I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1921: Angry into anger

"Now there is no sign to leave, always give a reason, right?"

Yun Bing looked at him with a bit of irritation in his words. Don't think that these things attached to the sect are all handled by Yun Wei, but as the mountain master, they all know some things.

"Master Yun Bingshan, we all know this." Shi Jingtian sighed constantly.

"Let's talk about it. Why did you leave Yun Xizong in such a hurry." Yun Bing didn't give him a chance to breathe. "If the reasons are not enough to convince us, then I am afraid it is not so easy to solve. ."

"Lord Yun Bing, you are the ones who have acted on the sects of the Western Regions, and the strength of Mountain Master Yunwei is so strong that you have also fallen to a serious injury or even fall."

"Our little sects really can't offend them. If it gets involved, I am afraid that the sect will be destroyed in less than an hour. There is only one way to escape."

Shi Jingtian sighed heavily, and under Yun Bing's continuous questioning, he could only tell the truth.

Yun Bing squinted at Jiang Chen.

The meaning in the eyes is clear.


Jiang Chen cleared his throat and said, "You are the sect attached to the Yunxi Sect. With the resources provided by the sect, the first thing you think about in trouble is not to solve the Yunxi Sect, but to protect yourself. It seems to be a little ungrateful, because it is in the sense and reason. Isn't it justified?"


Faced with such sharp words, Shi Jingtian was speechless.

"If I were the Sect Master of the Yunxi Sect, after knowing that you were such a selfish sect, I would have sent someone to wipe you out a long time ago, and I would never give you a chance to live."

Jiang Chen said again.

This incident reminded him of the Wancheng Immortal Gate back then.

The immortal gate suffered a disaster, and the old man was surrounded and suppressed by the three immortal kings.

The sects attached to the immortal gates only rarely came to support them, and most of them immediately opened the boundaries, for fear that they might catch fire, or even take advantage of the fire to rob and fall into trouble.

"You are……"

The words of Zhuji made Shi Jingtian very embarrassed, and he didn't know what to say.

Seeing Jiang Chen's unfamiliar appearance, I could only ask.

"Young Master of Ten Thousand Gods Fairy Gate, Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen faintly replied, "The trouble that Yun Xizong caused in your mouth is precisely because of me."

"Master Yun Bingshan!"

"If it weren't for him, we would definitely not leave Yun Xizong."

"I also hope that the Sect Master can turn his head back in time, so that he won't provoke those sects again because of him, nor can he disrupt our peace in the Western Regions because of this person!"

Seeing the culprit standing in front of him, Shi Jingtian quickly pointed at Jiang Chen and accused him loudly.

"Sect Master Yun Xi decides what to do, it's not in your control."

Yun Bing said annoyedly, "Sect Master Shi, I will give you two paths, the first to return to the sect. You personally go to the sect in front of the Sect Master to apologize and accept the punishment you deserve."

"The second one?"

Shi Jingtian swallowed.

He will definitely not choose this one.

As long as you choose, that sect may be destroyed at any time.

He will also be killed at any time.

"The second rule is that I will replace the suzerain and clean up the door."

As these words were uttered, the immortal power in Yun Bing's body spread out.

Many disciples of the Marble Sect who gathered outside wanting to see the situation were all impacted and flew out in the fluctuation of this immortal power.

A few of the weaker ones were even more unstoppable and suffered injuries.

"Master Yun Bingshan, give us a way to survive."

Shi Jingtian grumbled.

"Jiang Chen is right. With the gift of Yunxi Sect, you should be the first to rush to the front when you encounter danger, and go through the fire and water for the sect. Now think about shrinking, for fear that the troubles of the sect will provoke you. "

Yun Bing sneered.

"Lord Yun Bingshan, really don't give us a way to survive?"

Seeing Yun Bing's attitude so hard, the expression on Shi Jingtian's face gradually changed.

"Choose one of the two paths."

Yun Bing tilted his head and didn't want to look at him at all.

"Since everything is dead, it's a pleasure!"

Shi Jingtian's eyes suddenly became crazy, and he stretched out his hand to hold it high, and a huge stone hammer appeared in his hand, and immediately slammed it at Yun Bing who was sitting on the chair.

If you continue to attach to Yunxi Sect, you will be killed by those sects.

Leaving Yunxi Sect will be cleared by Yun Bing.

He has no retreat, it is better to kill the mountain lord in front of him directly, so as to dissipate the suffocation in his heart.

Feeling something was wrong, Yun Bing suddenly raised his head and saw the stone hammer continuously zooming in before his eyes.

But she has no chance to escape.

Shi Jingtian's cultivation base was much higher than her, and his shot was too fast to react.

"ten thousand……"

When the stone hammer mingled with fierce celestial power was about to hit Yun Bing's head, Jiang Chen gently spit out a few words, and the afterimage flashed past, flashing Yun Bing to the outside of the hall.


The two of them hadn't stood still, and there was a deafening voice.

Under Shi Jingtian's unreserved full blow, the hammer hit the ground heavily.

The resulting celestial power fluctuations spread rapidly.

The whole hall smashed in an instant, and many disciples vomited blood and fell to the ground under this impact.

Volatility swept across.

With the Marble Sect as the center, all the buildings in the surrounding towns have been leveled.

The originally quiet town suddenly became noisy.

Many people quickly ran out of the sect and evaded towards the edge of the town.

"It seems that if Yun Bingshan came mainly by himself, I am afraid that there is no chance to go back." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and removed the Xianli barrier in front of him, and said with a smile.

"Thank you for your help just now." Yun Bing's eyes were complicated, and she didn't expect Shi Jingtian to suddenly burst into flames.

Just as Jiang Chen said, if he came alone, he would definitely be hit by the stone hammer, and he would not fall, but he would be seriously injured.

"Sect Master Shi's psychological endurance is inadequate, and just a few words will turn into anger from embarrassment."

Jiang Chen looked at the collapsed hall and said lightly, "But this also saves our troubles. You don't need to spend any more talking, just get rid of him directly."

"Yeah." Yun Bing nodded gently.

"All the elder guards and disciples of the Cloud Stone Sect will do their best to kill these two people. As long as they are still alive, then all of us in the Stone Sect will have no way to survive. We must kill both of them!"

After a while, Shi Jingtian grabbed the stone hammer and swept out of the ruins, looked at the two Jiang Chen standing in front of him, and shouted loudly.

Under his order, hundreds of people immediately gathered around. They mobilized their own fairy powers, communicated with each other, and soon became a huge formation.

"Master Yun Bing, you should know the guardian formation of our Cloud Stone Sect, right?"

"There was an immortal king who wanted to destroy us, and eventually died in the great formation."

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