I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 2003: Mu Youde was eaten by a bird

The seal seems to have suffered some shocks.

It has become loose, and many people are standing here, trying to perceive the situation inside.

Seeing Jiang Chen walking over, everyone hurriedly stood on both sides, letting go.

Now, Jiang Chen's reputation has completely screamed in Mercenary Town, and almost no one dared to offend him.

Under the gaze, Jiang Chen stepped in directly.

With a trance in front of him, Jiang Chen saw the situation inside.


Before he could think about it, Jiang Chen immediately dodged sideways.

A dark claw rubbed against the top of his head.

Jiang Chen quickly dodged tens of meters to the side, and Xianli displayed Fu Mujian in his hand.

Relying on the distance, Jiang Chen continued to scan here.

The place where you see it is no different from the wild forest outside, but compared to the relatively quiet outside, there are dozens of fierce beasts in riots.

And the cultivation base of each head is above the fifth level of Xianzun.

Even three of them have the cultivation base of immortal monarchs.

Although it is difficult for the fierce beast to evolve its intelligence and transform into a human form, there is already an opportunity above the fairy.

Many of the cultivators who entered it were already lying on the ground and became corpses, and the only part left was fighting against the beasts.

The cultivation base of this group of people is not very good, and there is almost only a chance to escape.

In the moment Jiang Chen observed, seven or eight people died under the fierce beast.

If you guess right, this might be a trap set by the Suzaku clan.


Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about it.

The sky suddenly became gloomy.

Jiang Chen looked up.

A giant owl with a wingspan of more than ten meters was rushing towards Jiang Chen with two sharp claws.

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

This kind of sharp claws, if you are not careful, they will directly penetrate into the flesh and blood.

What's more, once injured, I am afraid that he will no longer be able to deal with the fierce beast inside.

Looking back at the seal.

After entering, it is almost impossible to get out of it.

Jiang Chen's eyes sank.

Instead of avoiding it, the figure rushed up, rushing straight at the giant owl, and when it moved, the phoenix shadow behind it unfolded.

In the face of these fierce beasts, the best way is to show the power of bleeding.

Use the power of blood to suppress them.


At the moment the phoenix phantom appeared.

Some surprises clearly flashed through the sharp eyes of the giant owl.

It is about to enter the fairy monarch, already possesses some wisdom.

"I want to see what is hidden here, and what kind of relationship it has with the Suzaku clan!" Jiang Chen's mouth sneered, and Fu Mujian appeared in his hand as the figure flashed.

When he was wrong with the giant owl, he seized the chance of hesitating slightly, and swung the Fu Mu Sword in his hand directly sideways.


The sword flicked across.

The giant owl wailed in pain, and was already seriously injured after being hit by Jiang Chen abruptly.

Just as Jiang Chen was about to inflict another severe injury, he suddenly saw a figure falling out of the giant owl's slit abdomen and fell to the ground.

Jiang Chen didn't care.

Fu Mujian waved again, directly splitting the giant owl in half.

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing at the man whose whole body was covered with mucus.

This kind of cultivation dared to go to the depths of the wild forest, it was no different from sending to death.

I really don’t know whether to say ignorance, blindly self-confidence in myself, or so stupid that I can’t even distinguish between safety and danger.

But when Jiang Chen saw the face under the slime, he was helpless.


"Why are you here?"

Jiang Chen swept to the ground, grabbed his arm, and asked in a low voice.

The one who was just rescued from the bird's belly was not someone else, it was Mu Youde!

Jiang Chen remembered that he defeated Elder Su Qianda as a teacher.

At this time, you should be cultivating in Qianhe Sect, how could you reach the Southern Territory within ten thousand miles and appear here.

"Jiang Chen?!"

Mu Youde also seemed very excited about the people Jiang Chen knew.

He completely ignored the slime on his body, hugged Jiang Chen fiercely, and patted his back vigorously.

At this moment, another beast resembling a lynx rushed out.

Jiang Chen hooked his finger and Fu Mujian detached directly from the scabbard and pierced into its head.

"Why are you here!"

Looking back, Mu Youde asked excitedly.

"I should have asked you this sentence."

Jiang Chen asked with a sullen face, "You didn't become a disciple under Elder Su Qianda, why did you come here?"

Thinking of what had just happened, Jiang Chen felt a little scared.

If you are not here, if you have not entered the enchantment, if you have not split the giant owl's belly, or if the immortal power has just become more powerful, just kill it directly.

It is impossible for that Mu Youde to stand in front of him now.

"I'm really bored in Qianhe Sect, so I invited Elder Su Qianda for a half-year holiday to play in the fairy world."

"After arriving in the Southern Territory, I heard that there was a mercenary town here, and I was about to join in the fun. I heard news from the forest. After following them in, they just entered the enchantment, and they were eaten by it. Inside the belly."

Mu Youde pointed to the giant owl next to him, and said aggrievedly, "If you didn't rescue me, I thought I was not saved."

"It's very dangerous here."

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly and said.

"You haven't told me what you are doing here?"

Mu Youde knew that Jiang Chen was here, which meant that he would no longer be in danger, so he quickly asked, "You are not in Wancheng Immortal Gate, how come you are here."

"One sentence or two sentences is not clear. You will follow me first. Let's go out alive from here."

Jiang Chen sighed and said lightly.

"Okay, I'll follow you."

Mu Youde agreed directly without saying a word.

"Remember, don't walk around, or even I may not be able to keep you."

Jiang Chen looked up at the surrounding situation and said.

"No problem, don't worry."

Mu Youde smiled, and then approached Jiang Chen, and asked in a low voice, "Did you find any treasures here? If you want me to say, there are so many fierce beasts here, and so many people are pouring in, you want to say that there are no treasures inside. , I don't believe it."

"You be honest."

Jiang Chen glared at him and said lightly.

Realizing that Jiang Chen was a little angry, Mu Youde swallowed and stopped talking.

Just when Jiang Chen was about to look inside again, suddenly someone rushed straight towards this side.

Jiang Chen didn't know that person.

And behind him, there are several fierce beasts in close pursuit.

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