I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 210: Three repairs

"Huh...you? Are you back?"

Suddenly, the female emperor looked at Jiang Chen, a strange color flashed in her eyes.

Her eyes were very clear and deep, like stars floating in her eyes.

"Do you know me?" Jiang Chen was stunned. He and the empress were several times apart, how could the other party know him?

Is it possible that you have admitted your mistake?

But this is impossible!

With the strength of the female emperor's cultivation, how could it be possible to admit the wrong person!

"So you are still there!"

At this moment, the face of the empress changed drastically, and a flash of panic and anger flashed in her eyes.

After taking a deep look at Jiang Chen, her figure quickly blurred until she disappeared.

At the moment when the empress disappeared, a colorful thunder appeared out of thin air, bombarding the place where the empress was before.

"This...what the **** is going on?" Jiang Chen was shocked and even more puzzled.

He didn't dare to stay for a long time, and after the confinement on his body disappeared, he rushed out of the small world of no-mind.



As a result, just after coming out of the small world, a huge palm print, like a mountain, smashed down towards Jiang Chen's heavenly spirit!

"Who!?" Jiang Chen stared at him, and punched out, **** like a bright moon, shattering the palm print.

Looking up, he saw a man wearing Jiang's robes standing in the air in Ling Ran.

"Abandoned son! Miscellaneous! Finally let me wait for you!" the man contemptuously said.

"Jiang Family!" Jiang Chen said coldly, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Sifang Temple.

Although this man's cultivation base is not high, he only has a middle position of respect.

But Jiang Chen didn't dare to stay here, let alone love war!

There is no fear of this man, but Jiang Chen is worried that if he stays here for a long time, he will attract other Jiang family powerhouses, and even Wuge people!


However, before Jiang Chen could go far, the man let out a long roar, and a large net filled with cold air manifested from the void and landed on Jiang Chen.

In an instant, a wave of cold light burst out from the network cable, and a cluster of gloomy flames burned up!

"The power of extremely Yin! Nine Nether Fire!?" Jiang Chen was shocked, the power of the mysterious yellow erupted in his body, the sun and the moon shone in his eyes, and the emperor vine rose into the sky!

The vines are like sharp blades, slashing one after another, slicing the big net into pieces.

However, that touch of extremely yin power and Jiu You Minghuo, like bone-corrupting poison, rushed into Jiang Chen's body!

"The power of extreme Yin is based on the Yin Qi contained in the corpses of tens of thousands of people. It is condensed and condensed to treat someone with a strong physical body like you!" The man chuckled softly: "As for these nine nether fires, they are enough to burn you. To ashes!"

"..." Jiang Chen naturally knew the horror of Extreme Yin's Power and Jiu Nether Fire.

But now, Jiang Chen was a little dazed.

After the extremely Yin power and Jiu Nether Fire rushed into the body, they disappeared after a few breaths.

At the same time, a coquettish flame burned in Jiang Chen's body!

This flame is like a fire phoenix, but it has a breath of immortality!

The flame is very domineering, and while burning, the power of Xuanhuang in Jiang Chen's body seems to be violent!

An incomparable scorching sensation filled the whole body, and every inch of skin shone with coquettish brilliance!

"This... is the power of my Holy Physique?" Jiang Chen secretly said, thinking about feeling it carefully, but he didn't expect the flame in his body to disappear again in an instant.




At the same time, several human figures in the distance came back here, wearing Jiang's robes one by one!

"Right from the Jiang family!? When I return to the Jiang family, I will let you all live and die!" Jiang Chen shouted angrily, shrank his ground, and rushed towards the Sifang Temple.

However, just flying out of a hundred miles away, a man suddenly appeared in front of him.

He is holding a black folding fan in his left hand and a long knife in his right hand. He is dressed in strong clothes and looks very strange.

But the breath radiating from him caused Jiang Chen's pupils to shrink suddenly!

"Noble level! Tianjiao level!" Jiang Chen stared, this person's combat power can't be measured by ordinary people's eyes!

A figure of Tianjiao level, in the same realm, is enough to push the opponent sideways!

And Jiang Chen, although his cultivation has reached the upper rank of the king realm, he is indeed weaker than the upper rank cultivator of the Tianjiao rank.

It's not that you can't beat it, but it takes a while!

At this moment, if you waste a little more time here, the more dangerous Jiang Chen will be!

"An abandoned son who was making trouble outside, he should have killed you in the first place, but now he won't have so much trouble." The man's eyes flashed with cold light, and when the folding fan in his hand was opened, a white tiger roared out!

Like a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, the trembling air is distorting, and there are more sharp golden auras, accompanied by the white tiger, like that sword formation, pressing down towards Jiang Chen cover!

"Painting artist?" Jiang Chen whispered, "Do you have to do double cultivation of painting skills?"

"Oh, if you met me today, you are unlucky. I will take your life away." The man contemptuously said, after hitting a blow, he stopped doing it.

In his eyes, this white tiger and this square sword formation were enough to kill Jiang Chen!

"I don't even dare to accept my life this day." Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and struck out a fist straight, without fancy.

However, such a simple punch, like a big sun, shattered the white tiger, and even the sword formation!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen rushed out like a tiger, with Shen Xi shining all over his body, and the power of Xuan Huang, even more like a tsunami, roaring on his body.

Shrinking the ground and displaying it, he crossed a distance of 100 meters in the blink of an eye and rushed in front of the man.

Without waiting for the other party's reaction, Jiang Chen lifted a palm, and a vine burst out of his palm!


This man is very strong. Although it was too late to react, he instinctively threw out the folding fan in his hand, and in the panic in his mouth, there was an invisible sound wave erupting!

"Painting, art, reading, three repairs!?" Jiang Chen was shocked. These people, no matter where they are, are the top evildoers!

Jiang Chen really did not expect that this man was caught off guard during the third cultivation. He was hit by an invisible mental force, and his mind was blank in an instant!

Almost instantly, the man reacted, and when the folding fan was unfolded, a flood dragon roared out of it.

The dragon's tail swept across, rolled up the wind, and a purple thunder burst from the dragon's mouth!




After several bursts of sound, Jiang Chen was swept by the dragon's tail and flew out, and his chest was even more pierced by the purple thunder!

"So strong!" Jiang Chen was shocked, his body was covered with a layer of flame, that was the power of his own Eucharist!

The flames burned like light rain and Shenxi, and the injuries healed in an instant!

However, Jiang Chen was not in love, turned and flew towards the distance!

He already felt that there was a few extremely strong auras, and he was approaching here quickly!

"I still want to run!?"

"Draw the ground as a prison!"

"Spirit Storm!"


The man yelled a few loudly, and the pen and ink made of spiritual power manifested beside Jiang Chen, and a cage was up and down, trapping Jiang Chen in it.

At the same time, the spiritual power turned into a storm, and under the howling, I wanted to crush Jiang Chen!

"What are you!? I want to go, you can stop it!?" Jiang Chen shouted angrily, punching out, and the prison was in front of him, like paper, and it broke!

As for that spiritual storm, Jiang Chen directly chose to ignore it!

Before, I was caught off guard, and this was the epicenter of the spirit.

Now, Jiang Chen is prepared, and his soul will not tremble even if he allows this mental power to strike!

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