"You don't want these things anymore?" Jiang Chen pointed to the other things on the shabby stall.

"Those things added up, doubled again, are not as valuable as what I have in my hands!" The stall owner laughed, as if mocking Jiang Chen's knowledge.

"Don't worry, ask where you got it from, and consider what to do." As he walked out with the stall owner, Jiang Chen put his hand on Huo Fu's shoulder.

At the moment when he squatted in front of the booth, he could also feel that the bottle was not something else, but a drop of the pure blood of the Fire Phoenix clan.

"Yeah." Huo Fu agreed with a trembling voice.

Leaving the town, it is less than a hundred meters away from the end of the space rift.

There is no grass here. Although the land under your feet is stepping on, it gives people a very illusory feeling. It is like when a space gap appears, just like a town, it was born by chance and coincidence.

Here, there are many people who are talking to each other in low voices.

"Really want to buy?" The stall owner held the bottle.

"If I didn't want it, I wouldn't stand here anymore." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Okay, then I will tell you the truth. This is a drop of pure blood of the Fire Phoenix Clan. It was extracted from the bones with great effort. The materials used in the refining process are consumed. I have nearly 300 million immortal jade."

"If you want it sincerely, a price of two billion immortal jade."

The stall owner stretched out two fingers, shook them in front of Jiang Chen, and said.

"The price is not expensive." Jiang Chen smiled, "I can give you one billion more immortal jade, but you have to tell me, where did you get the bones of the ancestor of the Fire Phoenix clan?"

As soon as these words came out, the stall owner was instantly vigilant, and immediately distanced himself from Jiang Chen, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you inquire about these things?"

"It's also a coincidence."

"Some time ago, I had just merged the power of the blood of the Fire-Bath Phoenix clan. If it were before, I might not care about it, but now I am a member of the Fire-Bath Phoenix clan. What you hold in your hand is the essence of my ancestors. Blood, do you think I should ask you?"

When Jiang Chen's mind moved, a phantom of the phoenix appeared behind him.

Feeling the fluctuation of Xianli, everyone looked over here.

Those who dare to show their strength in the rift in space are either the powerhouse who dominates one side, or the foolish fool.

When they rushed to Jiang Chen's cultivation base, there was only Tianxian Jiuzhong, they were automatically classified into the second category.

"Haha, Tianxian Jiuzhong dare to be rampant in front of me, I thought it was a giant." The stall owner was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed disdainfully, "While I'm still not angry, quickly leave the space rift. Well, even if you belong to the Phoenix Clan, what does it have to do with me?"

"What did you say?"

Seeing Jiang Chen showing his identity, Huo Fu couldn't help it anymore.

Another phantom of the phoenix slowly appeared on Jiang Chen's side.

A phoenix and a phoenix suppressed the entire space.

"This breath seems to be Jiang Chen, as well as a strong immortal monarch that day." Somewhere in the town, a black-robed stall owner muttered to himself.

Feeling Huo Fu's immortal monarch's cultivation base, the stall owner was finally a little scared.

"Two, we have something to discuss, this thing was also given to me by someone else." The stall owner moved back while putting the bottle into the black robe.

"You just said that you did it yourself." Jiang Chen sneered.

The stall owner did not speak, but immediately fled towards the entrance of the fissure. Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen and Huo Fu hurriedly followed. Swept, the whole town became chaotic.

"Want to run?" Leaving the town, Jiang Chen threw away the black robe, and his figure disappeared.


As the stall owner ran, he looked back, and when he saw no one was following, he stopped and gasped for breath.

When he was about to check whether the blood was damaged, he found that the space in front of him had suddenly changed.


After a glance, the stall owner's heart completely cooled down.

"It's not just an enchantment."

Jiang Chen's figure slowly appeared from the barrier.

"Just kill it!" Huo Fu's expression was cold, and this enchantment was one of the top enchantments in the Fire Phoenix Clan.

Said it is an enchantment, it is better to say it is spiritism.

The psychic came out of the body of an ancient ancestor, and she and Jiang Chen stood on the broad back of the Phoenix, and could even see the eyes of that ancestor at the end of the barrier.

It's just that there is no look, just a corpse.

"Forget what you just said to me. The bones of your ancestors were stolen. He has the essence and blood, and he refined it himself. Maybe he can investigate the previous events." Seeing Huo Fu's palm, Jiang Chen hurriedly Persuaded in a low voice.

"Almost forgot." Huo Fu quickly put away Xianli.

"You'd better let me out quickly, aren't you from the Fire Phoenix clan?" The stall owner took out the bottle directly and said to Jiang Chen, "I can give you this drop of blood at a low price of one billion. I know that if you swallow your essence and blood, it will improve your cultivation a lot!"

"Of course the essence and blood belong to us, but you have to clarify the origin."

Jiang Chen sneered, waved his hand, and a gray formation descended from the barrier, directly covering him in the middle.

The gray old man flicked the chain and directly tied him up, hanging in the air.

"Let's talk about it, where did the bones come from? Thousands of years ago, the ancestor bones of the Fire Phoenix Mountain were stolen. Does it have something to do with you?"

Jiang Chen flew into the air, stood in front of him, and asked.

"You don't need to ask, I won't say it!" Although Jiang Chen has been controlled by him, his attitude is still very tough.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it, just let you try the formation I just enlightened." Jiang Chen shrugged, patted his hands together, and made a few marks.

Immediately, the old man's arms twitched the chain vigorously.

When the stall owner thought that the formation was about to dissipate, he suddenly felt that his spiritual consciousness became blurred.

The gray robe old man was not only twitching the chains, he even pulled out his soul body.

While pulling left and right, his soul body couldn't bear it, and there was a faint sign of being torn in half.

"I say!"

The stall owner hurriedly shouted.

"If you said it earlier, you won't have to suffer these tortures." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and the iron chain snapped loose from him, and the entire formation was also dissipated in the barrier.

The stall owner fell heavily on Phoenix's back, panting on his stomach.

A stream of cold sweat shed from his body, and the feeling that the soul was being pulled out of the body, he didn't want to experience it for the second time in his life.

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