I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 2001: Destroy the Toxic Falcon Mercenary Group

Jiang Chen, who had left, did not stay, but ran directly towards the poisonous falcon mercenary group.

In the fringe area of ​​the most remote mercenary town, he saw this mercenary group shrouded in darkness.

When he looked up, Jiang Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth.

This feeling to him is exactly similar to that of the black robe man. Although Falcon has never admitted it, Jiang Chen can already recognize it in his heart.

Just as Jiang Chen approached inside, suddenly dozens of mercenaries in black robes swept out of the manor and surrounded Jiang Chen.

"Quickly leave, our poisonous falcon mercenary group does not accept any bounty missions."

Standing in front of Jiang Chenzheng was a master of Seven Immortals.

"I don't have any bounty missions, I just want to come and have a look in your mercenary group."

Jiang Chen carried his hands on his back.

Other mercenary groups, including their own Wanhua mercenary group, almost all of the mercenaries wear all kinds of clothes, and they have never been unified, but the group of people in front of them are all wearing black robes, you can see at a glance unusual.

"If you insist to die, then we will fulfill you!"

Seeing Jiang Chen did not go wrong, but deliberately asked for trouble.

Dozens of people instantly drew long sticks from the black robes, and even the weather above the Du Falcon mercenary group became gloomy.

"Even Hayabusa is not my opponent, do you want to hurt me?"

After realizing that he had been locked by them, Jiang Chen sneered, and slid directly into the manor, letting out his momentum without reservation.

Those who stood in the front were caught off guard and couldn't stop him at all.

There are even a few who are slightly weaker, all of which were directly overturned by this fierce wind.

"Stop him!"

"If he touches the mercenary group, we will definitely be blamed by the group leader, and even punished by the sect!"

Seeing Jiang Chen's figure turned into a stream of light, those with stronger strength immediately slapped up to catch up, with a deep look of horror in their eyes.

They knew what the consequences would be if Jiang Chen were allowed to enter.

After being surprised, dozens of people rushed into the manor quickly, and at the same time, they directly used their fairy power, laying a barrier outside the manor, so that no one could see and perceive the situation inside.

Breaking into the manor, looking at such a simple layout, Jiang Chen sat beside the stone table.

"Boy, break into our poisonous falcon mercenary group, don't want to leave here alive!"

Headed by the strongest person besides Hayabusa, is Hayabusa.

"Don't you know me?"

Jiang Chen cocked his legs and asked in surprise.

This giant bear mercenary group and the poisonous falcon mercenary group joined forces to kill themselves, but this group of people didn't even know who they were. They really had encountered something more interesting.

"Whoever you are!"

"Brothers joined forces to kill him!"

Falcon stared at Jiang Chen exhaustively and waved his hands in an instant.

Dozens of people used it at the same time, and a huge wooden stick fell from mid-air to behind Jiang Chen.

Immediately a very strong suction appeared, and Jiang Chen was directly sucked on it.

"Speaking of your identity can give you a joy!"

Hayabusa carried one hand on his back and opened his other hand.

As long as he grasped it a little harder, Jiang Chen's soul could be pulled out in an instant.

In the past, many people wanted to break into the manor, but in the end, they all died with this trick.


Jiang Chen hit the wooden stick.

"Then what if I don't say it?"

Jiang Chen's face was plain, even a little smile.

"Don't tell me, then imprison your soul in a cold prison!"

Seeing Jiang Chenming's stubbornness, Falcon was not ready to talk nonsense, and directly squeezed his hand firmly.

A strange suction wafted from the stick.

Falcon sneered, and in a while, Jiang Chen's soul body would be stripped and let them kill.

It's just that he froze as soon as his smile appeared.

He felt that the magic technique had almost no effect on Jiang Chen.

"Don't you want to know who I am?"

With the difference in strength, Jiang Chen easily broke away from the control of the wooden stick, and then slowly walked in front of him and said, "I am Jiang Chen."

"Jiang Chen?!"

This group of people's understanding of Jiang Chen's name is limited to knowing that it is the head of the Wanhua Mercenary Group.

As for what Falcon Hua and Lord Zongmen said, they had no qualifications to know at all.

"I have seen your skills, I should also show my hands."

Jiang Chen stretched out his hands, and the dark power of immortality burst out from his body. After a while, everyone was enveloped in it.

This immortal technique.

It is the dark sky wave enchantment of Emperor Qianji.

This group of people didn't even have a chance to resist, they were already tied to the wooden frame.

"Is it an illusion?"

Falcon exhausted his head.

Seeing that everyone was under control like myself, I suddenly didn't believe it.

He could feel that Jiang Chen's cultivation base was clearly only five immortals, how could it be possible to perform such a powerful immortal technique? In his opinion, it was simply impossible to do it.

But the next second.

He doesn't think so.

I saw Jiang Chen walked straight to his side, stretched out a long sword, and pierced straight into his chest.

Feeling the biting pain and the immortal power in the body is gradually fading, Hayabusa clearly knows that this is not a dream.

"Who are you..."

Enduring the pain, Hayabusa looked up at Jiang Chen.

He didn't know who it was, and he didn't even know why he broke into the mercenary group suddenly.

Now that Hayabusa is not here, with their strength, they can't resist this person at all.

"Young Master Wancheng Immortal Gate, Jiang Chen!"

Jiang Chen said in a calm voice.

Hearing these words, Hayabusa was suddenly startled.

Although he is not as strong as Falcon and his position in the sect is inferior to Falcon, he is in the Information Hall and collects intelligence on the entire fairy world for the sect.

Although he is here with Hayabusa now, he still often collects news.

As for those things Jiang Chen did, he naturally knew very well.

"You turned out to be Jiang Chen..."

Hayabusa's eyes gradually became dull.

He had always thought it was a coincidence before, but now think about it, how could there be such a coincidence, how could a man named Jiang Chen suddenly appear, and he established a mercenary group called Wanhua.

"Why, are you surprised?" Jiang Chen smiled and asked.

"You kill us all!" After knowing Jiang Chen's identity, Hayabusa resigned himself to his fate. He knew how strong Jiang Chen was. Not to mention them, even if Hayabusa is here, this is not necessarily the case. Human opponents.

The only thing they can do is wait for death.

What's more, it is impossible for them to tell Jiang Chen the news of the sect at all.

Once it was said, the consequences were so serious that they could not bear it.

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