I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1996: Break into the depths of the forest

Jiang Chen investigated the situation of the black-robed man, and because of this, the Lord Yunwei fell into a serious injury, but he did not even find out the name of the other party's sect.

But now that he didn't investigate it, he didn't expect to appear in front of him on his own initiative.


Looking at Jiang Chen standing in midair, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart. He could feel that Jiang Chen's cultivation was definitely not limited to how simple he looked.

Being able to escape from the Quartet Soul Locking Formation effortlessly, the true strength is at least half a step away from Xianjun.

A cultivator with only five levels of immortal cultivation, his true strength is at least half-step immortal monarch.

He had never seen this situation before.

Even in the sect, there has never been such a disciple.

"Head Hayato, can you still get rid of him?" Xiong took two steps back in fright. What happened in front of him had already exceeded his cognition.

"Yes, but you have to use your head."

Haya's hands hidden in his sleeves were already clenched tightly.

Looking at Jiang Chen with pitch-black eyes, he understood that it might be difficult to solve Jiang Chen with his own strength. The only chance is...

However, Huanhua hadn't thought half of it, but Jiang Chen suddenly rushed over.

His eyes wink.

Knowing clearly that he is not Jiang Chen's opponent.

After a gloomy look in his eyes, he fled directly towards the depths of the woods.


Seeing Haya leave, Xiong exhaled heavily.

Knowing that Jiang Chen would definitely catch up.

And he will follow this opportunity to escape from the wild forest.

The decision to act on Jiang Chen was simply the worst decision he had made since he had been in Mercenary Town for thousands of years.


Jiang Chen was just about to catch up.

Suddenly saw Xiong Ruan.

The moment Jiang Chen met Jiang Chen's eyes, Xiong Ruthlessly felt that he fell into the Ten Thousand Years Ice Cellar.

His legs froze, and he saw an immortal force rushing towards him, but he didn't have any idea of ​​avoiding it.


The moment I was hit by Xianli.

The bear's fierce breath has completely dissipated in the wild forest.

Before he died, he didn't want to understand why his cultivation base was obviously higher than Jiang Chen, but he was not Jiang Chen's opponent.

It's just this question, he will never know it.

After killing Xiong Ruen, Jiang Chen glanced at Sun Tianlang and Chen Tai who were fighting each other.

"Head Jiang Chen, rest assured to catch up, leave it to us here, there is no problem."

At this time, Sun Tianlang had already shown all his strength, and all the cards that had been hidden for thousands of years were all revealed. He blasted out his palm, and the wolf head appeared, and he beat the mercenaries of the giant bear mercenary group in front of him a few steps back. , To find this time, and quickly said to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen didn't say much, and immediately urged the Xianli in his body to follow.

The two of them swept toward the depths of the woods one after the other.

Since Jiang Chen's body had demonstrated the strength of the Fire Phoenix family's bloodline, no fierce beast dared to step forward at will.

Looking at Hayabusa not far ahead.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a little skeptical.

Guess whether there are areas or things related to the black-robed man in this wild forest.

However, Jiang Chen didn't take it as a matter of guessing.

In the depths of the wild forest, he has always wanted to come in. Now that he has reached this point, he will naturally not back down. Even if he can't kill Falcon Hua, it is not bad to take this opportunity to inquire about the Suzaku clan. .

In a moment, the two had already swept deep into the woods.

Haya panted heavily, looking at the denser miasma ahead, even if he stopped.

When he arrived in the mercenary town, the adult reminded him again and again that he must not go to the depths of the wild forest. Even the sect hadn’t found out some of the conditions there. Once in danger, I’m afraid even if it is Sect Master rushed to him personally, but he might not be able to rescue him.


Hayabusa swallowed.

Turning his head, looked at Jiang Chen who was constantly zooming in his sight.

"So anxious, where are you going?"

Almost in an instant, Jiang Chen had already swept in front of him.

"Jiang Chen, do you really think that you will be my opponent?" Hay Hua took a few deep breaths, staring at Jiang Chen, and after a while, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on his forehead.

A black mark emerged.

With the center of the eyebrows as the center point, it spreads and flows to the left and right.

Only for a while, black weird lines appeared on his face, especially the dark eyes, now surrounded by black frames, they looked very weird.

"if not?"

"If I don't have the skills, I'm afraid it won't be your turn to act on me today."

Realizing that there is no one around, Jiang Chen's figure trembled. The unpretentious Fu Mujian just now has nine different attributes flowing around the sword, and at the hilt, the wooden handshake is now pitch black. Incomparable.

This is the big evil that Jiang Chen instilled in.

In the face of this kind of person, Jiang Chen would not despise it.

Otherwise, who knows what the other party has.

"No wonder let Zongmen send the message in person. I thought before that, how could a cultivator in the fairyland make Zongmen pay so much attention to it, but now I understand that you are indeed unusual."

Feeling the celestial power fluctuations spreading from Jiang Chen, Falcon suddenly solved the doubt in his heart.

Nine kinds of immortal powers with different attributes, the bloodline power of the Fire Bathing Phoenix Clan, and the faintly spreading big evil spirit, even the wooden sword in Jiang Chen's hand is definitely not a common grade.

This kind of strength is no longer what he can match.

"Tell me your sect and answer a few more questions. I can consider letting you go."

Jiang Chen held Fu Mujian back and asked lightly.


"The Seal of Darkness, solve it!"

Haya spit.

Immediately he patted his hands together, and as he spoke, the marks on his face suddenly disappeared.

And his cultivation level also rapidly improved.

In an instant, he was promoted from Half Step Xianzun to Half Step Xianjun.

"What a terrifying secret technique."

Jiang Chen's smile froze.

Ordinary techniques for improving cultivation level can only be increased by two to three levels, like at the beginning of Ten Thousand Beginnings, I am afraid I can only increase cultivation base of this magnitude.

Hayabusa also did it.

After all, the beginning of Wanshi was the immortal technique of Emperor Qianji.

Falcon Hua was able to perform immortality of similar intensity, enough to make Jiang Chen face it.

"This is the secret technique taught to me by the Sect Master himself." Feeling the ample power that had never appeared before, the smile on Hay Hua's face grew richer.

I was not Jiang Chen's opponent before, so what about now.

Half a step Xianjun, it is impossible to lose to him.

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