I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1987: Behead the Great Ape

The purpose of saying it was to think that if Jiang Chen had a chance to go back, he could kill Zhou Wu, which would be regarded as revenge for them.

"Is the mission fake too?"

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes slightly and asked.

"I'm afraid we are going to die here. If you can go out, help us kill Zhou Wu."

The white-robed man said weakly, and as he spoke, blood continued to overflow from his mouth.

He didn't understand until now, why the two of them joined hands, neither was the opponent of the fierce beast in front of him. They might use the technique of pressing the bottom of the box before they could fight.

It's just that it's too late to say anything, his injury is so severe that he can't stand up, let alone take action.

"I see."

Jiang Chen laughed twice.


The giant ape fierce beast roared again.

Jiang Chen's eyes were awe-inspiring.

Even if it wasn't a bounty task, killing such a beast would find a suitable buyer.

Seeing to defeat the two, another one stood up.

The Giant Ape Fierce Beast was obviously impatient. He held the trunk in his hand, raised his foot and walked towards Jiang Chen.

And in the huge foothole, the black-robed man was seriously injured and vomited blood, and even his chest was stepped into a depression. If he hadn't deliberately sensed it, he wouldn't be able to perceive his breath at all.

"Head Jiang Chen..."

The crowd squinted behind couldn't help but narrowed their eyes.

They seem to have seen the consequences of Jiang Chen.

"Just try the swordsmanship you just learned."

Jiang Chen's expression was heavy.

The five-tiered fierce beasts of the Immortal Venerable Realm are strong enough to compare to the practitioners of the seventh-tier or higher of the Immortal Venerable Realm, and even if they really have to fight to the death, even the half-step immortal monarch must be cautious.

Facing such a strong opponent, Jiang Chen would naturally not relax his vigilance.

If you are not careful, you may fall to the same position as the two people just now.

Five levels of immortal powers with different attributes gradually surged into the Fumu Sword in his hand.

"Five attributes?!"

Seeing the light floating on Fu Mujian, everyone was shocked.

"Have you forgotten that when Commander Jiang Chen was protecting us just now, he displayed an ice wall!"

"Six attributes..."

"This kind of talent, no wonder he is so strong!"

"That's it, it can still be shown to us."

Everyone couldn't help but talk. Although they were saying different things, the eyes they looked at Jiang Chen were indeed equally shocked.

Among them, it is not that they have multiple attributes.

But the person with the most has only two similarities in his body.

There are six kinds of people like Jiang Chen, let alone see, they have never even heard of it.

"It's careless..."

Jiang Chen's strength was also felt by the white-robed man, his face was bitter, and he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

With this kind of talent, they can't be opponents at all.

Even if there were no giant apes and fierce beasts that suddenly appeared, they would hardly be Jiang Chen's opponent.

Facing Jiang Chen's provocation, the giant ape became irritable.

It waved the trunk in its hand and roared constantly.

Jiang Chen stepped forward.

The whole person rose in the air.

Between breaths.

The figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Only a faint light flashed by.


Jiang Chen's speed is fast, and the giant ape and the beast have no chance to react at all.

The long sword pierced his body.

When the figure appeared, it was already behind it.

"What a strong swordsmanship!"

"Could it be said that head Jiang Chen studied under the fairy king Xuan Jun?!"

Jiang Chen did not hesitate in their discussions. Between the twinkling of Fu Mujian, a meaning of thunder slowly emerged and flowed, and over the forest, thunder rose loudly.

In an instant, thunder struck down.

The giant ape fierce beast quickly raised the trunk in his hand to resist.


Thunder plunged into the wild forest.

Even the miasma floating around was dispelled far away.

Many fierce beasts scattered and fled after perceiving this immortal power fluctuation.


The roar sounded, and the giant ape was completely angered by Jiang Chen.

It sprang from the smoke and dust.

Thunder has opened a very deep hole in his chest, blood is flowing out of it, and even one eye has been blinded.

Jiang Chen's offensive caused it to suffer heavy injuries. Although it was not fatal, it also caused it to stagger.

"It deserves to be a fierce beast."

Looking at the giant ape who was still able to walk, Jiang Chen sighed with emotion.

The Yunxi Sect swordsmanship performed with five attributes of immortal powers, and then to bear the thunder-striking technique that Jiang Chen can now use the fastest and most lethality, changing to an immortal cultivator, he is already lying on the ground half-dead.

The fierce beast in front of him was only seriously injured.

The great ape looked down at the wound on its chest. It wanted to vent its anger by tapping its chest, but the chest injury couldn't let it do so.

The giant ape walked towards Jiang Chen step by step.

Although, as a fierce beast, he has the cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable Realm, but he has only evolved a little bit of wisdom.

It could not understand why the cultivation level of the person in front of him was obviously very poor, so bad that it was not as good as the two people it had just defeated. Why was the strength so strong.


The great ape walked in front of Jiang Chen, thinking about killing this person before he died, but before he got close to Jiang Chen, before he raised his hand, the vitality was gone.

"The Immortal Venerable Beast is enough to sell for a good price."

Jiang Chen took all the power of the immortal back into his body, and when he was sure that the giant ape was completely dead, he waved his hand directly and received him in the storage ring.

"help me……"

In the one-meter-deep pit, the black-robed man stretched out his arm to Jiang Chen with difficulty, vomiting blood constantly in his mouth, and said vaguely.


After just glanced at him, Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "I thought you could hold it up with your strength, but I didn't expect it to fall to this point with a single blow."

Throwing a word, Jiang Chen didn't care about him anymore.

Almost all the bones were crushed by the great ape, and even the internal organs were no longer intact. In this case, unless the best medicine is used, at most one stick of incense will be exhausted.

Rejected by Jiang Chen, his last hope was shattered, and the breath that he held back was also relieved.

Jiang Chen left with his front foot, and his eyes completely lost his look on his back foot.

"Head Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to have six or seven kinds of celestial power in your body!"

"He is still the head of a mercenary group. Anyone who finds a sect can be taken seriously, and he will definitely be accepted as an inner sect. Oh no, he will be accepted as a direct disciple of the sect master!"

Seeing Jiang Chen coming over, the group of people exclaimed in admiration.

I originally thought that Jiang Chen would have the same results as these two immortal experts, but who could have imagined that the fierce beast that was just alive would have been killed in just two rounds in Jiang Chen's hands.

"Can't speak out."

Jiang Chen scanned them.

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