I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1938: Arrived in the mountains

"The Huo Xuan patriarch knows such details, it seems that he has never been in it."

Jiang Chen replied casually.

I don't have much hope in my heart.

Even if Huo Xuan went in several times and couldn't get any good things, he didn't even have a chance.

But hospitality is hard to come by. Go in and see if you won't lose anything.

"Well...Is it..."

Huo Xuan's expression flashed unnaturally.

He couldn't tell Jiang Chen that he had gone in twice, all of which had forgotten the time in the end and stayed inside for 10,000 years before coming out.

If you say it, the majesty of being a patriarch no longer exists.

"Okay, I'll take a look inside in ten days."

Jiang Chen didn't notice that it was wrong, so he agreed.

From the second day when Jiang Chen stayed in the Phoenix Clan, he had already felt that the entire space was filled with strange fluctuations, which seemed to be guiding the person to go somewhere.

Jiang Chen could probably guess that it should be the fluctuation caused by the opening of the Valley of the Mountain.

When the fluctuations became stronger and stronger, ten days passed quietly.

All the disciples in the Fire Phoenix Clan were eager to try.

Although they know that there is little possibility of getting benefits from it, and they have never heard of someone who can bring something out of it, this kind of pie in the sky still makes them rush.

Even though you can't get the treasure, go in and look at the things left by the ancestors of the Huang Clan, maybe you can get some insights, and your cultivation level will be improved rapidly.

By the tenth day, all the tribesmen gathered at the door.

Waiting for Huo Xuan to select three of them and enter the valley of the mountains.

"This mountain valley is entered by Jiang Chen and the two friends he brought." Looking at the clansmen gathered in front of him, Huo Xuan said to them directly without saying any nonsense.


The people of the tribe feel both normal and unfair.

Now Jiang Chen is in the family, and they know that there will be one Jiang Chen for the three places, so they are all wondering if they can get the remaining two places.

But now the patriarch said directly and gave it to those who followed Jiang Chen.

This makes them very upset.

Hearing their whispers, Huo Xuan asked, "If you have any comments, just say it."



Everyone shook their heads, even if they were upset, they didn't dare to speak out.

"Then go away."

"But although you are not qualified to enter the valley of the mountains, you can enter the magic pavilion in the family for three days at will. Whether you can feel the top celestial arts in the family depends on your own skills!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Huo Xuan's face and said to them.

Suddenly, these disciples immediately became excited.

Entering the valley of the mountains, there is only a chance to get the treasures inside, and the chance is so small that it is almost impossible.

But Shufa Pavilion is different.

As the strongest race of the six spirit beasts, the Fire Phoenix Clan has many top immortal magic celestial arts in the pavilion, some of which can only be enlightened by the suzerain, the elder, and the eldest lady.

These ordinary disciples have no chance to get involved.

But now Huo Xuan's words let them all know that their chance to get in touch with top celestial arts has arrived!

If you can successfully comprehend it, maybe your cultivation level will improve a lot, and you will even be eligible to become a new tribal leader or even a new elder!

Suddenly, the dissatisfaction of not being able to enter the valley of the mountain was washed away.

Satisfied with these disciples, Huo Xuan returned to the hall with a smile.

Jiang Chen and the three have completely packed up, and they are waiting here.

"You must remember that you must come out within ten days." Huo Xuan looked at Jiang Chen and reminded in a deep voice.


Jiang Chen nodded.

Under the gaze of all the disciples, the three Jiang Chen left the enchantment.

In a mountain range thousands of miles away from the Fire Phoenix Clan, many cultivators in the Southern Region have gathered at this time.

Most of them are spirit beasts, and there are casual cultivators in the Southern Territory.

As for people outside the Southern Territory, although some people know the Valley of the Mountains, they don't have much interest.

Entering the Southern Territory, and then wanting to break into the Valley of the Mountains, it is bound to arouse dissatisfaction with the spirit beast races of the Southern Territory, and even fight with them. As far as the news is concerned, almost no one can bring out anything from the Valley of the Mountains. thing.

Under these conditions, no one risked to reach the valley of the mountains.

"Look, that's Jiang Chen!"

"Really, he has the power of the blood of the Fire Bathing Phoenix Clan?"

"I heard that even the Faxu Gulong clan is polite to him, and I even watched them go to the water some time ago. That's the place where the blue python is located."

"What kind of status is he, the quintessential fairyland, can he befriend the three major races at the same time?"

"You don't know this, he is the young master of the Ten Thousand Immortal Sect. He has re-ascended from the lower realm through the tenth cycle of reincarnation. He must have some abilities."

"Cut, no matter how talented you are, it's only the fifth level of the fairyland, you can't see it in your eyes!"

After Jiang Chen's trio, almost everyone's eyes turned here.

Even if the Southern Territory is not like other places, the spirit beast races are almost never born, but they have heard some rumors about Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was used to attracting other people's attention whenever he went.

So natural selection ignored them.

"That's what the Huoxuan Patriarch said. It is estimated that the barrier will be opened in one or two hours." Looking at the densely forested mountains in front of him, Jiang Chen said solemnly to the two behind him.

"I don't know how this compares to overseas immortal burials."

Bai Xiaoyun observed the surroundings.

"Not comparable."

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, shook his head and said.

Overseas Immortal Burial is the hometown of Lao Niang and Bai Xiaoyun. Among them are strong men with half-step immortal emperors like Murong Changtian, and the strength of various sects is not bad.

If it weren't for the seal, I'm afraid it must be the strength of the fairy world.

Presumably, this valley of mountains, built by the ancestors of the six great spirit beast races, seemed a little oversight.

"This time I must find a handy weapon from inside."

Long Dade touched his storage ring.

The sky-breaking spear is lying in it.

Don't look like it belongs to him, but Jiang Chen can take it away anytime he wants.

"hope so."

Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Jiang...Young Master Jiang Chen..."

A voice rang from behind.

The three looked back at the same time.

The one standing behind was no one else, but Ao Ting of the Faxu Gulong clan. Behind him, there were two clansmen who were not badly cultivated, who seemed to be the best in the family.

"What do you want to do?"

"I can warn you, if you dare to do it again, Patriarch Ao Zhan will definitely not spare you lightly!"

Long Dade looked at him vigilantly, the sky-breaking spear flashed in his hand, pointed at him and said. 】

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