I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1966: Turned out to be an acquaintance

The price paid is equally great.

The subordinates of the fairyland died here, and other ordinary disciples lost hundreds of people.

Among this group of people, there are many who have been with him for decades, and of course there are also newcomers who have recently entered the mercenary group. If you want to add them all, I am afraid it will take at least ten years.

Under the leadership of Jiang Chen and Zhou Wu, everyone left towards the wild forest.

At this time, the mercenary town had already exploded.

They kept looking at the fierce beasts brought back by the Beast Slashing Mercenary Corps.

"Two fierce beasts in the fairyland, what's the situation?"

"Could it be the powerhouse in the fairyland they newly recruited?"

"That's hard to say!"

Seeing Zhou Wu leading the people to the manor, all the mercenaries in the town looked enviously. They knew that each of these people could get at least 50 million immortal jade.

This is an amount that makes them very envious.

"Brother Jiang Chen, have you seen it? This is the strength of our Beast Slashing Mercenary Group. In the entire mercenary town, we are the strongest."

"When you go out with me a few more times, I will promote you to deputy head. Then you will be respected by them just like me."

"Oh, by the way, when I go back and rest for a while, I will find two clean women for you, so you can be refreshed!"

Hearing those voices around, Zhou Wu said triumphantly.

"I'm not interested."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

He already had Bai Fengyu, Xuan Yue and others, and he didn't have any interest in other women at all.

And those vulgar fans can't get into Jiang Chen's eyes.

"No, can't you do that?"

Zhou Wu looked at Jiang Chen with a little surprise. He had never heard of such a thing. Every man here would go there almost as long as he had money. The leader of a mercenary group like him was Three or four women will be found in the manor specifically for their own entertainment.

"It can be considered."

Jiang Chen didn't bother to explain anything, so he followed his words.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Wu looked at Jiang Chen's eyes and suddenly felt a lot of pity. He sighed heavily and said, "Brother, then you really can't experience the joy of life, like you, if you don't have the strength It’s really a shame to have that ability."


Jiang Chen nodded lightly.

After speaking, everyone returned to the manor.

The three fierce beasts are all placed in the manor, and many people are standing outside watching. They can hunt the fierce beasts in the fairyland. There are only five mercenaries in the hundreds of mercenary groups in Mercenary Town. The Corps can do it.

And like the beast beast mercenary group that can hunt two at a time, I'm afraid this is the only one.

"We will keep them all behind the manor and be guarded strictly. In addition, we will inform the buyer that we have done what they ordered. Let them bring the fairy jade and deliver the goods with one hand."

Looking at the people around, even if Zhou Wu's injuries are very serious now, he still insisted.

"Yes, head!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

Then he lifted the fierce beast inside with hands and feet.

Watching them move, Zhou Wu's face suddenly turned dark, and he immediately walked towards the inside of the manor.

Jiang Chen raised his heels behind him.

As soon as he walked into a house, Zhou Wu instantly relaxed. He sat limply on the ground, blood was constantly overflowing from his mouth, and his breath was immediately wilted.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I suffered a backlash from the secret technique and was seriously injured. I am afraid that I cannot leave the room in a short time. I used to be Suli guarding the mercenary group for me. Now he has died. This responsibility It can only be handed to you."

Seeing Jiang Chen following in, Zhou Wu panted and breathed, trying to stand up, but just as he held his hand on the ground, his body fell down before he could use any force.

"Head Zhou should rest quickly."

Seeing that he might die at any time, Jiang Chen said quickly.

"You go out first, and when the buyer comes, you can communicate with them."

Zhou Wu nodded.

Although Jiang Chen has just joined the mercenary group, he really doesn't know who to give the power to Jiang Chen. If he gives those subordinates whose cultivation level is only true immortals, I'm afraid he will heal his injuries during this period of time. Will be bullied to death by other mercenaries in the town.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything, and opened the door and walked out.

At the door, there were already many mercenaries standing there.

"Brother Jiang Chen, how is the head of him?"

"Brother Jiang Chen, why didn't Brother Su Li come back?"

When these people saw Jiang Chen, they all asked babbledly.

"When Su Li was in the wild forest, he was killed by the fierce beast, and the group leader was also injured. It takes time to recover. During this time, I will manage the beast-slashing mercenary group. If you have any questions, If you do, you can ask Chief Zhou Wu yourself."

Jiang Chen glanced at them, and after dropping a word, he left in front of them.

Looking at Jiang Chen's back, no one doubted what he said.

They could feel Zhou Wu's injuries, and Jiang Chen, as the strongest person in the mercenary group today, even if they lied, they did not dare to doubt.

Mercenary Town.

It was originally a place where strength is respected.

Whoever has a strong cultivation base is the king here, and who has a poor cultivation base is the lowest level here, and may even be at the risk of being killed at any time.


Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Chen stayed in the manor all the time, and the mercenaries who reported to him, Jiang Chen would ask them overtly and secretly about the wild forest after listening briefly.

But what they know is of little use.

"Brother Jiang Chen, the buyer is here."

A disciple walked into the room and said to Jiang Chen.

"Let him in."

Jiang Chen nodded and said.

Immediately, under the leadership of the disciple, a man with a whisk walked in.

"Jiang Chen?"

"Unfeeling son elder?"

Seeing people coming in outside, Jiang Chen and she were both stunned.

The person in front of him is not someone else, but the son of the great elder of the Valley of Love.

"Jiang...No, young master, why are you here?" Jueqingzi seemed to be a little disbelief. Now that Qingjuegu joined Wancheng Qianmen, she naturally changed her name.

It's just that she doesn't understand how the young master of the dignified Wancheng Immortal Gate, the master of Tianji Pavilion, and the leader of the Overseas Immortal Mountain Alliance, now appear in the mercenary town, and it looks like the leader of this mercenary group.

"This matter is a long story. The elders of the unfeeling son should not ask." Jiang Chen asked faintly after he recovered, "Your Love Absolute Valley is not an ice attribute technique for cultivation, so why do you need wood attributes? The inner alchemy of the fierce beast?"

"It's the Sect Master who wants to give you a sword, and she needs the inner alchemy of a wood-attribute fierce beast with a level of five or more from an immortal." Jue Qingzi said.

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