I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 843: eccentric

Are you good at kidnapping?

Jiang Chen immediately responded with a serious voice: "The King of God is upright and never does those things!"

After all, Jiang Chen withdrew from the soul world.

Then, he got up suddenly and whispered: "I know you have been paying attention to me. I am going to Tongtian to teach. Are you sure?"

"Quasi, I'll accompany you." The red voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear, and he appeared next to Jiang Chen as soon as the voice fell.

After that, before Jiang Chen could react, the red-clothed big hand waved, and the surrounding starry sky fought around, which actually tore the void directly, and came to the gate of Tongtian Sect in an instant!

"You... don't you ask me what I am doing here?" Jiang Chen whispered.

"If you don't tell me, why should I ask?" Hong Yi raised her eyebrows and said, "I am here to accompany you. I am worried that you will not leave after you come."

"I was originally a disciple of Tongtian Sect!" Jiang Chen said sternly.

However, after saying this, Jiang Chen saw that Hong Yi's face changed, a little gloomy.

In an instant, Jiang Chen's mind was tense, and he hurriedly said, "That...I am also a named disciple of the Torudi Sect...hehe..."

"Little Junior Brother! You are finally back!"

"Did you bring us good things? You don't know, we are all starving to death!"


At this moment, Da Xiong and others rushed out, after all, with their strength, someone outside the mountain gate could be detected in an instant.

However, what they didn't expect was that this time the red shirt also came!

"I have seen Sect Master Torudi."

"I have seen the Red Sect Master."


Da Xiong and the others looked weird, but they were also polite. After all, the identity of the other party was the same as Song Tingtao, the master of the same sect.

"Senior brother and sister, I didn't bring anything with me this time." Jiang Chen was embarrassed.

At the beginning, I had promised to come back from the Chudizong inflection point to pay tribute to the Tongtian Sect.

But after so long, Jiang Chen came empty-handed.

"It's okay, it's okay that Junior Brother can come back." Hong Lingsha said, walking to Jiang Chen's front dotingly and touching Jiang Chen's head.

Jiang Chen is also used to it, and he can feel that Hong Lingsha really treats him as her own brother.

However, the red shirt on the side was a little uncomfortable, and whispered: "A man's head, do you just touch it casually?"

"You..." A cold light flashed in Hong Lingsha's eyes, but due to Hong Yi's strength, he didn't say much, just glared at Jiang Chen, as if to say: OK, is your woman so stingy?

"Senior brothers and sisters, I'm here this time...cough cough... I want to ask you for something." Jiang Chen blushed and said weakly.

As soon as these words came out, Luo Shu and others did not ask Jiang Chen's purpose this time, and they agreed.

"I want some Daoyuan..." Jiang Chen watched everyone agree and said his purpose.




At this moment, Luo Shu and others exclaimed, staring at Jiang Chen one by one, like... anti-thief!

"I said, Junior Brother, you don’t have to bring anything back. You still want to deduct things from Tongtian Sect and return it?" Daxiong said angrily, "Don’t you know what your family’s conditions are? Now the whole Tongtian Sect, except for a blessed place. , Nothing else!"

"That's right, if you didn't bring back things, don't say, but still want to go along with something, the key is Daoyuan!? Little Junior Brother, what do you think?"


Even the smiling **** spoke up, pointed at the Tongtian Sect, and said, "Do you think there is a source of Tao in the Tongtian Sect?"

"Isn't there one more drop?" Hong Lingsha smiled: "Little Junior Brother just give it to him if he wants it. We don't need it either."

"I said, Senior Sister, this is your fault, that Dao Yuan logically kept it for me." Smiling Tianshen hurriedly said: "I am also your junior, you can't be so partial!"

"Yes, there are two drops left, one for senior brother, and one for me. We will use it when we encounter bottlenecks in the future, or when we merge the spirit body," Daxiong said.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up and said, "There are two drops!?"

"Ah? Are there two drops? I always thought there was only one drop." Hong Lingsha smiled and looked at Daxiong, and said: "Junior Daxiong is still upright."

"I'll take it!" Daxiong reacted, and secretly said that he was really good at his mouth!

At this moment, Jiang Chen rubbed his hands, looked at Hong Lingsha, blinked his "pure" eyes, and said, "Sister, can you help a bunch of younger brothers?"

"What the younger brother wants, of course I have to give it." Hong Lingsha said, eyes full of doting.

After that, Hong Lingsha looked at Luo Shu again, squinted, and said: "Brother, now the master is not here, the great elder is in seclusion, now you have the final say about Tongtian Sect."

"Now, Junior Brother wants Daoyuan, will you give it?"


Luo Shu, Hong Lingsha now can't use Daoyuan, after all, their cultivation base is almost the same, although Daoyuan is useful, but the effect is not great.

Therefore, Luo Shuben didn't care about Daoyuan.

However, everyone knows the conditions of Tongtianjiao, that is the two-drop Taoyuan that everyone spends frugally with!

This is for Smiley God and Big Bear!

Logically speaking, Jiang Chen couldn't give Daoyuan if he wanted it.

But everyone knows that now this Tongtian Sect, Song Tingtao is not there, and Lao Chai is in retreat, and Luo Shu is in charge.

And no one knows Luoshu's feelings for Honglingsha.

It can be said that the person in charge of the Tongtian Sect is Honglingsha!

"Little Junior Brother wants it, just give it to him." Luo Shu said with a smile: "Junior sister, what you say is what you say."

"Brother! I..." The smiling **** is anxious, but he is about to break through, and is planning to use Daoyuan to stabilize his spiritual foundation!

"That...cough cough...Since the senior brother and sister have spoken, I...my drop will be given to the little junior brother. Anyway, my spirit body is still very small, so I won't use it temporarily." Daxiong said, feeling wronged Anxious!

"Unknown, you don't seem to understand what I mean." Hong Lingsha came to the smiling god's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Come on, go to the back mountain, senior sister and you have a good talk."

"Senior Sister...cough cough... Since the younger brother wants Daoyuan, just give it to him, don't have to talk to me." The smiling **** is stiff, dare you go to the back mountain? !

If this goes, I am afraid that Hong Lingsha will give the fat a beating!

Besides, if Daoyuan is gone, you can continue to look for it. With the strength of Luoshu Red Lingsha, going out and looking for a drop of Daoyuan back is not easy, but it's not difficult.

"Here, take it."

After more than ten breaths, Luo Shu brought the two drops of Daoyuan from the treasure house of Tongtianjiao and handed them to Jiang Chen.

The smiling gods and Daxiong on the side were all smiles. They didn't dare to say more, but they felt wronged to the extreme in their hearts!

"Thank you brother and sister, when the younger brother is successful in cultivation in the future, I will definitely not forget everyone!" Jiang Chen solemnly said.

Having said that, Jiang Chen subconsciously said: "I will buy a blessed place for you all!"

Like I have nine female apprentices, please collect them: (wuxiaspot.com) I have nine female apprentices whose literature is updated the fastest.

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