I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1796: You are so cheap

The mighty thunder also smashed down from the sky.

The expressions on everyone's faces changed, the disciples scattered and fled, and the guardian looked at Xuan Jun.

"It's going to happen!"

Xuan Jun oozes a cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't expect that Jiang Chen, a triple immortal, could be so tough that he could force his two proud disciples to the present level.

The figure flew out, but time was too late.

Just as Xianjun was preparing to protect Jiang Chen, and with his physical strength to resist the offensive of Xuan Yi and Xuan Er, to avoid offending three powerful men at the same time, Jiang Chen did suddenly split two spatial gaps.

"Hugh hurts my disciple!"

"I said you are annoying, how come you encounter danger one after another, I'm going to throw up!"

Two voices sounded.

In the gap on the left, a white figure flashed out, pushing his fingers slightly, directly blocking all the twelve swords Xuan Er shot over.

In the gap on the right, a rune floated out, which directly sealed the long sword in Xuan Yi's hand, and stopped in mid-air without even daring to move it.

Between the sparks and flints, Xuan Jun steadied his steps and slapped his hands on the ground fiercely.

Two celestial powers surged and forced Xuan Yi and Xuan Er to escape from the place where they were, until they stopped more than ten meters away.



At the moment they left, a vine suddenly broke through the stone brick at the place where the two had just stood.

"I wipe it!"

"Is this really the realm of immortals?"

Many disciples were scared into cold sweats by this scene.

Among them, there are some people who are higher than Jiang Chen's cultivation level, but they are very guilty, knowing that if they are forced to suffer like this, they will definitely be hopeless.

"Huh? Why are you?"

The two figures walked out of the crack, and after looking at each other, they were dull in the air.

In the hall.

Xuan Yi and Xuan Er stood in the middle, while Jiang Chen stood on the side.

The two of them stared at Jiang Chen. If the Master hadn't taken them away suddenly, I'm afraid they would have been injured now, but if they hadn't taken the action suddenly, Jiang Chen would have been seriously injured.

In addition to these three, there are three others inside.

They are the Xuanjun Immortal King, the White Immortal King, and the Ancient Immortal King.

The three fairy kings look at me and I look at you. They are all a little embarrassed and don't know what to say.

"Um, Xuan Yi Xuan Er, I just let you seriously hurt Jiang Chen, but you were murderous, and you all went to the sword grave to face me for 30 days. No one is allowed to come out without my order!"

Immortal King Xuan Jun cleared his throat and shouted loudly.

"Yes, Master!"

Although they were very unconvinced, they still obeyed the order and walked outside.

"The damaged area does not need you to pay compensation. Today, you opened my eyes. I can use the immortal cultivation base to fight against my two disciples without falling into the wind, and even have the ability to hurt them. I have seen it. The first person." After scolding the disciple, Xuan Jun looked at Jiang Chen with complicated eyes.

Fight across borders.

Rich combat experience.

Calm on-the-spot reaction.

The power of seven attributes.

And while launching an offense, it can also release the formation.

He had hardly seen this kind of talent. Compared with Jiang Chen, he got the apprentice who owns the seventy-two lotus to recite the long song, which seemed to be compared.

"Xuanjun Immortal King, I don't care about this, I just want to know the truth from your mouth." Jiang Chen was not afraid before, now that Gu Hou and Bai Xuanling are here, Jiang Chen is even more not afraid.

"When you have a higher cultivation base in the future, I will naturally tell you." Immortal King Xuanjun frowned slightly. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to still be thinking about this, but he couldn't say it.

"Okay." Jiang Chen didn't ask.

"What did you call Jiang Chen just now, did you call him an apprentice?" Bai Xuanling asked Erlang's legs, looking at Gu Hou who was sitting aside.

"you ask me?"

"I'm still going to ask you, Lao Tzu's apprentice is in danger. It is only natural for Lao Tzu to come to rescue him, but why do you suddenly appear here, do you want to **** Lao Tzu's apprentice?" Upon hearing this, Gu Hou burst into laughter. He got up, his eyes filled with contempt for Bai Xuanling.

"I have to say, your kid did a good job. It is already good to be able to trap Xuan Er in this cultivation base and force him to use all his strength." After speaking, Gu Hou gave Jiang Chen a thumbs up.

"Hey?" Bai Xuanling sensed something wrong, and quickly looked at Jiang Chen, "Xiao Chenzi, tell him, whose apprentice are you!"

"That is, explain to the legendary fairy king in white, let him die!"

Guhuo also followed.

Jiang Chen looked at the two of them, and under Xuan Jun's gaze, he said helplessly, "You two don't fight, both are my masters, and I am your common apprentice!"


At this time, not only Bai Xuanling and Gu Huo were stunned.

Even watching the lively Xuan Jun was a little sluggish.

Among the three great immortal kings, Jiang Chen was the apprentice of two of them, plus Zhou Kunlun and Lin Baicao, who would dare to offend him in the entire immortal world.

If you come here in the future, don't you have to entertain yourself.

"Come out with me!" Bai Xuanling's expression was a little ugly, and he took Jiang Chen by the arm and led him to the outside of the hall, and asked in a low voice, "When did your kid worship Gu Hou as a teacher?"

"A few days ago." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"If you worship other people as your teacher without my consent, I think you want to be punished by the cabinet!" Bai Xuanling said angrily.

Originally, he was still triumphant every day, happy to receive such a gifted disciple as Jiang Chen, but now that he turned around, Jiang Chen actually had another master besides him.

Moreover, the second master's strength and status were not weaker than him, which caused Bai Xuan's inspiration to suffer a crisis.

"Now the pavilion of Tianji Pavilion is me, not you." Jiang Chen gave him a blank look.

"You kid!" Bai Xuan exhaled a few breaths deeply, but after a moment, he suddenly smiled twice, "Is there any formation or enchantment technique from Gu Hou's hands? I see him. The rune was pretty good when you first came out to save you. You can learn it by some way, and then teach it to me, how about it?"

"You are so cheap."

Jiang Chen also laughed.

He came into the door of Guhuo, and he had the same idea as Bai Xuanling.

"What are you talking about?" Gu Hou walked out of the door, and saw that Bai Xuanling and Jiang Chen were smiling at their heads, and he felt something wrong.

"Hmph, what we said between the master and the apprentice has nothing to do with you!" Bai Xuanling said with his chest raised up and his hands behind his back.

"Cut, Jiang Chen come with me, I have something to tell you." Gu Huo snorted coldly, beckoned to Jiang Chen, in front of Bai Xuanling, he didn't want to lose face.

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