I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1779: Successful bloodbath

I don't know how long it has passed.

Huo Xuan has always been concerned about the things in the secret room, but he can't go in and see, he can only wait anxiously, praying in his heart for the blessings of the ancestors of the Yuhuo Phoenix clan, so that Jiang Chen can come out safely.

During this time, he also interrogated Qiu Su and Huofeng several times, but he never got any good news.

"Don't squat, you can't go in, and you can't perceive what's going on here, it's better to do what you should do." Huo Quan said hoarsely, sitting on a small bench, leaning against the door of the secret room.

His purpose here is to prevent someone from the family from breaking in suddenly.

Of course the most important thing is to look at Mu Youde here.

"I don't, I want to wait here." Mu Youde shook his head.

"Oh, it's really good luck that Young Master has your friend like you." Huo Quan couldn't help but sigh. If the patriarch can have such good luck as Jiang Chen, if Huo Yuanba and Huo Liaoyuan can be like Mu Youde, then These dangerous things won't happen to the Fire Phoenix Clan.

But I turned my head and thought, if nothing happened, there would be no way to get to know the young master.

In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

Under the leadership of Huo Xuan, the entire Fire Phoenix clan has returned to normal. Those tribes that have lost their leaders have elected new leaders, just when the entire family returned to normal again.

An invisible coercion slowly spread out from the hall.

All the clansmen who felt it were lying on the ground involuntarily, and many people looked confused. They only felt the suppression of this bloodline in the patriarch’s body, but this wave of fluctuation was obviously not transmitted from the patriarch’s body. of.


The phantom of the phoenix rose from the secret room and hovered continuously above the main hall.

Looking up to see this shocking scene, all the people of the tribe have their eyes widened.

"What's going on?" The leaders of several tribes stood up with strong support. Among the entire Fire Phoenix clan, only the clansmen with the most refined and pure blood can transform into a colorful phoenix.

But this breath was not from Huo Xuan Patriarch or Miss Huo Fu at all.

"No, it's not colorful!"

As the phoenix hovered in the sky, someone soon discovered the clues. They discovered that although this phoenix phantom had seven colors, it made the entire flame barrier brighter, and the tip of each feather was It seems to have been spotted by ink, stained a little black.

The phantom only lasted less than a quarter of an hour, and then went straight back into the hall.


The pressure disappeared, and even the Huo Xuan in the main hall took a long breath.

"Patriarch Huo Xuan, I came out of the secret room." Jiang Chen walked down the steps into the main hall. The originally gentle young man had indeed added some noble breath to his body now, and he descended like a king.

"Yes, it seems that you have succeeded!" Huo Xuan was overjoyed and hurriedly went to the front to look at Jiang Chen.

From Jiang Chen's body, he felt a very familiar fluctuation, which was from the throbbing in the power of the bloodline. In other words, the Fire Phoenix Clan separated another one from him.

"Thank you, Huoxuan Patriarch for your guidance." Jiang Chen arched his hand towards him.

As he lowered his head, a colorful expression flashed through Jiang Chen's eyes.

If you look closely, Jiang Chen's dark pupils now have a very faint colorful light hidden in them, and at a glance, almost even the soul will sink in.

"What about Huo Fu, why didn't she come out with you?" Huo Xuan asked quickly after retreating from excitement.

"I sent her back to the room to rest." Jiang Chen got angry when he said this. At first, the old thing only said to pay the price, but didn't say what the price was.

I'm in a dilemma, retreating is a dead end, so I can only go forward.

This walk directly turned Huo Fu into his own woman.

"Your cultivation base should have reached the 9th Heavenly Immortal Level, right?" After turning around Jiang Chen twice, Huo Xuan sighed, "At your speed, I'm afraid you can be promoted to the immortal cultivation base in a short period of time. "

"Jiang Chen!"

Mu Youde rushed in from the outside. There was some dust and damage on his clothes.

"Where did you go?" Jiang Chen frowned when he saw him as if fighting against others for three hundred rounds.

"When you were in the secret room, he kept guarding outside. If it weren't for Huo Quan to block the door, I'm afraid he would have gone in to see your condition." Huo Xuan couldn't help but laugh.

"Why didn't I see you and Elder Huo Quan when I came out?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, he remembered opening the door of the secret room, there was no one outside.

"Ahem, don't mention it!"

Mu Youde sat on a chair beside him and complained, "You have integrated the blood of the Phoenix Clan and haven't fully succeeded yet. That old man Huo Quan...Oh no, the elder Huo Quan felt that something was wrong. I escaped without returning. I was about to open the door to see your condition, but was rushed out by the fluctuations."

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing.

"You kid, don't forget to pay for my brand new clothes!" Mu Youde stretched out his hand and patted Jiang Chen twice, which was revenge.

"No problem, I will pay you one hundred!" Jiang Chen responded.

"Jiang Chen, both you and the power of integrating the blood of our Fire Phoenix Clan are now considered my son-in-law. From now on, I won't call you the young master, just call your name, how about?" Huo Xuan twisted his fingers and asked. .

"I will be awkward to call Young Master." Jiang Chen nodded and responded.

"With you here, our Fire Phoenix Clan can be considered the first of the six spirit beast races in the Southern Territory!" Huo Xuan let out a long breath.

Jiang Chen held back in time and didn't scold him.

This Huo Xuan had no good intentions at all. He used the improvement of his strength as the bait to allow himself to be his son-in-law, and now he was shouldering the important task of revival of the Fire Phoenix Clan.

Fortunately, the Fire Phoenix Clan already belongs to itself and belongs to the Thousand Chance Sect. As long as the Thousand Chance Sect reappears in the immortal world, the Fire Phoenix Clan will naturally rise with it.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen really wanted to cut open his wrist with a knife directly, and drain all the blood that was fused with the power of the blood.

"Patriarch, what is the phantom of the phoenix just now!"

"Then the phantom of the phoenix, which also combines the celestial power of the light attribute and the dark attribute, is there a big change in the clan!"

Outside the hall, several leaders were all standing at the door, and there were many clansmen behind them. When such a big event happened in the family, they have the right to ask questions and know the truth.

"It's Jiang Chen. He has absorbed the purest blood power of our Huo Yuhuang Phoenix tribe. From then on, I am a member of my Huohuo Phoenix tribe and the great elder in the family!" Huo Xuan pulled Jiang Chen. Walked out of the hall and shouted loudly.

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