I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1901: Choice

After the treatment of the clansmen in Tiandi Pharmacy, the injuries of the disciples gradually stabilized.

Jiang Chen felt as uncomfortable as if a stone was stuffed into his chest. This was the most embarrassed time since he soared into the fairy world. Not only did he damage his soldiers and soldiers, but he almost died in the deep forest.

Paid this price, but didn't even know what the other party looked like and what his identity was.

Sitting on the stone steps in front of the main hall, Jiang Chen held a spar in his hand.

This was given to him by Sect Master Yun Xi himself before he left. I am afraid that only the sect of the Western Regions knows about the affairs of the Western Regions.

It just happened that Bai Xuanling came back from the location domain, and it wasn't a waste of disturbing others.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen pressed his palm to crush the spar.

Invisible fluctuations spread out instantly.

Patting the debris on his hands, Jiang Chen saw Lin Baicao walking up.

"Elder Lin."

Jiang Chen got up and said.

"Young Master, the disciples in the fairy gate have all been treated. These people can save their lives regardless of the severity of their injuries, but there is something that needs to be weighed." Lin Baicao looked embarrassed.

"Elder Lin, please speak."

Jiang Chen stepped down a few steps and walked in front of him.

"About ten of them were injured very seriously. If you want them to recover, you need to use the best pill in the prescription, but there are only less than 20 of those pill. I want to refine a batch of them. At least it will take about a hundred years."

"So I ask the young master to decide whether to use the pill to save their lives, or to keep the pill for emergencies in the future."

Lin Baicao arched his hand towards Jiang Chen and said in a deep voice.

"Without a pill, what would they do?"

Jiang Chen also fell into a dilemma for a while.

"It can only save their lives without the pill, but I am afraid that they can no longer practice in the future, and they need someone to take care of them for a long time." Lin Baicao hesitated for a while, but still told the truth.

Jiang Chen was silent.

This choice is difficult for him to decide.

He wanted to use the medicine. These disciples were carefully selected to enter the sect. Those who died in the deep mountains were enough to make him feel distressed. If these ten people are not healed, it is not only the sect. Jiang Chen's heart would also feel sorry for the loss.

But if the pill was used and similar things happened in the future, if it was Huo Fu or Jiang Yuan who were injured, wouldn't it be impossible to heal it?

"Elder Lin, if it were you, how would you choose?"

After a quarter of an hour, Jiang Chen still did not make a choice, so he could only ask.

"Young Master, say something to your heart."

Lin Baicao sighed and said, "They are just disciples who have just entered the sect. Although they have some talents, their cultivation base is really too low, and the use of pills is a bit wasteful."

"It's better to abandon them and leave the pill for later use. After a hundred years, our Tiandi Pharmacy will make a new batch and give it to them."

"Do what you want."

Jiang Chen clenched his fists, and finally agreed with Lin Baicao's opinion.

"Then I will give them ordinary pill." After receiving Jiang Chen's order, Lin Baicao nodded, turned and walked towards the residence of the disciples.

"I want to see them in person."

Jiang Chen rubbed his face and quickly followed.

Before Lin Baicao entered the room, Jiang Chen saw ten disciples lying on the bed.

Including Sun Zhou, who was first seen in the deep forest.

"Little Lord!"

Seeing Jiang Chen coming in, all ten people wanted to struggle to get up.

It's a pity that no matter how hard they use, their whole body is soft and they can't get any strength at all.

"Don't move, I have something to say to you." Seeing what they looked like, Jiang Chen wanted to turn around and ask Lin Baicao for the pill.

Just think about it, now there is such a powerful opponent out of thin air, similar to Bai Xiaoyun's situation, maybe it will happen to other people.

Twenty pills are too much to say, but in a hundred years, who knows how many accidents will happen.

"Young Master, please speak."

With Jiang Chen's words, they stopped struggling.

"Your injury is a bit serious, and there is no cure for it for the time being."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, they could see their eyes dimmed in an instant.

But disappointment is disappointment, and they all had a hunch.

Sun Zhou squeezed out a smile and said, "Young Master, don't be too burdened. It's not easy for us to live now."

"However, a hundred years later, Tiandi Pharmacy will have a batch of new pill refining, and I can guarantee that ten will be reserved for you at that time."

"At that time you will be able to stand up again, but within these hundred years, I am afraid that you will have to lie down forever."

Jiang Chen couldn't bear to disappoint them for a long time, so he spoke quickly and said.

"Really, Young Master?"

Light reappeared in their eyes.

"Of course it is true. In these hundred years, you are still disciples of the Wancheng Immortal Clan, and I will arrange for the brothers to take care of it." Jiang Chen nodded solemnly.

"Young Master, if there is a chance to stand up and practice again, let alone a hundred years, what about a thousand years!"

"Yes, young master, we are willing to wait!"

Several people spoke in a rush.

For the life span of a common cultivator that can easily reach thousands of years, a hundred years is really not much.

"Well, rest. People from Tiandi Pharmacy will come to treat you later. If you have anything you want to tell me, let other people come to me."

Jiang Chen nodded, and after looking at them, he pushed the door of the room and went out.

Outside, Lin Baicao waved his hand, and the two clansmen from Tiandi Pharmacy passed by Jiang Chen, taking the medicine pills in.

"Young Master, the injuries of these disciples are basically under control. When I came this time, I also brought some medicine pills. I also asked the Ganges Bank and Tianfu Bank to bring a lot of herbs, and they stayed in the fairy gate. If there are any emergencies in the future, there is no need to go to my place all the way to waste time."

Lin Baicao took out a storage ring from his sleeve robe and handed it to Jiang Chen.

After putting away Jiang Chen, he arched his hand to him and said in a deep voice, "This time I really thank Elder Lin for his help, otherwise these disciples would be even more dangerous."

"What the young master said, the current Wancheng Immortal Gate is actually the Thousand Chance Sect, right?"

Lin Baicao smiled and waved.


Jiang Chen answered without hesitation.

"How about doing something for the disciples of my own sect? If it were not for fear of causing suspicion in the immortal world, I would have moved to live in the immortal door with everyone in the prescription."

Seeing Jiang Chen's promise, Lin Baicao smiled heartily.

"There will be such a day." Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"Young Master, the clansmen and I stayed in the fairy gate for a few days to rest and rest, so that if there are any problems with the disciples, we can also treat them in time."

After laughing, Lin Baicao sighed.

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