I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 833: Sister supports you

"You, the master of Jueying Sect, used to be a registered disciple of my Xuanzhen Sect at the beginning, do you know that?" said the elder of Xuanzhen Sect.

"And one of your elders from Kunlun Mountain, who also practiced in my Tianfuzong at the beginning!"

"An ancestor of Aolai Tianmen, who practiced the formation technique in our formation thousands of years ago."


At this moment, the three elders said repeatedly, this clearly shows that they are oppressing people!




Kunlun Mountain, Jueying Gate, the three powerhouses who came to Tianmen proudly, couldn't say a word for a while!

What can you say?

I said nothing!

Those big men in their own family are still disciples of these three sects!

Now, they are about to build a relationship, how can this be done?

"I said, don't talk about it, it's all the past." The strong man of Jueyingmen said solemnly: "Let's just talk about this now!"

"Now? Now this matter is also very clear, he is a registered disciple of my Tianfuzong!"

"Yes! If you dare to steal, we dare to protect the calf!"


The elders of the three sects were very hard-hearted, and did not back down in the slightest!

All of a sudden, the other three were gone.

Do you really want to tear your skin?

But you have to know that the three sects of Tianfuzong, Formation Sect, and Xuanzhenzong have very special status in the Nine Heavens God Realm.

Without a last resort, no one wants to provoke them.

"Three, just do things, my **** emperor clan will support you!" The descendant of the **** emperor suddenly said, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he took out the **** emperor token and said: "This token is in hand, what I said, As the **** emperor's own words!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the audience seemed a bit depressed.

It's because Kunlun Mountain, the three sects of Aolai Tianmen and Jueyingmen are all strong and top-notch.

They have their own worries, and don't want to get too close with the **** emperor clan, so as not to cause some unnecessary troubles.

However, they really want to get the Haotian Stone!

After ten breaths, the strong man of Jueying Sect opened his mouth and said, "Today, the three sects of Tianfuzong, Formation Sect, and Xuanzhen Sect, I won't give you the face of Jueying Sect!"

"Hey! Be careful when you speak! Jueyingmen is not your decision!" Lou Ying looked ugly, staring at the strong man at Jueyingmen, and said, "Can this matter be approved by my father?"

"Naturally." The strong man of Jueying Sect nodded, saluted Lou Ying, and respectfully said: "Without the permission of the Sect Master, the subordinates would not dare to come here."

"Huh? No?" Lou Ying was stunned, he didn't even know about it, and his father hadn't told him!

"Young Master, now there is a family of God Emperors who are supporting us, so why not be afraid of these three sects." said the strong man of Jueying Sect.

Lou Ying frowned when she heard the words, and she didn't know what was thinking in her heart.

On the other side, after the two strong men heard the words of the strong man at the Jueying Gate, they hesitated for a while, and they also spoke one after another, saying that they had robbed them today!

"But you can't do it here!" The elder of Tianfuzong raised his eyebrows: "If you don't let him go, we won't go, let's see who consumes whom!"

"That's right, I can't do anything in Vast Sky City anyway, it's a big deal that I've been spending time here." The elder of Xuanzhenzong said, smiling at Jiang Chen, and said: "The named disciple is also a disciple, don't worry, there are three of us here, Keep you okay."

"Thank you three." Jiang Chen whispered softly, but he was inexplicably palpitated in his heart.

He has a feeling that today this thing will not be so simple!

"Divine Emperor token, what rules can be restrained?" The descendant of Divine Emperor raised his eyebrows, looked around, and said: "Do you all know the meaning of Divine Emperor token?"

As soon as this word came out, everyone fell silent.

Just because, as this young man said, holding the Divine Emperor token, all the rules of the world can be broken!

This is the power of the **** emperor!

At this moment, I saw Kunlun Mountain proudly coming to Tianmen, and the three strongest members of Jueyingmen took a step forward and walked towards Jiang Chen.

Since there is a **** emperor token backing up, then in this Haotian city, you can do it!

"What are you going to do!? Do you really want to do it!?" The elder of Tianfuzong's expression changed drastically and warned: "Don't come! Believe it or not, I yell, some of the strong come out to help!"

"Yes! Don't mess around!"


The three elders of Xuanzhenzong, Zhenzong, and Tianfuzong were anxious, with cold sweat on their foreheads.

They are elders, but they are majoring in formations and talisman. If they are fighting against people, if they are not prepared, they are afraid that they will lose the three in front of them!

"There is a kind of waiting for me to set up the formation, you will do it again!" The elder of the formation was anxious, and hard-handed words could not stop the three!

"Dare to give me thirty breath time! When this seat condenses the talisman, one person will suppress the three of you!" The elder of the Tianfuzong was also anxious, and his hands had already begun to seal.

However, those three knew the power of the Heavenly Talisman Sect, the Formation Sect, and the Xuanzhen Sect. How could they give them time to lay out the talisman?



In an instant, only three of them made a move, the speed was so fast, like thunder!

With three palms, Jiang Chen was forced to leave!

"Don't hurt his life!"

"Don't kill him!"


At the same time, Chen Zhulu, Lou Ying, and the emperor hurriedly spoke.

They couldn't help much, but somehow they could save Jiang Chen's life.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was a little desperate, and even more helpless, feeling helpless.

This is the disparity. Without the strength, if you are talented, you will not be able to compete with the real powerhouse.



However, before the palms of these three people hit Jiang Chen, a burst of air suddenly appeared!

Immediately afterwards, a red diamond burst through the air, like a red thunder, which instantly rolled up Jiang Chen and pulled him aside.

Then, a beautiful woman volleyed from a distance, her red dress was very eye-catching!

"Even my junior brother dare to bully?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen looked up, his eyes flashed with excitement, and said excitedly: "Senior Sister!"

"Little Junior Brother, what's the matter with you, why is someone asking you for trouble again."

At the same time, the smiling **** appeared, following Hong Lingsha with a smile on his face.

"Smiling God!? Hongling!?"


Everyone exclaimed, many people didn't know that the smiling **** and Hongling both came out of Tongtianjiao!

However, the three powerhouses of Kunlun Mountain, Jueying Gate, and Aolai Tianmen didn't care.

They stared at the two Hongling, without a trace of fear or dread.

Just because their own strength is strong enough!

"Smiling God, Hong Ling, do you two want to keep this kid?"

"This matter is actually very simple, as long as he handed over the Haotian Stone, everything is easy to say."


The three said.

"Little Junior Brother, do you give them the Haotian Stone?" Smiling Tianshen asked with a smile.

Jiang Chen heard this, shook his head, and said, "I don't want to give it to them."

"Then don't give it." Hongling came to Jiang Chen and touched Jiang Chen's head fondly, and said: "Senior Sister will support you."

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