I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 826: Soul Eater

After ten breaths, someone went up again in the ring.

And this time, it was a duel between Mu Xingyun and Chen Zhulu!

"Who is this guy? After encountering Chen Zhulu, I guess he will be defeated in a few rounds."

"It's not a nameless rat, how can it be Chen Zhulu's opponent."


All around, there was endless ridicule and contempt.

Because they only know Chen Zhulu, they only know that Chen Zhulu is very strong, but they don't know Mu Xingyun!

Similarly, even Jiang Chen doesn't know how strong Mu Xingyun is now.

"As my old enemy, don't let me down." Jiang Chen whispered.

However, what is surprising is that as soon as Mu Xingyun entered the ring, he smiled and said, "I admit defeat and admit defeat."

As soon as these words came out, a group of people couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Anyhow, you should also take a shot, just give up like this, don't you fear to be embarrassed? !

Only Jiang Chen was very calm, he had known Mu Xingyun would be like this a long time ago.

Jiang Chen knew very well that Mu Xingyun was very tolerant and never did anything unsure.

Perhaps, Mu Xingyun's battle, fighting to the end, can defeat Chen Zhulu.

However, that is not in line with Mu Xingyun's style of behavior.

If he makes a move, he has a 100% chance of winning!

"You are so steady."

At this moment, Jiang Chen looked at Mu Xingyun who was back to him, and said, "Don't be faceless?"

"What's the use of face?" Mu Xingyun smiled, seemingly indifferent: "If you want to worry about face, my life is long gone."

"I hate you very much." Jiang Chen seemed to be joking, and said: "You are too steady and tolerant. Sometimes I also think, maybe one day, you will really die in your hands."

"Don't worry, if there really is such a day, I will give you a happy one." Mu Xingyun joked.

"Boss, it's me."

At this moment, Jiang Liu whispered softly, and then stepped onto the ring.

His opponent is not someone else, but the descendant of the **** emperor who arrived last!

"Be careful." Jiang Chen exhorted: "This guy has a problem."

"Okay." Jiang Liu looked solemn, after all, no matter who it is, when facing the descendants of the **** emperor, he will not be relaxed.

Afterwards, Jiang Liu stood on the ring, and the descendant of the **** emperor also came.

"Go down by yourself." The descendant of the God Emperor raised his eyebrows and said contemptuously: "You all know who I am, and you don't have to doubt my strength. You are not my opponent."

"How can I know if I haven't played!" Jiang Liu is honest and honest, since he has been in the ring, he must fight for a fight!

If not, what are you doing in the ring? Come to show your face?

"Oh, I don't know how to live or die." The descendant of the **** emperor smiled contemptuously, and his figure suddenly disappeared!



The next moment, when he appeared again, an explosion sounded.

I saw his palm hit Jiang Liu's body abruptly!

"Fast speed!"

"The power of this palm... people of the same realm may not be able to stop it."


Everyone was amazed. Although they had never personally experienced the power of that palm, they could still feel it.

However, what is surprising is that Jiang Liu stood still, motionless.

Even Jiang Chen looked at the palm of his hand with doubts on his face, and subconsciously asked, "Is this over?"


"No?! Hardly shake the hand of the descendant of the **** emperor, unexpectedly unscathed!?"


At this moment, the audience shouted in exclamation, and some people kept wiping their eyes, suspecting that they were mistaken!

Even the descendant of the **** emperor was stunned for a moment, looking at the motionless river in front of him, wondering if his palm was wrong?

"As for the descendants of the **** emperor, if I only have this strength, then I won the battle." Jiang Liu was very direct and never said anything lie.


When the voice fell, I saw Jiang Liu directly fell with a punch, blasting the descendant of the **** emperor away!

Immediately, he strode out like a wild beast!

Its body exudes a red golden brilliance, and the whole body is like pouring gold!

"This is... a powerful force!"

"The blood rushes into the sky, and the body is pure gold. This is... the Primordial Saint Body!?"


Some people have insight into the physique of the river, but they are still not optimistic about the river.

After all, the four descendants of the God Emperor are not a joke!


Suddenly, the river stopped in place, and blood spurted out of the mouth without warning.

He lowered his head in a daze, and touched the place where he had been hit by the descendant of the **** emperor before, and a glimmer of coldness flashed in his eyes!

"You, despicable!" Jiang Liu said coldly, staring at the descendant of the **** emperor not far away.

"It's only about the outcome, regardless of the process and the means, don't you know this?" The descendant of the **** emperor jokingly said: "Go on!"

After all, I saw him hit out with a palm, and his palm print was like a cloud, directly shaking the river out of the ring!

Jiang Chen rushed over, caught Jiang Liu, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That kid, poison!" Jiang Liu said solemnly, "As the Primordial Holy Physique, I'm logically non-invasive, but that kid's poison is a little weird!"

"Poisoned?" Jiang Chen stared, and hurriedly probed the situation of Jiang Liu.

After a few breaths, Jiang Chen suppressed the toxins in Jiang's fluid with an unquenchable fire, but was unable to eradicate them!

"This kind of poison... Soul Eater!" Jiang Chen's expression was extremely cold, and he said, "This is a drug control! It was forbidden to use it thousands of years ago!"

"Boss, what will this Soul Eater do to me?" Jiang Liu worried.

He also felt that this soul eating poison could not be eradicated!

"I can't help you detox, you have to take an antidote!" Jiang Chen said: "Moreover, once you are infected with Soul Eater, you will not only not be able to use the power in your body, let alone practice, otherwise the Soul Eater will burst Devour your soul and body!"

"Ah?! So insidious!?" Jiang Liu's face collapsed.

On the other side, the descendant of the **** emperor stepped off the ring and came to Jiang Liu jokingly, saying: "Kneel down and say something nice, I can help you detoxify."

"You dream!" Jiang Liu scolded angrily: "Even if I am dead, I won't kneel on you!"

"Okay, then wait for you to die." The descendant of the **** emperor smiled, shrugged, and said: "It's a sordid fate. If you die, you will die."

"You, very good!" Jiang Chen got up, stared, and there seemed to be thunder roaring deep in his eyes!

He stared at the descendant of the **** emperor, and after a few breaths, he said: "If he is dead, even if you are the descendant of the **** emperor, you have to bury him!"

"Just you? The next true god?" The descendant of the **** emperor said contemptuously: "If you meet me next time, I will also let you feel the taste of soul-eater."

"I also look forward to meeting you." Jiang Chen said coldly: "If you meet, I will control your life and death!"

"Arrogant." The descendant of the **** emperor raised his eyebrows and said: "Just say this to you, I won't give you the antidote to Soul Eater, so let you, a good brother, wait for death."

"You will give it, I'm sure." Jiang Chen whispered, pointing to the gate of Haotian City, and said: "Unless you leave here, you will definitely give me the antidote!"

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