I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1794: Not qualified to know

Entering the sect, Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling envious of the disciples who were practising swordsmanship in an orderly manner.

After I returned to the Tianji Pavilion after I was busy with the things in front of me, I would definitely rectify it again.

After talking about the long song for a while, Jiang Chen walked in directly after asking where the hall was.

Sitting on the chair, Jiang Chen drank tea to himself, looking very casual.

Although the guards at the door didn't know him, but when they saw Jiang Chen so relaxed and content, they thought they were the guests of the Sect Master. After all, they had never seen it before, and someone dared to be so arrogant.

"It's really tired!"

After sitting for a while, Immortal King Xuan Jun quickly stepped forward from inside.

"I have seen Immortal King Xuan Jun." Jiang Chen slowly put the tea cup down and arched his hand to him.


"Why are you here?"

"Who let you in?"

Xuan Jun was taken aback by Jiang Chen, and almost rushed out.

"I saw no one, so I just came in." Jiang Chen shrugged and said.

"You..." Xuan Jun turned his head and glared at the guardians, and he entered Jiang Chen into the hall so easily. What is the majesty of their Jade Sword Gate, "What's the matter with you, why did you put him in? ?"

"Sect Master, this kid is so relaxed, he walked in in front of us so generously, thinking it was your guest."

"Yes, Sect Master, we have never seen such an arrogant one."

The two guardians are more aggrieved than the other.

"Okay, just do what you need to do!" Xuan Jun waved his hand at them impatiently and said before they were finished.

When the guardian left, Xuan Jun looked at Jiang Chen.

"You kid dare to come into my sect." Xuan Jun squinted. If Zhou Kunlun were not there, he would have killed Jiang Chen with a palm. Xuan San and Xuan Si belonged to him. The kendo boy had tried a lot of hard work, but all died in the hands of the kid in front of him.

"Why don't you dare, this is not coming in." Jiang Chen shrugged and said.

Xuan Jun twitched the corners of his mouth twice and asked, "Let's talk about it, what do you want to do with me."

"It's nothing, just come and read the long song. By the way, I would like to ask you something. I don't know if Immortal King Xuanjun has heard of the Yuhuo Phoenix family?" Jiang Chen asked, sitting in a chair.

"Have you heard, what if you haven't?" Xuan Jun smiled and sat across from Jiang Chen.

"It's not the first time that Immortal King Xuan Jun and I have met, so I won't go around the corner, and I'll just say what I have." Jiang Chen originally wanted to go step by step, but after seeing Xuan Jun, he lost that interest.

"Straightforward." Xuan Jun nodded.

"Xuanjun Immortal King, tens of thousands of years ago, you asked Wei Daxun of Tianfu Bank to obtain the Inner Pill of the Fire Phoenix Race for you. I don't know what the Immortal King did for you. Please tell me directly." Jiang Chen Looking at him, he asked in a deep voice.

"Ha ha!"

Xuan Jun suddenly laughed loudly.

It can be seen from his expression that the news of Jiang Chen really shocked him.

"If you say it, this is also a matter between me and the Fire Phoenix Clan. It has nothing to do with you." Xuan Jun looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Jiang Chen, don't think that you have Su Qian behind you. I am proud and arrogant in front of me, I want to get rid of you, there is still a way."

"I'm already a member of the Fire Phoenix Clan."

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and a phantom phoenix suddenly appeared behind him.

"You have the power of the Fire Phoenix family's bloodline?" Looking behind Jiang Chen, Immortal King Xuan Jun squinted slightly. He hadn't thought of this.

"That's right." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice, "I am now the great elder of the Fire Phoenix Clan, and Immortal King Xuanjun received our ancestor's inner alchemy. We are generous if we don't investigate the fault, can't the immortal king still speak bluntly? Tell us, tell us the truth?"

"If you really want to know, let Huo Xuan come to see me in person."

"You are not qualified enough."

Xuan Jun sneered, and with a wave of his hand, he directly blew Jiang Chen out of the hall and landed on the open space in front of him.

The phantom phoenix also disappeared from behind.

"It's really funny, a three-layered fairy, dare to come and question me?" Looking at Jiang Chen, Xuan Jun couldn't help but shook his head with emotion. This was the first time he had encountered this kind of thing.

"Xuanjun Immortal King, if you do this kind of extravagance, are you afraid that one day you will know about the immortal world?" Jiang Chen asked sharply when he stood up and stared at the figure in the hall.

"Xuan Yi, where is Xuan Er!"

"Eject this person from the sect!"

Xuan Jun took a deep breath, killing intent appeared in his eyes.

In his life, the most unbearable thing was being threatened by others, and Jiang Chen happened to violate his bottom line.

After his voice fell, two figures flew out from the depths of the sect.

A fairy king double.

One immortal monarch and one heavy.

The two stood in front of Jiang Chen with swords on their backs.

"Master let go and leave our sect immediately, otherwise you will be rude to you!" Xuan Yi looked at Jiang Chen, he felt that this person was a bit familiar, but he was sure that he had never seen it before.

"If you don't say it, it means it's not clean." Jiang Chen wasn't so stupid to fight the two immortals, Xuan Jun said nothing, not mentioning a word, it was actually an answer.

"Jiang Chen, what are you talking about?"

These words touched Xuan Jun's figure.

He flashed out of the hall directly, staring at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen?"

"Xuan San and Xuan Si, you killed them?"

Hearing what the master said, the eyes of the two of them were gloomy, and waves of killing intent broke out in their bodies.

The four of them grew up together, practiced the exercises together, and exchanged ideas together, but who would have thought that in less than a few months, the third and fourth brothers would have fallen one after another.

Even Master never told them the real reason.

The two kept inquiring before they remembered Jiang Chen's name.

"Master, Xuan San and Xuan Si died in his hands, can we let us kill him and pay homage to the two junior brothers!" Xuan Er clenched the long sword in his hand, staring at Jiang Chen, gritted his teeth and asked.

"Let's do it with you."

Xuan Jun waved his hand, "Now he is the second level of immortal cultivation, and you two fight with him. It's not against the thousand-year agreement and the two-realm agreement, but he wants to save his life."

"Understood, Master!"

With Xuan Jun's permission, the two immediately surrounded Jiang Chen from left to right.

"Xuan Jun Immortal King, are you still reluctant to say it?" Jiang Chen looked at Xuan Jun and asked again.

"I want to know the answer to this matter. When you arrive at the cultivation base of the Immortal King, you can come to question this king or ask Huo Xuan to come personally, but now you are still not qualified to understand." Xuan Jun clasped his hands. Shen Sheng said.

"Master, don't talk nonsense with him!" Xuan Yi stared at Jiang Chen, and after speaking, he directly launched an offensive.

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