I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 829: High above

"On the ring is just a clone!?"


Everyone was moved, and it was impossible to imagine how confident this would be before sending a clone to participate in the Haotian Conference!

At this moment, the main body in the sky looked down at Jiang Chen, with a trace of imperial intent on his body, giving people a feeling of incomparability.

He didn't get down, still standing in the air, coldly said: "It's ants, I disdain to fight with you, and you are not qualified to fight with me."

"If I were an ant, what would you be?" Jiang Chen stared at the subject and said, "Aren't you dare to fight me?"

"You are too humble, too humble." The subject said, his expression calm, as if he was saying something very normal.

"I am a descendant of the **** emperor, and you are just a lower true god, grasshopper ant."

"Of course, I'm not targeting you, I mean everyone present."


At the beginning, everyone felt that this person was right, and that the identity of the descendant of the **** emperor was indeed high enough!

But when the last sentence came out, the whole audience was blown up!

I'm all grass mustard? Are they all ants?

"Speak with strength!" Tianzi said coldly: "Regardless of your identity, your attitude is too high!"

"Oh, I can't get used to it either." Chen Zhulu whispered, his eyes drooping slightly, and a war intent broke out on his body!

If it hadn't been in the fight now, his opponent would be Jiang Chen, otherwise Chen Zhulu would definitely go up and fight him!



At this moment, all of a sudden, an explosion sounded in the ring.

Everyone looked at it for a moment, only to see Jiang Chen slapped against the clone with a fist!

After an explosion, the clone exploded, turned into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared invisible!

"Do you dare to cut my clone!?" The main body in the air had an extremely cold expression, and the aura on his body was even more volatile.

That is the clone that he turned into with blood, and if the clone is killed, he will also be affected in some way!

Of course, this is not the key.

The key is face!

He is the descendant of the divine emperor, aloft, and his words and deeds represent the divine emperor.

But now, someone dared to kill his clone in front of him!

"It seems that my clan hasn't been born for a long time, and the world has forgotten the brilliance that I waited for." This person whispered, staring at Jiang Chen, and said: "The face of the **** emperor should not be humiliated!"

"What are you? It's just a monk like me." Jiang Chen contemptuously said: "The **** emperor is not you, you are just one of his disciples."

"If the **** emperor does not come out, I will represent the **** emperor!" said the young man, and then slowly fell on the ring.

He looked at Jiang Chen and his expression returned to calm again.

I can't see the emotions, anger, sorrow, or the thoughts in his heart.

So indifferent, indifferent to indifference.

When looking at Jiang Chen, he seemed to be looking at a piece of grass, an ant, or dust.

"Kneel down."

After a few breaths, the descendant of the **** emperor spoke, protruding out with a palm, the brilliance in the palm flickered, like the sun, moon and stars are annihilating!

Its strength is very strong, and the coercion under one palm shakes the entire ring!

"Kneel? Are you qualified?" Jiang Chen whispered, the sound of dragons and tigers inside his body roared, and roses bloomed in front of him!

Dancing with both hands, pinching fist marks, and then pushing out horizontally!

A punch with his left hand is like a real dragon, and the dragon's voice is shaking the sky!

A punch with his right hand was like a tiger, and the tiger roared!

Shen Xi is exuding all over his body, especially the spine and ribs, as if there is a universe hidden in it!



In the next moment, the palms of the fists collided in the air, and Jiang Chen's fists were like a big river in the sound of dragons and tigers, breaking the palm prints of the other party.


The descendants of the **** emperor stared, and it seemed that Jiang Chen would dare to resist!

Afterwards, he nodded and said: "There are two things, the lower true **** has this strength, but he is qualified to follow me and be my servant."

"Don't be so shameless! What are you!? Let my boss be your servant!?" Jiang Liu couldn't stand it under the ring. This descendant of the **** emperor was too capable of pretending.

Even Ruo Xiao, who was still seriously injured, rolled his eyes.

I have seen one that can be installed, but I have never seen one that can be installed like this!

"The tone is comparable to athlete's foot!" Jiang Chen was cold, and under the shock of his body, the Emperor Vine appeared behind him!

A vine covering the sky, due to the magic power of ascending soul, now seems to have mutated, and is about to turn into an ancient tree!

The branches and leaves are luxuriant, the vines look like a dragon, and the purple golden Shenxi is beating!

On those rattans, it seemed that what was hanging was not leaves, but stars!

"Oh? Emperor Vine?"

"This is... It is said that only those who have the appearance of the emperor can have the soul of the emperor vine!"


Many people exclaimed, and they discovered that Jiang Chen's imperial vine is very special, almost becoming an ancient tree!



The next moment, a long sound rang, and a cluster of flames erupted from Jiang Chen's body and rushed straight into the sky!

In an instant, the flames fell from the clouds, and a fiery red phoenix landed on the cane of the emperor vine.

"Twin Dao Soul!?"

"Good fellow! Rare through the ages!"


Everyone is moved, twin Dao souls, and they are all top Dao souls!

At this moment, everyone woke up, Jiang Chen is really strong!

"Is this all your hole cards?"

However, the descendant of the **** emperor was very contemptuous, jokingly: "I'm afraid it's not enough."



When the voice fell, he saw the runes manifest on his body, rushing into the air, and then a huge sword appeared!

The giant sword is covered with lines, as if engraved with scriptures, and even the sound of chanting.

The sword glow was dazzling, comparable to Yaoyang, and with a general trend, it locked Jiang Chen and slowly fell down!

"The descendant of the emperor? Heh..." Jiang Chen snorted softly, his body moved in an instant!

I saw wings growing behind it, and the soul of the immortal bird possessed its body, braving the fire of immortality!

The emperor vine turned into a battle armor, and a purple-gold radiance enveloped Jiang Chen!

Afterwards, Jiang Chen rushed forward, without a trace of fancy, pinching his fist marks and heading straight for the giant sword in the air!

In the eyes of everyone, only a purple-golden light rushed into the sky, followed by an explosion, and the huge sword in the air was shattered!

In the next moment, before everyone reacted, Jiang Chen was like a mountain, suppressed from the air!

The spine is shaking, and the dragon veins are roaring!

The ribs seemed to be beating the drums, and the roses appeared behind Jiang Chen, like a comet, dragging a tasted bright tail.

"There are many methods, but it's a pity that you can only use brute force." The descendant of the **** emperor said contemptuously: "Leave aside the divine skills, how many Tao skills can you master?"

"Only relying on your own strength, without knowing how to use it, or using magical skills, you will not be able to exert its power to the limit."

"Compared with me, you are far behind. And you can't imagine how deep and strong the lineage of the **** emperor is."


The descendants of the **** emperor stood in place, spitting fragrance, as if they were complimenting themselves, and as if they were telling everyone how extraordinary he was.

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