I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1993: Big Brother Tenth Mountain

"Although we are not people in the mercenary town, we are not far away from you, and you usually have a lot of contacts with my master. It's always okay to come and join in the fun?"

The young man first looked at Jiang Chen, and then asked with a smile.

"No problem, of course no problem."

Xiong smiled and agreed.

Although he didn't know the identity of the old hunter, he knew that there was a word circulating in the mercenary town.

That is the fierce beast who would rather offend the Wild Forest Immortal Venerable Realm than offend the old man in the ruined courtyard.

"Since there is no problem, let's go."

The young man in Ma Pao smiled, turned around, and left with Jiang Chen and the others.

Jiang Chen did not speak.

He felt a little familiar from these people, but he didn’t understand where he was, but think about the price of 5 billion that old man sold himself a scabbard with dog urine, Jiang Chen So he was going to pit these people in the wild forest.

At the very least, return to the blood.

Suddenly, hundreds of people walked towards the wild forest.

Falcon Hua is ready to do anything at any time. As long as Jiang Chen is killed, it doesn't matter if he is discovered by the people in the mercenary town. After completing the task, he can return to the sect.

It's just that he was a little unpredictable of Jiang Chen's true strength.

Even he is not guaranteed to be able to fight alone to eliminate the five-tiered beast of the Immortal Venerable, and Jiang Chen can easily do it, it is enough to prove that Jiang Chen's cultivation base is at least equal to him, and even stronger than him. Some.

"Head Jiang Chen, there are only three of us, so we must be careful."

Chen Tai followed Jiang Chen closely. The palm of his hand was full of sweat, but some killing intent could be seen from the look of Xiong's fierce eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense."

At this time, Sun Tianlang seemed calmer.

With Jiang Chen's strength placed here, even if he really does something against them, it is not a problem to escape safely from the wild forest under Jiang Chen's protection.

Once back in the mercenary town, there were hundreds of mercenary groups and thousands of mercenaries, he didn't believe it, Xiong Ruen and the others still dared to make a move.

Jiang Chen ignored them, but kept his hands behind him and walked towards the front.

Two hours passed.

Everyone stood on the border of the wild forest.

"Head Jiang Chen, your Wanhua mercenary group is considered the strongest in the mercenary town today. Don't let us down in this game."

Xiong looked at Jiang Chen fiercely.

He didn't really believe that Jiang Chen's cultivation base could show such a strong strength.

"Head Xiong Ruth, I have no interest in what is the first and second one. Our Wanhua mercenary group just wants to have a meal here, and hope that after going to the wild forest, we will not do anything to us. what."

Jiang Chen arched his hands towards him and said in a deep voice.

"What is this talking about."

"The rule of Mercenary Town since ancient times is not to fight in the wild forest. Head Jiang Chen is not in the Mercenary Town for a day or two. Naturally, he should understand this truth."

Xiong Ruan obviously didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such a thing, but he could only deny it.

"With the words of Head Xiong Ruthless, I'm relieved."

Jiang Chen hooked the corner of his mouth and beckoned immediately.

Taking Sun Tianlang and Chen Tai in, the young men in linen robes followed closely behind.

Behind him, Haya said nothing, and immediately followed him.

"It seems this kid is alert."

Xiong stood fiercely in front of his group of people, and said with dark eyes, "If this is the case, then kill him first, and then get rid of Falcon Hua!"

In less than a stick of incense, everyone entered it.

Jiang Chen and the three were the fastest, piercing directly into the depths of the woods.

Although he was not interested in any competition at all, he still had to catch a beast from the Immortal Realm.

"Those people really dare to do something to him?"

It was the young man in hemp robe who spoke.

He is Zhanyue's closed disciple, Ren Liu.

He is also the disciple with the highest talent among the Tenth Mountain, and his cultivation base is on the Seventh Layer of Immortal Venerable.

After Zhanyue learned of the big game in Mercenary Town, she realized that this group of people might do something against Jiang Chen, so she sent them to protect.

Although Ren Liu had been by Zhan Yue's side, he also knew a little bit about the situation in Kunlun Immortal Mountain. After all, Zhan Yue and Xianshan were connected with him.

He probably knows Jiang Chen's strength, and he also knows that even if these mercenaries are tied together, it is impossible to hurt Jiang Chen the slightest.

"Big brother, since they are not Jiang Chen's opponents, then why does the master let us protect him?"

The disciple looked at Jiang Chen's back in the forest not far away and couldn't help asking.

"Master asked us to do this. There must be his truth. We don't need to question, we just need to do what he says."

Ren Liu closed his eyes slightly, sensing the slight fluctuations in the fairy power in the forest.

His perception was not affected by the woods at all. Relying on the sevenfold cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable, he not only felt all the cultivators who entered the wild forest, but even the fierce beasts with stronger cultivation deep in the forest, as well as the Vermilion clan. ...

All in his perception, without hiding.

"Understood, big brother."

The crowd nodded at him, not daring to say anything.

Walking into the deeper area of ​​the woods, Jiang Chen successfully found a wood-attributed Immortal Venerable Fierce Beast.

Although the cultivation base is only Xianzun Duo, but if you bring it back to the mercenary town, even if you can't become the number one, it is enough to see it, so as not to make others look down on the Wanhua Mercenary Group.

"Get ready to do it."

Jiang Chen pulled out Fu Mujian and said lightly.

"Brother Jiang Chen, that's an immortal beast, do we want to weigh it."

Chen Tai also sensed the fierce beast, and when Jiang Chen was about to do something, he quickly persuaded him.

Nothing else, just because of their strength, they can't easily kill them. Once injured, they will inevitably fall into danger in the wild forest. Xiong Ruan and others will definitely not let them leave easily.

"Brother Chen Tai, you still underestimate the strength of Captain Jiang Chen."

Seeing Jiang Chen withdrawing Fu Mujian, the look on Sun Tianlang's face relaxed.

"What underestimate?" Chen Tai didn't understand.

"Chen Tai, no matter what you see later, you must not leak it out."

Jiang Chen said lightly.

The five-fold basic attribute Xianli immediately attached to the body.

And his figure suddenly disappeared into the woods.

When he felt it again, Chen Tai found that Jiang Chen had already fought with the fierce beast in the Immortal Realm.


Perceiving Jiang Chen's celestial power fluctuations, Chen Tai was sluggish.

"Understand now." Sun Tianlang was a little proud.

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