I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1951: Thrown into the river

Search for it.

Jiang Chen didn't find any good things.

Maybe the best thing in the whole hall is already behind him.

Jiang Chen was going to meet with Bai Xiaoyun.

However, as soon as his body turned around, the wooden sword behind him used strength, and Jiang Chen was almost dragged to the ground by it.

Jiang Chen staggered.

"What are you doing?"

Exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Chen picked it up from behind and asked helplessly.

Even though Jiang Chen held the long sword in his hand, he still pointed to the front.

"You mean, let me go there?"

Jiang Chen raised his head, and then said, "There is nothing valuable in this entire palace, and I'm afraid it's the same if I go inside, and I can't take all the good things out. Doesn't the Clan Frost Heaven want Turned my face on."

After speaking, Jiang Chen turned his head again and went to find Bai Xiaoyun.

But Changjian suddenly took Jiang Chen into it.

Jiang Chen was taken to fly, but he did not dare to let go, for fear that the wooden sword would disappear in front of him as soon as he let go.

Without it, the swordsmanship that had been in my mind a few times would be useless.

After about a few minutes, the wooden sword stopped.

Jiang Chen sorted out some messy hairstyle and looked forward.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Jiang Chen is grateful to Mu Jian instantly.

If it hadn't brought it by itself, then it might really have missed the treasure inside.

"Ahem, thank you."

Jiang Chen cleared his throat and walked inside.

Mu Jian also cleverly returned to Jiang Chen's back.

In this seemingly messy secret room, Jiang Chen seemed to see six remaining phantoms sitting opposite each other. From their eyes, it could be seen that they were discussing something important.

But it didn't matter what was happening, what was important was that Jiang Chen saw a stack of celestial arts.

"Be good."

Take a look.

Jiang Chen suddenly took a breath.

These spells were not much weaker than the Ice Seal that he had cultivated, and they were enough to be regarded as the best spells in this immortal world.

But unfortunately, there are only five books on it.

And beside these spells, there is a brown spirit beast inner pill.

Jiang Chen picked it up and looked at it for a while.

"The inner pill of the immortal king level spirit beast."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh, he didn't expect that there are still such good things in the palace.

After all these items were received in the storage ring, Jiang Chen was going to search again, and take away the good ones. As for the slightly worse ones, they would stay here.

"Are you a descendant of Xinzang?"

Just as Jiang Chen found the heat in full swing, his voice suddenly sounded.

"What Xinzang?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, and immediately turned around, just to see the six phantoms not far behind him.

They can't even talk about the soul body, or even a ray of soul remnant thoughts. They can only say that it is because the cultivation base during their lifetime is too high, leaving behind an afterimage.

Among them, Jiang Chen saw a familiar figure.

It was just Qiu Tianji who had just escaped.

Looking at him, Jiang Chen became angry.

But the afterimage of Qiu Tianji didn't look at Jiang Chen at all.

Sitting next to Qiu Tianji was a brawny man with fiery red hair, who should be an ancestor of the Fire Phoenix clan.

"Could it be the ancestor whose body was stolen?"

Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

But he didn't say anything. If it was true, I'm afraid the old man would really blow his hair.

After hundreds of thousands of years in the immortal world, after death, the bones buried in the mountain will be stolen. I am afraid that even individuals cannot accept it.

"Xin Zang has been missing for tens of thousands of years. Maybe the Vermilion Talisman Wood Sword has found a new owner."

The six afterimages said as if they hadn't seen Jiang Chen.

"Seniors, you continue to have meetings here. I have some things to deal with, so I will leave first." Jiang Chen felt a bit of a bad premonition.

In terms of his tenth reincarnation experience, there must be a great opportunity to crash into this place.

Before changing, Jiang Chen would definitely be happy, even if he waited here for hundreds of years, he would still have the opportunity to improve his strength.

But he is now carrying the mission of the rise of Wancheng Immortal Gate and Thousand Chance Sect.

He even helped Wang Min reshape the Rongrao of the Frozen King.

I really don't have the energy to manage other things.


Just as Jiang Chen was about to step out, one of the afterimages suddenly stretched out his hand.

Immediately an invisible thrust erupted, directly pushing Jiang Chen out.

Jiang Chen didn't even have a chance to resist. The speed was so fast that almost the space was about to collapse. He directly penetrated the barrier outside the hall, flew towards the center of the mountain valley, and finally slammed into the one that fell from the sky. Above the river.


Jiang Chen fell into it and splashed a spray of water.

Someone noticed that the afterimage flashed by, but no one would think that it was Jiang Chen.

After all, there are not a few spirit beasts that can fly into the sky in the valley of the mountains.

"Is this kid the one being selected..."

After Jiang Chen ejected, the person who just started to speak.

"may be."

"Xuan Zang is the number one warrior under that adult. Even his weapon chose this person. Most of it was arranged by that adult."

"The afterimage we left is finally fulfilling our mission."

"Let's live up to that adult who helped us stabilize the immortal world."

"This person's cultivation level is too bad. I am afraid that he has not even visited one-tenth of the immortal world. I am afraid it is difficult to complete the task of that adult..."

"Goodbye, everyone, maybe I won't have a chance to see it again."

The voices of these six people became smaller and smaller, and even the afterimages gradually dissipated, and eventually disappeared completely.

At the same time, the door of the secret room was closed tightly.

During the hundreds of thousands of years that the Valley of Mountains has existed, Jiang Chen was the first person to enter it, and of course, it was the last.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't know what was going on inside.

Now he has brought the wooden sword into the river.

Jiang Chen lay in the water, letting the river hit his body, the impurities in his body were being washed out little by little, and even the foundation was firmer.


In this state, Jiang Chen lost consciousness and fell asleep.

one day……

Two days...

Several days have passed.

Bai Xiaoyun filled the storage ring full, if it weren't for limited space, he would definitely take away the entire hall.

"I forgot that Junior Brother is a disciple of an ancient immortal king."

Touching the storage ring, Bai Xiaoyun walked outside.

He was going to go back and ask Jiang Chen to see if he could learn some of the best enchantment techniques from Gu Hushou.

In the future, if you encounter a similar situation, you can move everything into the enchantment, and then teleport the enchantment back to the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

Bai Xiaoyun believed that with the knowledge of Gu Huo, he must have understood this kind of enchantment technique.

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