I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1940: Cold lion


Jiang Chen nodded.

Go straight to the mountain on one side.

Ao Ting exhaled a foul breath, and turned his head to slap the tribe's face with two slaps.

"Brother Ao Ting, he is not the young master, and the words are too ugly, how can we bear it!" After the pain, the two disciples both covered their faces and said with some dissatisfaction.

"It won't work as long as it is the person following the young master!"

"These two slaps are just to teach you a lesson. If there are similar things, you can go directly to the patriarch to receive the punishment!"

Ao Ting pointed to their noses and whispered.

Immediately, he glanced at the direction where Jiang Chen and the others had left, and rushed towards the adjacent mountain range.

The two clansmen covered their faces. Even though they were very upset, they didn't dare to say anything. They had to follow up with grievances and disappear into the mountains.

In this mountain range, not only Jiang Chen is here, but also people from other families.

Jiang Chen deliberately separated a certain distance from them.

Anyway, when I went to the Valley of the Mountains, I didn't have much hope for treasures and the like. It would be nice to get it if I was lucky, but it would be fine if I couldn't get it.

"You two..."

Long Dade originally came in enthusiastically, but he didn't expect that Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun sat directly on the ground.

"Don't worry, there are still ten days."

Jiang Chen leaned on the tree trunk.

From time to time, there are fluctuations caused by cultivators fighting against each other.

"Brother Dade, if you are interested, you can find it yourself and see if you can find any treasures. It is better for Junior Brother Jiang Chen and I to rest here."

"Depend on!"

Long Dade looked reluctant.

Seeing Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun really didn't mean to leave, he had to leave in anguish, praying in his heart that he would find something good in the barrier, so that he could show off in front of the two.

"I said, we can't rest here all the time, isn't it the same as not coming." Bai Xiaoyun shook the folding fan and sat beside Jiang Chen.

"of course not."

"I'm waiting to feel the fluctuations."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.


Bai Xiaoyun didn't understand.

Speaking of volatility, there are volatility sweeping in this enchantment almost every moment.

"Well, the fluctuation of the Blue Python Sky Snake Clan."

"Now that Qiu Tianji has gone to the lower realm, the main hall has been destroyed, there is nothing left of him in the waters, and maybe there will be some of his conditions in this enchantment."

Jiang Chen pillowed his hands.

"But this enchantment was constructed millions of years ago, and the Black Heaven Emperor's action on Qiu Tianji was hundreds of thousands of years ago. There has been too long a gap."

Bai Xiaoyun frowned slightly. He could understand Jiang Chen's meaning, but it was really difficult to get news from here.

"It's man-made."

Jiang Chen didn't deny it either.

Except for Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun, everyone else was frantically searching inside the barrier.

Two days later.

A wave of fluctuations spread to Jiang Chen.

The two immediately opened their eyes.

"Someone is in the area of ​​the blue python sky snake." Jiang Chen was happy.

"Brother Dade doesn't know where it is yet, do you want to find him first?" Bai Xiaoyun looked around and asked.

"Don't worry about him, the cultivator in this enchantment hasn't been able to embarrass him yet." Jiang Chen shook his head, and followed the direction of the wave, and his figure ejected.

In a place thousands of miles away from the main hall.

Compared with the beautiful scenery of other places, here is indeed a vast swamp. A huge blue python sticks its head out of the swamp, and its sharp teeth are almost as long as humans.

Two figures of Jiang Chen and Bai Xiaoyun appeared here.

Those who were looting inside the snake's head looked back.

"It looks like we are going in from the snake's mouth." Seeing such a strange scene, Jiang Chen felt a chill.

The two stepped on the swamp and walked towards the python.

Many cultivators gave way, they didn't dare to offend Jiang Chen, let alone the three spirit beast races behind Jiang Chen.

After entering the snake's mouth, Jiang Chen arrived in a piece of water.

The cultivator inside did not pay attention to the two at all, and was busy searching for treasures.

Ignoring these cultivators, Jiang Chen walked straight inside.

"Boy, do you understand the rules!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to rush inside, several cultivators ran right in front of him.

These people have snow-white hair, cold aura, and a faint mark on their foreheads.

"Oh? Are there any rules in this valley of mountains?"

Jiang Chen stopped, looked at him and smiled.

"Of course, there are rules everywhere in the fairy world, and this mountain valley naturally has them, but you don't know it." The person shook his head and said.

"Then please tell me, tell me what the rules are."

Jiang Chen put his hands on his back.

"My cold lion clan is one of the six great spirit beast races. According to the rules, we are here. Except for this clan, no other races and casual cultivators are allowed to enter. We must wait for us to leave before we can enter the search."

The man stared at Jiang Chen and suddenly felt that the person in front of him was a little familiar, "I said who is so unruly, it turns out that it is you Jiang Chen."

"Do you know me?" Jiang Chen pointed to himself.


"But even though you are backed by the Fire Phoenix Clan and the Faxu Ancient Dragon Clan, you have to abide by the rules. Get out as soon as possible, don't affect us!"

"And remember my name, Bitter Winter!"

Bitter Winter looked at Jiang Chen, and said somewhat contemptuously.

He is a member of the Hanshi clan with pure blood. In the Southern Region, how can someone like Jiang Chen be able to compare.

"If you stay in there for ten days, how can I get in?"

Jiang Chen didn't take his words as the same thing, and said, "You find your baby, I will go in and do my affairs, and we will not interfere with each other, okay?"

"Jiang Chen!"

"You too take yourself too much!" Seeing Jiang Chen not only advising, but also going inside, Bitter Winter was immediately annoyed, he waved his hand and said, "Han Zheng, Han Yi, stop him from me. Next, if he goes further inside today, he just won't take our Hanshi clan in his eyes!"

In addition to these three people, nearly ten people came over.

These people are members of the ordinary spirit beast race in the Southern Territory. They are attached to the Cold Lion race, and naturally they must obey the orders of the cold winter.

As for the other cultivators, they were watching the excitement at the entrance of the enchantment.

One is the young patriarch of the Hanshi clan.

One is backed by the Fire Phoenix and Faxu Ancient Dragons.

This level of confrontation really hasn't been seen once in hundreds of years.

"Strange, it's okay to say that this is the area of ​​your cold lion clan, but this is the site of the green python sky snake, is it also yours?"

Looking at the few people around, Bai Xiaoyun was ready to do it.

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