I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1771: Reappearing the power of time

In less than two days, Huo Xuan restored the Fire Phoenix Clan to its previous appearance. Although he had not punished those who supported Huo Yuanba, he had warned them, and he secretly sent people to stare at them.

He can forgive one betrayal, but if there is a second time, he will kill it without hesitation.

Huo Xuan absolutely does not allow similar things to happen in the family.

After dealing with these things, Huo Xuan's attention was placed on the three of Huofeng.

Huo Yuanba blew himself up, and if he wanted to find out why they had to fight against each other, he could only put hope on them.

Moreover, after learning from Jiang Chen that he had been infected with a very strange toxin, he wanted to find out more. In his opinion, the Fire Phoenix Clan would never have anything to do with these evil things. If it appears in the family, it must be thoroughly understood, otherwise a similar situation may still be possible, and it will be repeated in the family.

In the dungeon.

The Huofeng three were imprisoned, their lower bodies were immersed in water, and their bodies were tied with a phoenix lock, so that their cultivation skills could not be used. In the darkness, they also felt the celestial power fluctuations caused by Huoyuanba’s self-destruction. .

"Three, they have disappeared for five hundred years, don't you know if you still recognize me as the patriarch?"

When Huo Xuan came in, the dark dungeon was instantly filled with light, and the stagnant water also receded. Huo Xuan laughed when he looked at the three people at the end.

"Bye... to see the patriarch." The three squabbled.

"Huofeng, from the moment you were born, I treated you as my own son. What kind of treatment Huo Fu receives, what kind of treatment do you have, am I right?" Walking over, Huo Xuan looked at himself. Huofeng in front of him asked.

"It's not wrong." Huo Feng lowered his head, not daring to look at Huo Xuan.

"Huo Liaoyuan, I gave you the armor guard tribe in the family because I absolutely believed in you and asked you to protect the safety of the people. I didn’t expect you to be one of those people who did it behind my back. I'm disappointed." Huo Xuan walked to the side, looked at Huoliaoyuan, and sighed.

"I'm sorry, the patriarch, I was so obsessed with my heart for a while to do such a thing. When I later regretted it, it was too late." Huo Liaoyuan replied in a low voice.

"Fire enemy, I told you before, as long as you can build credit in the family, I will promote you to an elder, right?" Huo Xuan asked with a sneer.

"Said many times." The enemy replied.

"The three of you are people I believe very much." Huo Xuan sighed for a long time, "tell everything you know, I can let you live and imprison you in a water prison forever, otherwise , The means you know."

"Patriarch, all this is Huo Yuanba's idea, we are just following him, we don't know anything else!" Huo Enemy shivered and shouted.

"Really?" Huo Xuan asked.

"It's true, my father has never told us anything about this matter!" Huofeng said afterwards, "Patriarch, if I say something lie, I am willing to be punished!"

"It's not bad. Now Huo Yuanba has blew himself up and died, leaving with all his secrets. As long as you are stiff, you can fool around, right?"

"Forget it, since I don't want to say anything, I don't have to give you a chance."

Huo Xuan shook his head.

Immediately, an aura exploded from his body.

"Patriarch, I said, I said everything!" Huo Liaoyuan immediately said loudly when he noticed something was wrong.

It's just that when he speaks, it is already too late.

Huo Xuan's aura bombarded them without fancy. At the moment of contact, the bodies of the three became soft, and even their souls were wiped out under the offensive.

"Patriarch Huo Xuan!"

As soon as the three of them died, Jiang Chen rushed in from outside.

"Young Master." Huo Xuan turned his head.

"The three of them can't be killed. Huo Yuanba hides a very important secret. If it can be found out, it will be very useful to me!" Jiang Chen rushed to the front of Huo Xuan.


Huo Xuan secretly said badly.

"Young Master, these three people have been wiped out by me." Huo Xuan knelt down on one knee and said helplessly, "I blame me for not thinking about things well. I should ask Young Master for instructions in advance!"

However, Jiang Chen's expression didn't change much. Instead, he bent over and helped Huo Xuan from the ground.

"Patriarch Huoxuan, you are the patriarch of the Yuhuo Phoenix clan, and you are also a powerhouse of the Seventh Layer of the Immortal King. How can you give me such a big gift and call the Young Master, it is already giving me face."

"But..." Huo Xuan was moved in his heart, but he looked at the pillar and felt guilty in his heart.

"It's okay."

Jiang Chen waved his hand gently.

A rose flower emerged from his palm.

Slowly closed his eyes, and after a while, that strange wave floated out of the flowers.

In a dizzying feeling, the three people who had just been killed by Huo Xuan came back to life again. At this time, the eyes of the three were very blank.

When they were hit, they were already annihilated.

But appearing now is beyond their scope of cognition.

"The power of time?" Huo Xuan's whole body trembled. He looked at the flower in Jiang Chen's hand with a little surprise. He had heard of this strange ability, but he had never seen it.

Huo Xuan did not expect that one day he would be qualified to see it with his own eyes.

This can be said to be the most top-notch ability, even the current three immortal kings are not necessarily qualified to have it.

"How does it taste?" Looking at them, Jiang Chen put the crape myrtle flower away and asked.

"I..." Huofeng's eyes were dull, he didn't understand what was going on.

Could it be that Huo Xuan was frightening them just now, and didn't even have any intention of killing them?

But he did feel the fluctuating powerful energy, the three of them had no ability to resist.

"Speak out, you have been wiped out by me just now. It was Jiang Chen who used the power of time to make you come back to life again. If you don't say it, you won't have any chance again." Huo Xuan said coldly.

"I said, I said!"

The three woke up suddenly and spoke at the same time.

"Why did Huo Yuanba act on the Huo Xuan patriarch?" Jiang Chen asked, sitting on the table next to him.

"This goes back tens of thousands of years. When the patriarch ordered his father to go to the Blue Python Sky Snake Race, his father blinded one of his eyes. Since then, he has a bit of hatred." Huofeng knew this. , Huo Yuanba, I don't know how many times I have mentioned it to him.

"It's only that simple?" Huo Xuan was a little surprised.

In his memory, Huo Yuanba didn't seem to be such a person.

"Later, my father went to the blue python sky snake race many times in secret!" After swallowing, Huofeng continued.

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