"The power of time?" Qiu Su's pupils shrank slightly.

How could this kind of ability that surpassed all immortal arts and bloodlines appeared on a kid who had only the five heavenly immortals in strength.

Even if his father is Wancheng, Wancheng is nothing but a fairy king!

Qiu Su scanned Jiang Chen and Huo Xuan back and forth. He found that Jiang Chen didn't look like a liar, and Huo Xuan was even more confident, and it was impossible for him to tell him to lie.

"Patriarch Qiu Su, why did you stand up?" Huo Xuan asked with a faint smile.

"Do you think I would believe it?" Qiu Su looked at Huo Xuan with his eyes sideways. Huo Yuanba was dead, and the Fire Phoenix Clan returned to Huo Xuan's hands. This is acceptable. It was just a plan in vain for thousands of years. If it can still resurrect Huo Yuanba with the power of time.

Then if Huo Yuanba couldn't bear it and explained all the circumstances, then he would be considered a living dead.

"The whole family of Green Python Sky Snake obeyed the order to kill Huo Xuan and Jiang Chen within the barrier at all costs, even if half of the race was buried, it must be done!"

Qiu Su thought with gloomy eyes for a moment, his figure flashed, and he fell directly out of the hall before issuing orders.

When his voice fell, hundreds of powerhouses above the Immortal Venerable gathered behind him, and standing on the left and right sides were two masters whose cultivation bases were floating in the Immortal King Triple Layer.

"He is in a hurry."

Huo Xuan threw away the hip flask in his hand and said to Jiang Chen.

"Patriarch Huo Xuan, with your own strength, can you deal with them?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly, this kind of battle is no longer what he can handle.

"Not only can I deal with it, but I can also protect your safety." Huo Xuan got up. At the same time as he got up, a huge phoenix phantom emerged from his back. The moment the hall and the phantom came into contact, the hall suddenly fell apart.

Looking at the phoenix that is already in front of him, even though Jiang Chen is not a member of the Fire Phoenix Clan, he still feels the pressure. Even with Huo Fu's current strength, the phantom that has been transformed is in front of Huo Xuan, Just like a little chicken.

"Slash the king formation!"

Seeing that Huo Xuan didn't mean to keep his hands.

Qiu Su slapped his chest with a palm, and then slowly drew out a long sword shaped like a bone with cyan scales attached to the body between the skin and flesh and blood.

As he raised the sword above his head, he burst into a shout.

Around the Huo Xuan station, four pillars of light suddenly rose.

The beam of light rushed straight to the enchantment, and immediately scattered like fireworks, trapping Huo Xuan in it.

Of course the one who was trapped together was Jiang Chen standing inside.

"I wiped it?"

Looking at this situation, Jiang Chen couldn't help but let out a foul language.

Before this formation appears, can you give yourself time to react? Slashing the King Formation, it sounds like a formation that even the Immortal King can kill. It takes my life to raise the cultivation base to the Immortal Venerable for a short time. Among the formations, isn't it a place where there is no burial?

"An ancient fairy king's formation."

"Unexpectedly, the Green Python Sky Snake was connected with one of the three great immortal kings."

Huo Xuan stared into his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice.

"An ancient fairy king?" Jiang Chen turned to look at him and asked, "Is this one of the three great immortal kings?"

"Well, together with the white-clothed fairy king and the Xuanjun fairy king, he has become the three immortal kings in the immortal world. This person is extremely familiar with enchantment, and can be called the best in the immortal world. This king-slashing formation is his immortal formation. One of the methods, it is said that tens of thousands of years ago, he once killed a five-tier powerhouse of the Immortal King."

Huo Xuan's expression was not as light as before. He had never heard of the relationship between the Green Python Sky Snake and an ancient fairy king. If he knew, he would not bring Jiang Chen in without authorization.

But now think about it, Qiu Su must have some confidence to untie the barrier under the pressure of his Seventh Immortal King.

"Can you go out?" The immortal power in Jiang Chen's body was spinning like crazy.

"It's hard."

"But if you want to kill me with this king-slashing formation, you will look down on my strength too much outside." Huo Xuan looked at the manor and patted his hands.

A crimson celestial force separated from the phoenix phantom and attached to Jiang Chen's side.

"Huo Xuan, don't take yourself too high. Although your strength is strong, you are still a little weak in front of the ancient Immortal King. By the way, I forgot to tell you that the one who sat in your position a while ago was exactly one A personal disciple of the Ancient Immortal King."

Standing outside the formation, Qiu Su looked at Huo Xuan.

"All ancestors of the Fire Phoenix Clan, please lend me your power temporarily and let me break through this stitch!"

Huo Xuan lowered his head and muttered to himself.

As his voice came out, a red mark suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Immediately afterwards.

A phoenix chirping sounded.

Jiang Chen clearly saw that the phantom phoenix behind Huo Xuan's body had now completely turned into substance, and the colorful streamers flowing on each feather were extremely majestic and pure immortal power.

"King Zhu!"

Seeing Huo Xuan's momentum is steadily rising.

Qiu Su couldn't help it anymore and directly swung out the long sword in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, above the formation, a series of terrifying princesses vented out.


With another call, Phoenix directly waved his wings forward, covering the heads of Huo Xuan and Jiang Chen. The offensive hit Phoenix's back, but at the moment of contact, he immediately bounced back.

But these offensives did not disappear. After touching the barrier, they turned back again.

A few seconds later, there was a pike, directly bombarding Huo Xuan's chest.

Huo Xuan's expression didn't change in any way, but he knew in his heart that it was okay to endure one or two lines, but there were tens of thousands of lines in the formation. If all of them were to be endured, he would not die, and he would be seriously injured.

"Haha, is this the patriarch of the Fire Phoenix Clan?"

Qiu Su looked at the situation inside the barrier and couldn't help but laughed.

In order to maintain the formation, he let all the masters in the family come out, gathering the power of the whole family, let alone Huo Xuan, the three great immortal kings can be trapped for a while.

"I knew I would not be a hero." Jiang Chen looked at Huo Xuan helplessly.

"I heard Huo Fu say that you have seven kinds of immortal powers with different attributes, right?" The moment Jiang Chen spoke, Huo Xuan suddenly looked over.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded and agreed.

"As long as our Fire Phoenix Clan possesses more immortal power attributes, the more power in the bleeding veins can be exerted. Unfortunately, I have cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, but there are only five types in my body, light attributes and dark attributes. It can’t be integrated anyway."

Huo Xuan sighed, shook his head and said.

"You may need a method of fusion of Emperor Qianji." Jiang Chen secretly said in his heart.

"Young Master, please borrow the power of the light and dark attributes in your body for one use!" After sighing, Huo Xuan said solemnly.

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