I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1961: Joint shot

"No wonder."

Zhou Wu suddenly realized.

I also understand why Jiang Chen's cultivation base is far worse than him, but his perception ability is so much higher than him.

After determining the situation of the beast.

As Zhou Wu relaxed, his nerves also tightened.


It's because the other party is just a fierce beast in a mere divine and fairyland, not a fairy or even a fairy.

But although they can kill them, they still need to pay some price, and they may even cause heavy casualties to the entire team, so that they can no longer stay in the deep forest. They must return to the mercenary town and look for opportunities again.

But once the time delay is too long, if the employer is unhappy and turns to find another mercenary group, then he will lose billions of celestial jade in vain.

"Everyone, it's a fierce beast in a fairyland with fire attributes. We can easily deal with him with our strength. All give me the spirit of twelve points. If anyone can give it a fatal injury, I will award him one. Yixianyu, find a clean woman from the town and give it away!"

Perceiving that the fierce beast was approaching them, Zhou Wu commanded in a low voice.

"Yes, head!"

Everyone was a little scared at first, but after hearing this, they all clenched their fists as if they had been beaten with blood, making them a state of death at any time.

As they held their breath, the fierce beast appeared in their sight.

It was a fierce beast with a hard mane all over his body that looked like a wild boar. On each of his hard and upright manes, there was a weird light gleaming, and it looked like it was poisonous.

Seeing it, Jiang Chen thought of the thing he saw in the Waters Hall. Although the fierce beast in front of him was bigger, it was still too immature compared to the nausea.

When they saw the fierce beast, the fierce beast also saw them.

Suddenly, the fierce beast rushed over here.

The dense gray and black trees nearby were easily broken by him, and even some of the weaker beasts nearby were frightened and fled after sensing its aura.

"Brother Jiang Chen, this is a fierce beast in the fairyland."

"Don't worry too much, just treat it as an ordinary cultivator. Only when we work together can we kill him without causing too much injury to the brothers."

Zhou Wu swallowed.

His injury has not completely recovered, and the immortal power in his body only remains a little. He has no choice but to count on Jiang Chen.

"Okay, I'll do it."

Jiang Chen slowly pulled out the wooden sword he was carrying.

"This thing may not work well, you use mine first, and when you return to the town, I will get you a suitable weapon."

Zhou Wujiang passed the broad sword in his hand to Jiang Chen, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab onto the wooden cart.

"No, I use this wooden sword quite smoothly."

Jiang Chen shook his head and declined his kindness.

Seeing that Jiang Chen insisted on using a wooden sword, Zhou Wu didn’t understand it, but he couldn’t help it. He could only hope that there might be something in the wooden sword, but he lived so big, a wooden sword, even if it’s a wooden sword. No matter how rare, it's still wood!

Just when he was talking to Jiang Chen, the fierce beast had already rushed over.

Regardless of Jiang Chen, Zhou Wu immediately greeted him with the broad sword in his hand.

Although he knew that he might be injured, he had to rush forward. He could not show any cowardice in front of these hands. Once it spreads out that the strong immortal is frightened by the fierce beasts of the first class in the fairyland, I am afraid that he will no longer have to be in the future. There was a mess in Mercenary Town.

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, and rushed along.

But he suppressed some of his own strength.

With Jiang Chen and another expert in the fairyland joining, Zhou Wu obviously felt a little more relaxed.

Moreover, he paid attention to Jiang Chen when he took the shot, and he felt relieved when he saw that the wooden sword in Jiang Chen's hand was making the tiger grow stronger.

Knowing that I have shallow knowledge, even though it is a wooden sword, it may still have a certain degree of power.

The trio played against each other, although the fierce beast was a bit difficult to fight, but it did not show much decline due to the strong body of the beast and the poisonous mane.

After being forced to retreat by the fierce beast, Zhou Wu watched it suddenly grow its mouth, and quickly urged the fairy power in his body to avoid it.


At the moment when his figure left, a cloud of black turbid air suddenly ejected from the mouth of the fierce beast.

Those mercenaries who had been hiding behind Zhou Wu, who thought they were temporarily safe, were directly hit head-on.

The strong ones can still escape.

Those who are slightly weaker are enveloped by turbid air.

Suddenly, screams sounded.

At the moment it was enveloped, these cultivators felt that their entire bodies were being corroded, and even if they urged all the immortal powers in their bodies to resist, they still had no effect.

"so close!"

Zhou Wu, who was avoiding, gasped for a while, and sighed with lingering fears.

Fortunately, I just stood in front of those other mercenaries. If I stood in front of my own men, I am afraid that just a peace move would kill most of his men.

But after seeing this group of people howling so miserably, Zhou Wu felt uncomfortable in his heart.

This group of people were used to attract wood-attribute fierce beasts, and now they suffered heavy casualties in front of this head, which undoubtedly weakened his strength indirectly.

"The two brothers don’t keep your hands anymore, and we will kill him together with me. Otherwise, more brothers will be injured, and other beasts may even be attracted. At that time, we will be really troubled. NS!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Wujiang gathered most of the immortal power on the broad sword in his hand.

The broad sword that was originally full of scars was suddenly full of immortal power.

He swung down strongly at the fierce beast.

The strong sword aura swept toward the place where the fierce beast was.

And the cultivator of the fairyland has also displayed the skill of housekeeping.

The wooden stick in his hand suddenly softened and turned into a stream of light before the fierce beast. As he muttered one, the wooden stick instantly trapped it, temporarily restraining his cultivation.

"Brother Jiang Chen, it's already trapped by me, so quickly join me and kill him!"

Seeing Jiang Chen still stunned in place, Zhou Wu quickly shouted.


Jiang Chen gave a low voice.

Pretending to work hard, the color-changing light flashed, and he leaped forcefully, slashing heavily towards the back of the fierce beast.

Under the dual offensive, especially being firmly bound, the fierce beast lost the opportunity to resist and could only take it abruptly.


Dramatic fluctuations emerged.

The fierce beast was beaten by this wave to the end, and could no longer stand up.


After seeing this scene, Zhou Wu instantly relaxed and said loudly.

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