly this time, otherwise once my people find out, I am afraid that you will have no good life in the future." Huofeng walked to Huoquan and held his cane. Glanced up.

"The same words are given to you. If you can't find it, take your people and get out." Huofeng said in a low voice, he didn't even go to see Huofeng. In his eyes, the younger generation like Huofeng, Lianhe He is not qualified to speak.

"Haha." Huofeng's fists hidden in his sleeves clenched.

An hour later, the armor guards returned to him one after another, but no one found something wrong.


"Huo Fu knows the changes in the family, it is absolutely impossible to leave easily, the place she can go is only with you!" As these guards spoke, the smile on Huo Feng's face disappeared little by little, and finally completely solidified.

He clenched his fist and slammed **** the trunk beside him, shouting loudly.

"You don't take your people to get out of me?" Huo Quan coldly snorted, and immediately returned to the entrance of the village with a cane. When he turned around, he glanced at the wooden house at the entrance of the village without a trace. There was such a big movement outside, he believed Jiang Chen can definitely hide.

"I don't believe it, Huo Fu is definitely here for you!"

Huofeng was full of confidence and couldn't bear such a big gap at all.

He yelled and pointed to the village and ordered, "Continue to search for me, even if I dig the ground ten thousand feet, I have to find Huo Fu and Huo Xuan. If you can't find it, let this village disappear in front of me. Don’t stay alone!"

Huofeng is already a little crazy.

Can't find Huo Fu, can't get the purest blood of the Fire Phoenix Clan.

He was not qualified to return to the family again, and everything he got would disappear in an instant, and his younger brothers would instantly take over his position and become the new young patriarch.

"you dare!"

Huo Quan, who had walked halfway, suddenly stopped and hit the ground with his crutches.

"Search me!"

Huofeng didn't take his words into consideration at all.

Under the order, hundreds of guards entered the village again, and all the villagers here were driven out by them and concentrated on the clearing at the entrance of the village.

This group of people shivered, and when the Fire Phoenix Clan came to search in the past, they had never been restricted.

"It's lawless!" Huo Quan held the crutches and pointed at Huo Feng and scolded, "When the Huoxuan Patriarch was in power, he used to expressly prohibit attacking ordinary people in the surrounding villages. You dare to violate the clan rules!"


Huo Feng sneered, "That was when Huo Xuan was in power, but now the patriarch of the Huo Huo Phoenix clan is my father. The order I get is to find Huo Fu and Huo Xuan. If you don't hand them over, I will Kill all these villagers!"

"No, no, even if you kill me today, there is still no!" Huo Quan shook his head firmly.

"bring it here!"

Huofeng waved.

Under the leadership of the armor guard, the villagers arrived in front of Huofeng.

"Tell me the whereabouts of Huo Fu and Huo Xuan, who told me that one hundred million immortal jade will add life." Huo Feng asked loudly, scanning these people.

However, none of this group spoke.

They all knew what happened to the Huo Xuan Phoenix clan now. Only by saving the lives of Huo Xuan and Huo Fu could the clan be saved. Thinking about taking care of them when Huo Xuan was in power, they would rather die than tell the truth.

Looking at them, tears appeared in Huo Quan's muddy eyes.

He wanted to go forward and fight with Huofeng directly, but then, Huo Yuanba would definitely come personally, tear his face, and lift the place upside down, when Huo Xuan could not keep it.

All he can do is just stand here and watch quietly.

"Very well, it seems that you are very united, then I will satisfy your wish!" Huo Feng was completely enraged, he took the feather spear in the armour guard's hand, directly waved it, and slashed at the person in front.

The man closed his eyes, trembling all over, waiting for death.


Suddenly, a clear voice sounded.

Behind the village, a scarlet figure flew out, and then stood in front of Huofeng.

Seeing Huo Fu appeared, Jiang Chen didn't hide, but walked out directly from the door.

"Sure enough, you two are here!" As soon as he saw Huo Fu and Jiang Chen, Huo Feng threw away the weapon in his hand and laughed, "Now, Huo Xuan is not important anymore!"

"What do you want to do?!"

Huo Fu glared at Huo Feng, frowning, as if a little unhappy.

"You are my cousin, and now you have finally returned to the family, of course I invite you back!" Huo Feng said with a smile, "I was wrong with my cousin before, and this Jiang Chen brother, go to the family together. Be a guest!"

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