I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1969: Why don't I have any power?

"Let them in."

Seeing them excited, Jiang Chen said to his hands.

"Big Brother Jiang Chen, with your strength, I'm afraid it is not their opponent, and there are billions of immortal jade in our manor for them."

These men were stunned, and they didn't know why Jiang Chen agreed.

"listen to me."

Jiang Chen said lightly.

After this group of people entered the manor, many people came again outside.

They all knew about Jiang Chen's arena, and they all wanted to see why Jiang Chen had such a high level of confidence. They would give one billion immortal jade to one loss. This was simply the most cost-effective business in the entire immortal world.

"Which one of you is taking the lead?"

Standing on the open space of the manor, Jiang Chen scanned them.


"Boy, I will beat you today, but if you do what you say, I can keep you alive, but if you don’t give a billion immortal jade, then we can fight together and you will kill you. NS."

Sun Tianlang stood out from everyone, pointed at Jiang Chen and shouted loudly.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Jiang Chen said.

Outside the manor, Chen Tai also stood inside the crowd, looking towards Jiang Chen.

He wanted to take action to destroy the beast-slashing mercenary group together, but he was afraid of grudges with Jiang Chen.

So I decided, wait and see here, if Jiang Chen is really in danger, then he will take action, so that not only can Jiang Chen be saved, but it will also make him owe a favor.

"Boy, I hope you can still be so stiff when you knock you down later!"

When Jiang Chen looked down on so many people, the look on Sun Tianlang's face was naturally a little ugly.

He walked directly to Jiang Chen and clenched his fists.

Suddenly, the immortal's fourfold cultivation base was revealed, and as his aura continued to be released, the cultivation base was also rising.

After a short time, it finally stopped on the Seventh Immortal Layer.

"Damn, his real strength turned out to be the Seventh Immortal!"

"I'm afraid it is the strongest person in the mercenary town whose cultivation base is second only to Zhou Wu!"

"Zhou Wu's strength is inferior to him, don't look at the cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable, but the strength is too bad, if it is really against each other, it is estimated that it will be a tie."

"That kid Jiang Chen might be in trouble. The five-fold deity fights the seven-fold deity. Tsk tsk, there is almost no chance of winning!"

Many people started to speak after perceiving his strength.

"Boy, now kneel down and beg for mercy and give me one billion immortal jade. I can consider letting you live. Otherwise, I will kill you and the Beast Slashing Mercenary Corps today!"

Feeling the immortal power in his body, Sun Tianlang looked at Jiang Chen disdainfully.

"If you want to get the fairy jade from my hand, you probably don't have this strength." Jiang Chen shook his head and smiled, with his hands behind his back, and he didn't even mean to shoot.

"It seems you don't cry anymore if you don't see the coffin!"

Sun Tianlang's eyes drenched.

After attaching his hands to his strong celestial power, he rushed directly towards Jiang Chen.

At the moment his figure flicked, the skin of the whole person was covered with things like tree bark.

"What spell?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sneered.

"This is an immortal technique of wood attributes. With your knowledge, I am afraid that you are not qualified to touch it!"

Sun Tianlang seemed to be very confident in his own magic.

"Wood attribute?"

Jiang Chen raised his brows.

The voice fell, and the beginning of Wan Shi ran wildly in his body.

When Sun Tianlang hurriedly approached him, his fist was gradually transformed into a tree, flooded with power to bombard him, the wood attribute immortal power in his body suddenly disappeared quickly.

The bark attached to his body and the immortal power gathered on his fist also quickly lost.


Just a kick.

Jiang Chen kicked directly on his chest.

After a hard blow, Sun Tianlang immediately flew out.

The whole person flew back more than ten meters, and finally fell fiercely on the gate of the manor.

That's how he kicked it, and his momentum instantly dissipated.

He stared at Jiang Chen with red eyes, but he couldn't understand why the immortal power in his body would disappear quickly, as if being taken away. This was a situation he had never encountered before.

"Head Sun, why is it not working?"

Under the gaze of everyone, Jiang Chen slowly walked up to him and asked.

"You play yin!"

After thinking about it, Sun Tianlang decided it was Jiang Chen's hands and feet.

Otherwise, why would the immortal power in his body disappear.

"What is yin?" Jiang Chen smiled and stepped directly on his face. He ran over him by the way, and said, "Commander Sun, it's not easy to get immortal jade from my hand. "

Being stepped on the ground forcibly by Jiang Chen, Sun Tianlang didn't even have the ability to resist.

"Jiang Chen, there is a kind of you let me go!"

Seeing many people looking at him, Sun Tianlang gritted his teeth and said to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen just let go.

It just kicked directly on his chest.

This kick directly caused him to faint.

"So cruel!"

"Seven immortals were treated like this in front of him?"

After seeing this scene, many people covered their mouths and talked.

In their imagination, Jiang Chen should have been severely injured by Sun Tianlang after the resistance, but they did not expect that Sun Tianlang would be so vulnerable in front of Jiang Chen.

Although this was because of the sudden disappearance of the fairy power in Sun Tianlang's body, none of them were fools, and naturally they knew that Jiang Chen's hands and feet were secretly moved.

"Anyone else?"

Scanning the group of people standing in front of him, Jiang Chen asked indifferently.

"The two of us have cultivated the same fairy law, and we have practiced together since we were born. Only when two of us take action together can we show our 100% strength. Wouldn't you refuse?"

Two people stood up together.

When everyone scolded them shamelessly, Jiang Chen agreed.

Two immortals beat one immortal fivefold three times. Everyone knew that there was almost no possibility of losing. Even if Jiang Chen had some abilities, it was not enough to deal with the two at the same time.

"Big Brother Jiang Chen."

The men of the beast beast mercenary group stepped forward and said.

"Get down."

Jiang Chen spoke lightly.

After getting Jiang Chen's permission, the two of them performed the immortal method at the same time.

A light curtain poured down from the midair, covering them and Jiang Chen all in it.

Jiang Chen obviously felt that the immortal power in his body was blocked to a certain extent.

"Two billion immortal jade!"

The two spoke at the same time.

"Report your identity, Jiang Chen will not kill the unknown."

Looking at them, Jiang Chen lifted his back with one hand and drew Fu Mujian out from behind with the other hand.

"Sirius mercenary group, Sun Yuan."

"Sirius mercenary group, Sun Bao!"

The two said.

"So you are avenging Sun Tianlang."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, looked at Sun Tianlang who was like a dead dog, and said.

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