I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1910: Annoyed home

"Then we can only wait for Jiang Chen to recover." Huo Fu is not very worried about Jiang Chen's condition. With Bai Xuanling and Tiandi Pharmacy in there, no matter what, there will be absolutely no life-threatening.

"Yes, take the time to go to Kunlun Fairy Mountain and tell the situation in the Eastern Region that we have resolved it."

"One more thing, you must not tell them that Jiang Chen was injured, otherwise the mountain masters will be worried again."

Bai Xiaoyun clutched his chest.

After two or three months of recuperation, his injury was in good condition, but when he helped Jiang Chen, he used immortal power to act, which caused some relapses.

"Sister Fengyu, are you hiding it?" Huo Fu asked.

"Well, I just told her that Jiang Chen was in retreat and didn't talk about the injury." Bai Xiaoyun nodded and said.

"Then I will go to Kunlun Fairy Mountain." Huo Fu responded and continued, "By the way, many new disciples want to join our Fairy Gate in the past few days."

"Didn't Jiang Chen say to recruit again after three years?" Bai Xiaoyun relaxed for a while before he felt more comfortable.

"In the deep mountain, we lost nearly a hundred disciples, so naturally we have to add that, I told Jiang Chen before and he agreed." Huo Fu explained.

"Then leave it to Dade."

"I also have to recuperate for a few days, otherwise the injury will not fully recover."

Bai Xiaoyun stood up with strong support, and then walked toward the outside of the hall after giving instructions.

Although he didn't fully use the force of forcibly ascending, he also tore a bit of the seal when facing several black gate immortals.

Now not only is the injury serious, but the whole body is extremely weak.

The reason for holding on is that I don't want to worry about the juniors and sisters of Tianji Pavilion.

"The White Immortal King has a good rest, I will go to Kunlun Fairy Mountain." Huo Fu nodded and turned into a crimson streamer, disappearing from the Wancheng Immortal Gate.

Bai Xiaoyun took a deep breath and walked towards the guest room.

Under his arrangement, Long Dade asked those cultivators who arrived at the immortal gate to participate in the assessment, and selected about twenty people from hundreds of people to join the Wancheng Immortal Gate.

Dozens of days passed quietly.

Jiang Chen's aura had returned to normal, and with the help of the medicinal power of the previous pill and Shengyou enchantment, he had completely escaped the danger, but he was still in a coma.

Jiang Yuan is here almost all the time.

Those few disciples who had just joined the immortal door had also completely integrated in.

It's just that the Wancheng Immortal Gate seems to be in harmony, but it has hidden troubles.

In the Eastern Region Qianhe Sect.

After hearing the disciple's report, Su Qianyu stood up and asked in a deep voice. "Jiang Chen was injured? When did it happen?"

"About two months ago, when the people in the Black Gate gathered on the edge of the outer domain." The disciple reported honestly, "This is the news I heard by chance when I went to Wancheng Immortal Gate. I said how to get there these few times. I won't see Jiang Chen."

"This kid!"

Su Qian clenched a fist and slammed it heavily on the table next to him.

"Elder, now Wancheng Immortal Gate has completely closed the news of Jiang Chen's injury. It is said that even Kunlun Xianshan didn't know about the injury. The injury should be serious." The disciple was so scared that he took two steps back. He rarely saw Su Qian getting angry. .

Only a few times, it was almost all because of Jiang Chen.

"Where is Yundian?" Su Qian exhaled a few breaths and asked.

"Elder Yundian has gone out for wandering again, and has not returned to the sect for twenty days." The disciple confessed honestly.

"Go to Wancheng Immortal Gate!"

"I want to see how that kid is injured!"

Su Qian did not hesitate, and after giving an order to the disciple, he hurried out.

The disciple quickly turned around to follow, but his speed was too slow compared to Su Qian. As soon as he left the sect, Su Qian's figure disappeared in the clouds.

In the Wancheng Immortal Gate, Bai Xiaoyun looked particularly embarrassed in the face of a sudden visitor.

Looking at the people in front of him, Su Qian suddenly laughed.

"Elder Su, I don't know why you suddenly laughed?" Bai Xiaoyun asked with a light cough.

"Bai Xian Wang, how is the injury recovered?" Su Qian looked at Bai Xiaoyun and said, "Your breath is very weak, and you really can't hold it, you should go back to rest and let Jiang Chen come out to see me."

"Jiang Chen is in retreat."

"I just accidentally hurt myself when I practiced before."

Bai Xiaoyun smiled awkwardly.

Su Qian snorted coldly, got up with his hands behind his back, and said, "Bai Xian Wang, why didn't you inform the old man about Jiang Chen's injury? Do you now have the Wancheng Immortal Gate, so you don't take the old man's Qianhe Sect in your eyes? Yet?"

"Why did Elder Su say this!" Bai Xiaoyun quickly explained when Su Qian was angry.

This anxiety, under the impact of the rapid fire, another mouthful of blood spurted out.


Su Qian put his hand on Bai Xiaoyun's wrist.

"The injury is heavier than I thought. If you don't cultivate yourself, I'm afraid it will affect your foundation." Perceiving the condition in Bai Xiaoyun's body, Su Qian continued, "Take me to see Jiang Chen, I want to see him How's your injury!"

"Jiang Chen specially asked not to inform Qianhezong and Kunlun Xianshan. Even our Tianji Pavilion knew that he was injured only by a small number of juniors and juniors."

Bai Xiaoyun's face was distressed.

"Well, since I don't say anything, the old man will go back."

"It's just that from now on, we Qianhe Sect will never interfere with anything in your Wancheng Immortal Gate."

Su Qianyi flicked his sleeves and walked outside with his feet raised.

"Elder Su, wait, I'll take you there!" Bai Xiaoyun hesitated for a while, but stopped him.

in the room.

Su Qian saw Jiang Chen lying on the bed.

His complexion was sallow, his breath was faint, and even the Shengyou enchantment lingering around his body was very dim.

"This is called retreat?"

Su Qian pointed at Jiang Chen and asked in a low voice.

"Oh." Bai Xiaoyun sighed and said, "Jiang Chen is indeed seriously injured, but fortunately, it will not endanger his life, as long as he recuperates for a period of time, he can recover."

"Where's the medicine in Tiandi Pharmacy?" Su Qian couldn't bear to look at Jiang Chen like this.

"He took one one some time ago, and the effect of the medicine is still working. If I take it again, I am worried that it will have a bad effect." Bai Xiaoyun closed the door and said.

"Some time ago?"

"What has happened to you Wancheng Immortal Gate in recent months?"

Su Qian keenly caught the news in Bai Xiaoyun's words.

Bai Xiaoyun had to say everything in the mountains and what he had encountered in the Eastern Region.

"He fights against Sect Master Black Door?" Su Qian doesn't care about any black robe people, he only cares about Jiang Chen's safety.

"Well, he was too impulsive this time. Neither Jiang Yuan nor I could stop him." Bai Xiaoyun said while sitting on the edge of Jiang Chen.

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