I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1982: Not an opponent at all

Jiang Chen's killing had nothing to do with him.

And the people in the mercenary town would also think that Jiang Chen was in the wild forest with a fierce beast in the Immortal Venerable Realm. Fight, unfortunately, died.

And now, not only Jiang Chen, but also a dozen other powerhouses in the fairyland.

Zhou Wu was naturally happy.

As long as this group of people die, the Wanhua mercenary group will collapse in an instant, and his beast-slashing mercenary group can once again become the number one in the mercenary town.

At that time, he will gradually disintegrate the Wanhua mercenary group, and those who oppose him because of Jiang Chen, he will secretly use means to solve it.

"You go down first."

"Remember, don't tell anyone about this. If I know it leaks out of your mouth, even if you can escape from the mercenary town, I can kill you."

Staring at the subordinate in front of him, Zhou Wu's expression suddenly became fierce.

"I will never say it!"

The man swallowed his saliva and explained hurriedly.

"Don't be so nervous, I just warn you." Zhou Wu said with a smile, then took out a fairy jade promissory note from the storage ring and took it on the table.

"This is……"

Looking at the fifty million immortal jade on the table, the subordinates did not understand.

"This is for you. I have worked hard for you in the last few days. Let's go and rest for a while. When Jiang Chen dies in the wild forest, there are still many things that need you to do."

Zhou Wu handed the Xianyu promissory note to him and said.

"Thank you, head!"

Holding the Xianyu promissory note, his subordinate hurriedly walked out of the hall.

Outside of Mercenary Town, Jiang Chen had already left with more than a dozen experts in the fairyland.

After half a day.

The crowd arrived in front of the wild forest.

When entering, Jiang Chen stopped.

Everyone looked surprised, they didn't know what Jiang Chen wanted to do.

"This is the first time we have entered the wild forest. I hope you can follow my command. If anyone dares to act privately, then leave the Wanhua Mercenary Corps, understand?"

Jiang Chen turned around, scanned them and asked.


Although this group of people agreed on the surface, they didn't regard Jiang Chen at all.

The strength of the fairyland, originally came to the mercenary town, will be respected and valued by every mercenary group, but now in the Wanhua mercenary group, instead of being taken seriously, they are being reprimanded by Jiang Chen like this, which makes them feel Very upset.

"Let's go."

Jiang Chen knew what they were thinking, but he didn't say anything.

The group of people entered the wild forest in this way.

Jiang Chen didn't stop, pointing to lead them to the depths, the fierce beasts in the Immortal Venerable Realm would never move on the edge of the forest, they would definitely be in the deeper part of the forest.

And the last time I encountered it, it was entirely because of luck.

"The fierce beast of the fairyland!"

After entering the forest for a while, everyone felt the momentum fluctuations of the beast in the fairyland.

Jiang Chen nodded at them, motioning for them to solve it by themselves.

In the perception, I can clearly perceive that the cultivation base of this fierce beast is probably around the seventh level of the fairyland.

Most of the more than a dozen people's cultivation bases are located in the third level of the immortal. Although they are a little lower than the fierce beast, they can't hold up to a dozen people. It is not a problem to clean up such a fierce beast.

"Head Jiang Chen, just take a look, let alone this fierce beast, even if there are two more, we will definitely have no problem!"

These cultivators who had arrived in the wild forest for the first time did not know the true strength of the fierce beast, and were anxious to prove their strength in front of Jiang Chen, so most of them slapped their chests and agreed.

But before their voices hadn't settled for a while, in the forest, the aura of two fierce beasts came out again.

"Five levels of the fairyland, three levels of the fairyland."

Jiang Chen smashed his mouth, leaned on a tree trunk, took out the Fumu sword behind him, and sat comfortably.

He wants to see the strength of this group of people.

The two ends that appeared again still didn't make them feel any pressure. On the contrary, the person who had spoken before stood in front of everyone with a complacent expression.

After a while.

Three fierce beasts appeared in front of them almost at the same time.

"Head Jiang Chen, if we kill them, how will the fairy jade be divided?"

One of them looked back and asked Jiang Chen.

"Give it to the mercenary group one billion celestial jade, and you will share the other celestial jade equally."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

Three fierce beasts with not weak strength, in the wild forest, are facing these uncooperative fairyland cultivators, it is really hard to say who wins and who loses.

Jiang Chen was ready for several people to die here.

Although it's a pity, but thinking about these people do not respect themselves, it feels nothing.


Seeing the three fierce beasts rushing towards them at the same time, the person who had spoken earlier, holding double knives, slightly arched his back, was ready to do anything at any time.

But when they were preparing to condense the immortal power, they suddenly discovered that their immortal power seemed to be blocked in some way, and it was simply not enough to exert 100% strength.

Just when they were surprised, the fierce beast rushed in front of them in an instant.

With a wave of the paw, three or four people couldn't respond, and they were blown out by a blunt fan.


The three of them flew upside down and fell directly onto the tree next to Jiang Chen.


They landed almost at the same time.

Under this offensive, the three suddenly vomited blood, apparently suffering a lot of injuries.

"Tsk tsk."

"How can you be so casual in the face of fierce beasts."

Seeing the three of them, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

But he didn't have the idea of ​​treating him. Although he was injured, he didn't hurt his life. If he could leave alive, he would only need to raise him for a while to recover.

"Head Jiang Chen, why can't we use our full strength!"

The three of them asked in pain, clutching their wounds.

"Forgot to tell you that there is a special miasma in this wild forest, which can suppress your cultivation to a certain extent."

Jiang Chen rubbed the talisman wooden sword and continued, "But it doesn't make any difference whether you say it or not. The look of your contempt just now, even if the cultivation base is not suppressed, it will be such a consequence."

With the effort to speak, another person was beaten back and sat down in front of Jiang Chen.

Four people were already injured at the moment of the fight, which caused the practitioners of the fairyland to take it seriously.

The three fierce beasts are constantly launching offensives, but those cultivators only have the ability to constantly evade and resist. The offensives that are sent out, with the strong physical quality of the fierce beasts, do not cause much damage at all.

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